Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Save it. Either for ourselves, or as a contribution to DD's IRA account for her. See the poll is hugely voting for "save"---I wouldn't have expected anything else from the ER members!
I would have to support my country and buy a HDTV for my office, a XBOX360, PS3, and Mass Effect.
/waves flag!
Spoken like my DWWhen things get tough, REAL Americans go shopping!
I hear there will be an income cut-off of about $110k/joint return. Does anybody have any info on income limits?
Maybe I should do with it what we did with the last one--had a big party with our whole hippie neighborhood and bought some, ahem, "smoking supplies" along with lots of liquor! But that was more supporting the underground economy than the "real" one. Ask HFWR, he'll know what I'm talking about.
Ah, but times have changed, perhaps we'll put it towards some porch furniture instead. Sigh.
I saw some analysis which indicates that typically when Americans get $1.00 in a stimulus package they spend about $1.40 of it, because it increases their "confidence" even when they know it's a one time boon. Not sure where they find the other $0.40 since tapping home equity would seem out of the question this time around. In any case, it tells me that my response is not what the government is looking for. I think of it like an unexpected bonus in my paycheck. If I didn't have the expense before, the act of getting the bonus doesn't change my expense plan. If I find money, I put it towards investments for FIRE. Maybe after I reach FI my response would change.
Buy a tank of gas and a gallon of milk.
Driven by a nagging fear that our country will someday be run by someone responsible, I voted 'not retired - save it' on the premise that I might actually be on the hook to repay this borrowed money.
Amazing that people think a problem created in part by fiscal irresponsibility can be solved by more of the same!
Excellent point! Do people realize the govenment is once again 100% borrowing the funds to pay the rebate? I'll vote for you as president, please run.
fireby40 for 2008! Where do I send my contribution? How do I get involved?
The White House would like to see the rebate go to everyone who filed an income tax return and paid taxes. This would include taxpayers in higher income brackets. The Democrats, however, would like to see everyone who filed an income tax return receive a rebate, regardless of whether they paid little or no taxes. This would mean there would have to be a ceiling on income to subsidize the low income people. Some Democrats have suggested that couples earning more than $85,000 would not qualify for the tax rebate, while others wish to place the maximum at $110,000. - nation, world, technology and Washington area news and headlines