Stick a Fork in Me....

Well..... This has gotten interesting.

My V.P. got together with the President today and gave him my resignation.

And his. Effective the same day.

Told me "it wasn't going to be any fun" once I left, and he's had enough.

How funny! It sounds like you were indeed appreciated! Congratulations and enjoy!!!
Funny when folks understand they have choices, some take them. I've helped 3 other ex-c*w*rkers make their exit.
Congratulations to you and your VP.

I hope to be printing out my own resignation letter and handing it in, in another six months or so.
Have to say.... it's a great feeling. Like a 100 lb weight is suddenly taken off your shoulders.
I love that cartoon - actually have a copy of it pasted to the wall of my workshop!

I guarantee the President won't be tendering his resignation - he may have to go back to corporate in Tokyo in shame, but he will not commit seppuku.

I have a copy of that cartoon taped next to my computer at w#rk.

Congratulations, Ellis!
Well..... This has gotten interesting.

My V.P. got together with the President today and gave him my resignation.

And his. Effective the same day.

Told me "it wasn't going to be any fun" once I left, and he's had enough.

That was the highest form of praise from your VP. ( The last two times I moved within Megacorp, my employees quit in droves afterward so much so that HR was alerted. )
VP, President, Coworkers:confused: Who are they? Not sure anymore. Delete from your memory and enjoy your freedom!!
Great story! Congratulations!

THere are only so many springs and summers in a person's you picked a great time to leave, and you will SO LOVE IT!!!!

You will be amazed at how soon you forget all about work and the job.....

Well..... This has gotten interesting.

My V.P. got together with the President today and gave him my resignation.

And his. Effective the same day.

Told me "it wasn't going to be any fun" once I left, and he's had enough.

Well, that calls for a mutual congratulatory drink!:LOL:
Okay, this has gotten weird.....

Yesterday afternoon, the President announced to the company that The V.P. and I had tendered our resignation. He made a big deal that we were NOT going to any competitors, but had decided to retire.

Ok, no big deal.

Lots of people came up and congratulated us, expressed their disappointment that we were leaving, that they would miss us, etc., etc., etc. Very nice.

This morning, the entire technical team resigned except for two technical people who have a total combined experience level of 8 years.

300+ years of experience just (figuratively, soon to be literally) walked out the door.
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Okay, this has gotten weird.....

Yesterday afternoon, the President announced to the company that The V.P. and I had tendered our resignation. He made a big deal that we were NOT going to any competitors, but had decided to retire.

Ok, no big deal.

Lots of people came up and congratulated us, expressed their disappointment that we were leaving, that they would miss us, etc., etc., etc. Very nice.

This morning, the entire technical team resigned except for two technical people who have a total combined experience level of 8 years.

300+ years of experience just (figuratively, soon to be literally) walked out the door.

Sometimes it is not clear to leadership just WHERE the real influence in a company resides. If the company is lucky, this will cause someone to reflect on WHY this mass exit happened. If not (more likely), the President will find some way to rationalize the exodus as a bunch of malcontents and things could get very interesting, indeed.

Anyway, congratulations on having such positive influence on that group of people that they viewed your impending absence as a reason to exit with you.
The two of you aren't moving to a competitor but the technical team may do that. A recruiter's dream!
The two of you aren't moving to a competitor but the technical team may do that. A recruiter's dream!

A recruiters dream for sure. It's funny how once a few key people leave, the doors open for many. Back when I w*rked and hired people, if I found someone good, I always asked if they knew other people that might be interested in a new opportunity? No I wasn't a recruiter, just a hiring manager.

Many talented people travel in packs.
Best wishes to you and everyone you helped extract.
I have some mixed emotions on this - on one hand, relief, because I won't have to worry about my team having to work in a even more challenging situation, and a bit of sadness in that I worked hard to put together a superlative team in order to make this company grow, and now that's gone.

I've been talking with them, and a few have positions they think they have lined up, a few are going to take some time off and recalibrate.

Guess there's always the yin and the yang in any change.
Wow! What is that as a percentage of those under the VP? and under you?

Did you have any inkling of this domino effect?

I think anywhere that I worked that would be a pretty big deal if the unit was mission critical.

Back in the 1980s the mega I worked for at the time decided to move our offices from the Boston area to the NYC area. 1 of 35 accepted the offer to move. I have no idea what happened after that.
I have some mixed emotions on this - on one hand, relief, because I won't have to worry about my team having to work in a even more challenging situation, and a bit of sadness in that I worked hard to put together a superlative team in order to make this company grow, and now that's gone.
Is this a quoted company? It sounds like I might want to sell my holding, or go short...
Excepting the two young guys, it was a 100% hit of the technical staff ; 100% of my people and 85% of the V.P's personnel. We were staffed very lean as it was, and everyone of the team was mission critical, so there are a lot of closed doors an hand wringing going on.

Was told one of the Board of Directors (who I know, enjoy, and highly respect) is getting on a plane to come over here next week and would like to talk with me. If it were (almost) anyone else, I would graciously decline, but I agreed to meet with him as long as our favorite restaurant was part of the equation.

By the way - this is not a U.S. listed company
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