So how do you treat the waiter?

Also, treating a waiter bad is very, very stupid since they can always cough up a lugie in your pasta. :-X
Cut-Throat said:
Also, treating a waiter bad is very, very stupid since they can always cough up a lugie in your pasta. :-X

Yep, or throw your steak on the floor and step on it.

I used to moonlight as a food server and cocktail waitress during my dark ages of financial disaster. Because of my work experience, I have soft spot for those waiting on tables. It's hard work! I always tip 20+% for food servers, unless of course they're totally rude and incompentent, which I found so far to be rare.
Always treat everyone with respect and dignity. Life is too short to be an *******.
I think CEOs really need this most because the people they are around are always going to be treating them with deference. Watching them interact with the waiter is a valuable window into the 'real person'. Non-ceo's usually get to see the 'real person' on a more consistent basis!
I treat everyone nicely, even sometimes if they are not real nice to me. I am practicing the art of not getting riled up.  :)

However, I hardly ever eat out. My interactions with "waitpersons" are usually with bartenders and cocktail waitresses, who tend to be a pretty affable group anyway.

I think I have improved the way I come across to people overall. Some years back I may have looked like trouble on the hoof. Today, more people smile at me and seem generally friendly to me. I appreciate this.

I'm nice to waiters. I always try to acknowledge their service as they provide it with at least a "thank-you", for example. I make it a point to look at them when I speak. Sometimes that means I interrupt the person I'm eating with for a fraction of a second, so I appologize to them afterwards. People deserve to be recognized as people whether they are trying to make a major deal with you or are serving your salad.

Now . . . people on the internet are nothing more than bits on a CRT. If you can't look them in the eye, then they don't have to be treated with respect . . . I'm working on getting over that feeling. :)
The messge is to treat people the way you want to be treated, whether that be a waitress, CEO or bits on a CTR.

I try to live my life like that but there are just some that beg to be treated badly, in that case why should I deny them what they truely want.
Cute Fuzzy Bunny said:
I used to use this when dating.  How she treated the waiter is probably how I'd be getting treated in a few months or a year.


There must have been some interesting scenes in the restaurant if she treated the waiter like you were wanting to be treated.
I was a bus boy, dishwasher and worked my way up to waiter. When being confronted to find themselves part time jobs, my children refused to work in restaurants. I realize there now isn't a busboy or dishwasher in Houston that doesn't speak fluent Spanish, but I was shocked that my children would think they were "too good" for certain types of work.

I became "too good" to be a waiter when I could make 3x as much being an engineer. If necessary, I would sure do any of it again.
Same here. Bussed and did dishes at a deli as a '3rd job' when I was a teen. I was "too good" for that job when I found one making more money. I still pile up all my dishes and wipe up any big messes before I leave a table.
That must have been the job to take on as a teenager, I waited tables until I graduated highschool then dad told me to get a real job.
Well, besides paying decently, getting some tips kicked back to me by the wait staff and having plenty of slack time, I could also eat as much of the deli's food as I wanted while on shift. Fortunately that was back when I couldnt gain weight to save my life.
great article. i think some rude jerks are kind to waiters out of fear of getting their food messed with. a truer test might be how one treats taxi drivers or others that can't spit in your food.
Taxi drivers can do waaayyy worse than spit in your food.

Ever go from downtown manhattan to JFK via the triboro bridge AND the lincoln tunnel, followed by being let out around 125th street?

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