Siblings shared financial responsibilty to widowed mother

Again thank you for all of your replies. This has given me a lot to think about. I think Teacher Terry best summed it up for me by making me think I am trying to solve a problem that may never exist. My siblings and I have talked in general terms about finances but did not discuss setting up a fund. I can see where, as Rodi mention, resentment brewing among the siblings over money issues.

Also Youbet mentioned time & effort vs money becoming more of an issue. We sort of experienced that with our dad’s recent illness and passing. Two of us live close by and spent a considerable amount of time involved in my dad’s care with hospital stays, doctor visits and home care. The two out of state siblings visited and helped out when they could but even though it was nice to have relief it did create some underlying tension. And we do have time before dealing with any financial issues. Maybe we (the four kids) can open the discussion now and revisit it every few years as things change.

Euro mentioned not having a problem pitching in for his in-laws care. I posed the same question to my wife and she was good with it but I suspect among the other in-laws the answer may be different.

Pb4Uski mentioned dumping the money in Wellesley and with drawing $8-9k a year and see if she needs help later. That was one of my other questions. How do I deal with the $100k? I was either going to create a new thread here or post something in the boglehead forum. I wouldn’t want to go off on a tangent in my own thread.

Ivnisfan yes my dad asked me to take over their finances a couple of months ago when he realized he was terminal. My mom was in agreement with him.

Moemg yes I agree my mom needs time to transition so no reason to put anything in to motion now.

Thanks again for all of your input.
Your mom is lucky indeed to have a child who cares enough to "worry" about her future financial (and probably health related decisions). God bless you in your efforts for you mom and I hope all works out well.
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