The Clash of Generations

A 55 year old friend/coworked got laid off about 16 months ago. He figured he'd be back to work pretty quickly but now is starting to wonder out loud if he will even be a candidate for rehiring.

He's now getting a bit cynical and mentioned that he noticed something very telling when our company sent him to "mandatory" class designed to help those being laid off with applications and resume polishing. He said that 90% of the folks looked over 50, and not many young folks at all.

He's gotten busy on the crony network and one of his former managers warned him "don't put your age on the resume, and leave off number of years in each assignment". In other words, look "young and cheap".

Just anecdotal one-off example.
...when I go to McDonald’s, I compare my Social Security check with the pay of those who work there.
Now I know who's been holding up the line. Hey, let's go up there, I want my Big Mac!
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Will "Old and Cheap" work?
I think "Old and Cheap" works if the "Old" part is over 65 and on Medicare, but the 55-65 "oldies" must be seen as healthcare users.

Seems the very young and the "young oldies" are bearing the brunt these days.

Cannot find data to support that but am googling like crazy.
So in 1962 you would have foreseen the internet, the fall of the Soviet Union, every third person having a piercing or a tattoo, 3D HDTVs, huge increases in wealth disparity, the evaporation of widespreads pension coverage, and a muslim, a lawyer and a communist all occupying the presidency? I am impressed, truly.

Alas, I didn't capitalize on what I saw coming back in the 70's. I once spoke to my father in our kitchen about fuel injection (he thought it couldn't work), then I saw the spindles from those plants that stick to your pant leg while walking through a wooded area near our house and thought it could benefit us one day (thus someone invented velcro), then I spoke to people about the power of the PC taking over a lot of the mainframe operations. One of these days, I'll grow a pair and invest in something I really believe in. :facepalm:
Is Scott Burn's a downer because he points out the obvious and writes about inevitable conclusion(s) ?

I agree though, All those Bad Vibes completely ruin the important stuff like "American Idol" and "The Bachelor" episodes ?

- Party on Garth !

There are other points of view that are more positive. You two are not the only ones on earth with brains or opinions.
3 years on from me getting flamed here

My original post, pointing out that Americans are screwed re. retirement, got me flamed off this forum. Funny how things come around...sounds like many folks here have now realised I was right. No hope in sight for 60+% of the USA population...except minimum wage hell till they die. Land of the Free, indeed.

Well, my take is this is considerably more negagitve. In all of recorded history, there are zero examples of Democratic forms of governement surviving 300 years or more. The reason is very simple, when the citizens figure out they can vote themselves resources from the governement, they do and the country ultimatly collapses due to overspending.

We are not going to immently collapse, but our decline has begun, Europe is ahead of us so we can see a preview by watching them. I dont think this will have a significant impact on myself, but I have started my children down the road of viewing themselves as citizens of the world and to feel free to move to where the opportunities are best. Sorry to sound so dire, but im not a big beliver in "This time its different":(

Steel Rain
brogan007 said:
My original post, pointing out that Americans are screwed re. retirement, got me flamed off this forum. Funny how things come around...sounds like many folks here have now realised I was right. No hope in sight for 60+% of the USA population...except minimum wage hell till they die. Land of the Free, indeed.

I just went back and read your whole original thread.

You got backlash because of the way you came across, not because of what you said.

Many of the first replies tried to address your concerns (rant). But despite this topic, I don't think many here would agree with your original post that retirement is impossible for the average person.

It's unlikely to happen at the level that person wants, due to their own choices, but it's completely possible. Regarding your final sentence, that IS the land of the free. People are free to make their own retirement choices, good or bad.

Abrasive, rude behavior rarely leads to worthwhile discussions...

But reasoned constructive dialogue can never offer a substitute for the sheer joy of doing this . . .


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