Poll: Have you had Covid?

Have you had Covid?

  • Yes

    Votes: 221 55.4%
  • No

    Votes: 178 44.6%

  • Total voters
First time in July. DW hasn’t had it as far as we know. Effects were pretty mild for me. Only reason I know I had it was my young adult son was sick a few days after me so we both went in and we tested positive. There was one night that I probably ran a low fever.
I have had it twice. First time was after 2 covid shots. It was not a big issue. Sore legs, listless for 3 or 4 days.

Second time was this past July. I would not of known I had it if I had not done the covid test. It was after attending a wedding where a a fair percentage of guess contracted covid.
I currently have it, proven by 2 separate tests.

Annoying as I'm pretty careful, wear a mask, don't seek out crowds, etc..

I think nearly everyone will eventually get it at least once, because it's going to be around for many years.
My partner is a teacher so I was destined to get it. In Hawaii teachers got the vaccine before anyone else so I drove her to get her vaccine very early March of 2021. It was surreal with the national guard handling everything. I had to wait for mine.

We dutifully waited and boosted accordingly but she got covid from a kid in May 2022. I tested positive a few days later.

I don't want to start a political debate. I don't care what anyone else thinks or what any government should do. My covid symptoms were very minor, probably because I took the vaccines. I felt far worse the day after each vaccine but I think that is the price we pay.

I should add that my partner got it a second time earlier this year from a kid but I never tested positive in spite of taking no precautions around her.
Never had COVID.

Never vaxxed. Never even wore a mask- not once.
We both have had it. We both were fully vaccinated. Symptoms were like a cold.

Same here, early in 2023.

I would never have known it was Covid if I hadn’t tested. I only tested because I happened to have some free test kits left. Just like a cold it cleared up in a few days and on day 6 I tested negative.
No, but many (most?) friends and acquaintances have -some several times. Got the Pfizer and first booster but none since. Only wore a mask when "required." Someone I was dating for a while had it and I don't know how I didn't get it from her -I tried . A little curious if I had asymptomatic but doubt it. When exposed and/or have had any cold symptoms I took home tests and always negative.
It can be frustrating when people compare their experience with you and call you a wimp. I think that phrase was used elsewhere in this thread.

Look at W2R's experience, or Another Reader. They've had different but very serious cases. My case is nothing like theirs. I appreciate them sharing that this isn't "just like a cold." We're all different.

It is the luck of the draw.

The only kerfuffle between DW and myself over the last year was when we had Covid, and she accused me of having a self-centered pity party, and I wasn't giving her enough compassion. After all, we both have it, right?

Well I had fever for 2 more days than her, I lost my taste and smell, and I tested positive for 5 more days than her. Mine was worse, and I accused her of not having compassion.:angel: We eventually made up over it.

It became obvious to her that Covid differs when her sister got it (we all three got it at the same time) and SIL tested positive only 1 day, didn't have a fever, and just had about 5 hours of aches. That was it! Three people, same source (tour bus), three different outcomes.

BTW, if we hadn't gotten SIL to test for it, she never would have known she had it. The only reason she noticed her short lived symptoms was because we "interrogated" her about it.
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It can be frustrating when people compare their experience with you and call you a wimp. I think that phrase was used elsewhere in this thread.

Look at W2R's experience, or Another Reader. They've had different but very serious cases. My case is nothing like theirs. I appreciate them sharing that this isn't "just like a cold." We're all different.

It is the luck of the draw.

I don't see anyone in this thread using a phrase including the word wimp.

However, I completely agree with you on it being the luck of the draw on how bad one's symptoms were. Our son's experience was similar to that of W2R, over 2 weeks in ICU including 3 days on a ventilator. My sister and her household all caught the same variant - Delta - a few weeks before him and while they were pretty sick they did not need hospitalization.
I don't see anyone in this thread using a phrase including the word wimp.

Oh, I need more coffee. I apologize! I wasn't accusing anyone here of calling someone else a wimp. Geez, I gotta stop posting for a while.

Someone called themselves a wimp on the other Covid thread.

Now onto my self imposed time out. Really sorry I came across badly.
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Had it once, this summer, on our 4th cruise since Covid started. Had many vaccinations so it was short and mild.
My wife and I both followed all the suggestions from the beginning. We wore masks anytime around others, social distanced, avoided crowds, etc. and have had all the shots and boosters. Being in our mid to late 70s, have a close friend who is seriously immunocompromised, and not interested in taking the chance with long Covid then it makes sense for us. We have not traveled except for a few trips in which we drove to the mountains for some hiking.
So far we have enjoyed our retirement and not had to give up our hobbies. No Covid yet. We would like to keep it that way.

I voted "no" but actually have no idea if I ever had it. I went back to work in November 2020 as a contractor and spent a great deal of time in small cleanrooms with recycled air right next to others who went absent for weeks afterwards because they had COVID. DW had COVID and we didn't take any heroic measures to stay completely separated. There were a few times when I had flu like symptoms but never bad enough to from keep me from work or life's normal daily activities.
Yes. We had it when it was an upper respiratory illness and we didn't have those symptoms. It was early 2020 before losing taste and smell was a symptom. We both had that, my smell recently returned.
Pretty certain we both had it late December 2019, but good luck actually proving it.
DH and I took the test because we had a relative staying with us. No symptoms but to be on the safe side. Both positive. Took the test twice, and no symptoms, positive.
Neither DW nor I ever had symptoms, and during 20 and 21, we had to do a lot of testing in connection with our traveling. (And chose to test prior to visiting our parents as well) Thus, I voted "no."

Truly bizarre that we don't appear to have caught it, given our activities during 20 and 21. If anyone "deserved" to get it, it was us.

FWIW, we did get Moderna shots--I think a total of 4. Several of the countries that we visited in 2021 and 2022, along with the Antarctic cruise and one of the liveaboard diveboats, required proof of mRNA shots (and negative test).
Pretty certain we both had it late December 2019, but good luck actually proving it.

I thought I had it in June 2020. Slight fever, night sweats, extreme fatigue, light headedness, but no respiratory issues.

Went to the doc. Didn't pass the temperature test to get in the door. Waited a while and temp went down. Got in to the doc - they didn't check me for Covid. Did blood work - found liver enzymes way out of whack.

Told me to hydrate and relax at home until symptoms subside.

I got better in about a week. Prior to this episode I was on meds to eliminate toe fungus - possible side effects are liver issues, especially if not hydrating enough. Meds ran out around doc visit. Doc didn't confirm or deny this side effect as cause.

I had an upcoming appt with foot dr. I suspected that they would want me to go back on the toe fungus meds, so I got a Covid antibody test to see if I had had Covid when I sick earlier.

Antibody test was negative, so I suspected my sickness was due to meds. And I explained this to foot dr and they didn't put me back on the meds.

Haven't been sick since, even when DW had Covid.

But maybe the antibody test was wrong and I did have Covid. Who knows.
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I'm happy for you :flowers:

Since some people get it and have no symptoms, anyone could have had it and not know.

I used to say: "Never knowingly had COVID"

I never did any of the home tests. Apparently the only time I was ever tested for Covid, was in the emergency room right after arriving by ambulance. So anyway, I'm completely sure you're right, I could have had it previously and never knew I did until I got sick enough to be transported to the ER.
Well unless you test daily, who even knows if/when they have ever had it? DH and I both tested positive right after New Years 2023.

Had spent the weekend at DD house for a storm delayed Christmas celebration. Very elderly relative died 4 days later. Because DD had displayed a slight cough and irritated throat we decided to test ourselves. We would be seeing a lot of very elderly family at the funeral. We felt fine.BOTH of us tested positive. Slight throat tickle and a couple days of tiredness followed the positive test.

We sent our apologies to his cousins and skipped the funeral of course. On the light side I told hubby we should save the test sticks and use them as an I don't want to go somewhere excuse.
DH and I haven't had it yet, that we know about! We are both multiply vaccinated although my last booster was in early August, 2023 before the new variant was included.

Yesterday I started with a head cold moving to chest cold with cough. So I just took a covid test.

Negative! :clap:

I may test again if symptoms get worse.
The wide range of responses to covid tells me there are more comorbidity factors waiting to be distilled from patient data. I've heard diabetes and age are two. A link with a prior virus would not surprise me, so, perhaps people who had caught the flu of (fill in the year) will have relatively mild covid symptoms.
I had it. My DH did not get it even though I did not isolate at home. We are both fully vaxed. I refer to it as the BEAST! I was miserable but thankful that I did not have to be hospitalized.

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