The invisible rich

Yeah I'm guilty of looking thru public records online of coworkers. It's not a hobby or anything more like when I found out it was possible the newness of it kept me interested for a couple hours.

The mortgage amount is always there and if they have an adjustable rate loan the interest rate is available too, which can (but not surely) provide rough insight into their credit rating. A few had court filings for liens against them.
I really like the idea of invisible rich. I don't feel that way myself but I guess it is like being James Bond with a license to kill in you pocket - you know about it but others don't.
You're right dex. I'm sure I'm not the only one on this board that started with absolutely nothing. I lived very modestly because I had to, now I do because I want to. It sounds funny, but like you dex, it is satisfying to me knowing that if I wanted something, I could buy it. I like living under the radar.

An older gentleman that I respected a great deal asked me one day a few years ago, "How's it going young man ?. I answered him, "My wife is happy, my kids are healthy, I've got steady work and my bills are paid, we're eating good and we have a home, things couldn't be better".

He got a serious look on his face and replied "You've got life figured out".
As we practice LBYM and save, we have an uphill battle to educate the kids. They see what their friends have and we hear the refrain: "but everyone has...." (fill in the blank with your choice). An early retirement for us, the parents, doesn't mean much to them.

We use most opportunities to try to educate regarding saving, overconsumption, and needs versus wants (ok, sometimes we are tired and just say no). The message will get through as they get older, as their "bank of mom and dad" accounts grow [BTW: thanks for that idea, I can't remember whose it was], and they have more opportunity to manage funds, but for now - wealth is what they see.
Empty Pockets said:
An older gentleman that I respected a great deal asked me one day a few years ago, "How's it going young man ?. I answered him, "My wife is happy, my kids are healthy, I've got steady work and my bills are paid, we're eating good and we have a home, things couldn't be better".

He got a serious look on his face and replied "You've got life figured out".

Congrats - you are fortunate/blessed
DH and I like flying under the radar too. It helps keep things okay with friends and family. I don't want to be "the bank of anyone".
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