Still Have Snakes & Scorpions REW?

How do you expect us to believe that without photographic evidence?

You raise an interesting point but have erroneously assumed that being believed is important enough to cause me to post pics of my tucas. Besides - I'm [-]fervently hoping[/-] pretty sure one of the moderators would remove the picture as it might violate some forum policy.

And trust me... the pics wouldn't be that great. I was 15 and too clueless to flaunt those parts while they were still worthy of personal pride. So to placate your highly inquisitive nature, I'll just share the laughable details.

I was on a date except my folks didn't know about it. I snuck in late and got ready for bed. I didn't want to wake my folks up and so didn't turn on the bathroom light. The snake was on the toilet - next to the seat hinge. I sat in the dark and the snake responded negatively to being crushed.

I had to wake up my folks. My dad killed the snake with a ping pong paddle (don't ask me why - I don't know and yes, it would make sense to use something with a longer handle) and we drove to the small town emergency room. They had to unlock the er doors and get out a text book. The entire hospital staff got a full view of my backside while they figured out how to proceed. Very embarrassing. Some antivenin was administered and pain meds and then off to a lumpy hospital bed for a couple of days.

Swelling and festering followed. I had to sleep on my stomach for several weeks. My jeans didn't fit and neither did my jockeys. My thoughtful mom loaned me hers for the duration (yuck). The local paper wrote it up, my older brother had a plaque made for the bathroom room warning snakes "beware the serpent smasher", my dad was a local hero for a day and I got jello.

No pics.
I've been bitten by a copperhead. There was no sucking involved.
I sat in the dark and the snake responded negatively to being crushed.
The entire hospital staff got a full view of my backside while they figured out how to proceed.
As the old joke says, that's when you'll really find out who your friends are...
Did you save the newspaper clipping?

How mortifying at age 15.

Yes, it's saved (thanks mom) and yes, it was enough to make me talk to myself in the shower for a couple of years.

No REWahoo, I am not posting the clipping either.:)
Now that was a good story!

heh heh heh - :cool: I am glad I heard it and was NOT the experiencee.
Oh, come on. With this lead-in is NOBODY going to tell the famous joke?

Willie and Jim had been boyhood friends and enlisted in the Marines the day after Pearl Harbor was attacked. They'd been through the horrific fighting in the South Pacific, and these lifelong friends had seen everything. One fateful day they were pinned down with the rest of their squad on Guadalcanal by a Japanese machine gun in a well fortified bunker. As they low-crawled through the brush, a coral snake bit Willie right on the . . . "groin."
"Jim, Jim, I'm bit by a coral snake! Get the corpsman!"
Jim rushes to the corpsman, who is busy tending to four critically wounded wounded Marines. "Ya gotta come quick! Willie's been bit by a coral snake, right on his . . . private parts. He's my best friend, we've been together since we're 8 years old. He's hurt bad."
"I can't leave these guys. Go tend to you friend. Apply pressure to stop the flow of the venom, then suck out as much as you can. Do that and you might be able to save him. If you don't do this right away, he'll die"
Jim crawled back to his wounded friend.
"Willie, I'm back."
" Thank goodness. What did the corpsman say?"
" The corpsman says you're gonna die."

(I think there's a version of this joke for every war)

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