
sounds like an interesting anomaly on the face of it.

have you ever explored anything creative, like painting or music?

Not very much. I did try drawing and probably will try it again at some point. Never played any musical instruments. I'm just weird.:D
you were being facetious, right?

engineers would be expected to be left dominant

I'll see if I can get an appointment with Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr to get the two sides swapped around, then I'll try the test again.

Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr: Would you read that last bit back to me? I'm afraid it might make me sound pompous to your readers.
Olsen: 'My brilliant research in brain transplantation is unsurpassed, and will probably make my name live beyond eternity'.
Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr: Oh, no, no; that's good. But take out the 'probably'. It makes me sound wishy-washy.
Not very much. I did try drawing and probably will try it again at some point. Never played any musical instruments. I'm just weird.:D

If you are comfortable in your skin I would not try to fix something that is not broken.

If otherwise, you may wish to explore stimulating your right hemisphere...its possible that it is cranky and feeling neglected
of course, all this right brain "nonsense" should be safely supressed during middle age and FIRE preparation/execution.

the right hemisphere should be kept carefully chained in the back yard and only let out to run in supervised, fenced dog parks, so to speak.

left hemispheric dominance is associated with social separation, grouchiness, miserliness, linear thinking...all good things when working toward financial independence

however, joy, social connection, empathy, aesthetic sensitivity, is associated with right hemisphere dominance. This can be stimulated with creative activity and the arts, music, charity work or meditation. In my view, learning a musical instrument is "the easy path". (homework - rent the film Harold & Maude)

once financial independence is achieved, that is the moment to take off the psychological straightjacket and run naked in the woods so to speak, or whatever else comes into your head.

There is no longer anyone to answer to or try to impress. The uptight negative personalities in your life will be greatly concerned about your mental health. The more distance you put between yourself and these persons, the better. (save for relationships of duty)
Very well put. I like that. I've lost the "joy" that I had when younger. I have a feeling it's time to bring that back again. One gets so tied/trapped into making a living and accumulating enough to retire, that some where along the path, the joy can disappear. Course this winter doesn't help any either.:(
(Note to self: Ask Nords how long his checklist is for powering up his solar panel system. Is it a grease-pencil laminated checkoff list, or does he use a new form for each startup?)
Can't believe I missed this the first time through.

I had a pretty eye-opening transition going from the aft end to the forward end of the boat (from "Nuclear World" to "Nuclear Destruction"). After months of resistance I finally learned to accept that not everyone uses a new form for each startup, has it reviewed by the chain of command, and then stores it for three years. But I still ask my spouse to second-check my tagouts before I commence work.

I had a tour of the USS TEXAS last month. They take logs with PDAs. Quite a change from the [-]POS[/-] venerable platforms that you and I served aboard.

I'll always try to keep my left hand in my pocket when I'm working with the photovoltaic wiring. It only takes a little of that voltage between your right hand and your left to make you reassess your mortality.
Very well put. I like that. I've lost the "joy" that I had when younger. I have a feeling it's time to bring that back again. One gets so tied/trapped into making a living and accumulating enough to retire, that some where along the path, the joy can disappear. Course this winter doesn't help any either.:(

this is where I am now...why don' t you come on down?

Paseo Fort Myers


Condos in my neighbourhood (above) start around 160k. In Southwestflorida, you can pick up a NICE house on land for 80k, or a decent flat for as little as 40k.

Life is to short to spend the winter looking out at those grey skys and slipping on ice, or hiding inside from it.

We WERE talking about making friends with your right hemisphere... Florida is about making friends with your R-complex...your inner reptile.
Hey, that looks really tempting. I will be taking a break from this cold weather next month - cruising the Caribbean. Maybe my right brain will wake up a little.:LOL:
cruising is great, especially if you are an eater, gambler, want to survey the islands, want to pick up women

unless you are serious big bucks though, I think the islands or mexico/central american are problematic for longer term winter escaping

Here are my reasons that SW Florida is the place for snowbirds:

- you can drive there. Car rental is expensive, actually, out of the question for long stays in the islands.
- you don't have to fly there. I can get from Canada to Florida for $75 gas in my civic hybrid.
- relatives/friends that don't fly can drive to visit.
- relatives/friends too poor to fly can drive to visit.
- SW Florida is significantly warmer than the St. Petes/Tampa/Orlando belt in January.
- Florida is very inexpensive and efficient for pretty much anything you need to purchase. You don't really appreciate Walmart until you don't have access to one.
- West coast of Florida is cheaper than East Coast of Florida.
- Its tropical foliage and the gulf, which I think is much nicer than the desert atmosphere of Arizona.
- Great institutional infrastructure and health system.
- English is the language.
- always something to do
- unlimited choice between rural, sub-urban, urban, waterfront, canal, golf course and so on.
- everything selling now below replacement cost.

no need to buy. Renting is even cheaper than buying.
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