Take care guys

wabmester said:

Scary. The article says depressed people often find work not satisfying and this discovery may help in research on mood disorders. A new pill will turn on their work gene and they all will be happy. :)

Watch out for them roofies.
Martha said:
Scary. The article says depressed people often find work not satisfying and this discovery may help in research on mood disorders. A new pill will turn on their work gene and they all will be happy. :)

Watch out for them roofies.

Heck, I'll take the red pill. I wish I was less lazy! :-\ As long as I'm happy, right? :LOL:
Martha said:
Hum.  I did not find the last person who left with a bible refence to be a passive aggressive twit.  My thought was that he wanted to spend more time dealing with the present, rather than a retirement that is far in the future  

Hey, call me anything but don't call me the guy who was dopey enough to argue with Martha.

ex-Jarhead said:
Nords: Hoping to be able to run the "full-marathon", but like a good "boy scout" have to be "prepared" for contingencies.

I met a retired Naval Officer that lives in Hawaii, and in about 6 years or so his daughter will be off to college. At that time he and his wife will probably be anxious to do some traveling.
It is obviously premature to bring this up at this point, but my fall-back plan is this:

My wife is an excellent cook, and housekeeper.
While the Officer and his wife are traveling, we will do all necessary maintenance of the property, and will even take care of any deferred maintenance.

When they are not traveling, I will be available for unlimited golf and fly-fishing instruction.

There of course, will have to be an understanding that 5 years would be the longest that we would be able to stay. ;) Aloha.
Man, I had to put down my frosty beverage and re-read this two or three times before I got it.

Sounds good to me, but you clearly need to visit the work site before you volunteer for the contract! You don't think I'm typing at this keyboard because I've actually finished all the yardwork, do you?

Eagle43 said:
My daughter, presently residing in Spain, has indicated she is returning to Oahu early next year. So NORDS, I will have a place to stay unlimited, and cheap (free maybe). I guess surfing lessons are necessary, after all. Can I learn, at 62, without drowning, that is? Probably not, but I can snorkel. Maybe I can even get over there before Jarhead! Love that paradise, even if you have to watch the Cowboys at 7 a.m. on Sunday mornings.
My spouse was stationed in Rota '83-84 and we did the entire Iberian peninsula in between my patrols. What a great life. My spouse says that maybe your daughter would be willing to allow us to include a crate of our stuff in her household goods shipment. It'll be coming from the Lladro factory!

Let us know if she needs anything.

Can you learn to surf at 62?!? Heck, lots of the Waikiki beach "boys" are in their 70s! Admittedly they started a bit earlier than we did, but I see plenty of people in their 60-70s learning at White Plains Beach. If you can swim, then you can learn to surf. The hard part is learning when to stop. Let us know when you'll be here and we'll consult the surf forecast...

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