The Older Men Get, The More They Have To Remember...

ms gamboolgal and #-1 Daughter make fun of Dear Old Dad....thats OK....ha

I normally wear Cargo Pants or Shorts and a Fishing Shirt with lots of pockets.

This is normal everyday stuff:

Keys which includes small Spyderco knife and screwdriver gadget thing.
Credit cards, DL, and CHL in small wallet.
Cash is in right front pocket with rubber band.
Small bottle of Soap and small bottle of Hand Sanitizer (been carrying it for 20 years due to International travel and nasty airplanes and airports in USA, Europe and Africa)
Little Altoids Tin with Heartburn Pills
Hard Eye Glass Case with soft polishing rag
Ink Pen
Heavy / thick 1-1/2" Gun Belt to hang the paraphernalia on....
G-26 in Holster
Spare Magazine in Holster
iPhone in Holster

Optional - might put a small can of Pepper Spray for the dam dogs that folks let loose when ms gamboolgal and I are walking
And sometimes a OTF Benchmade or similar auto

Over 43 year in the Oilpatch taught me to have essential kit/tools on my person. When I was living on FPSO's offshore Africa - I carried 2 X Flashlights with me at all times. I have been in the lower Engine Room and the Ship lost power more than once. Ink Black can't see your hand even as you touch your face kind of dark, sharp knife, Leatherman, etc.
I change out batteries regular too....nothing like needing a Flashlight real bad and the dam batteries is weak.

I figured out a long time ago that having equipment and tools in my Locker back in the Quarters did / do Jack Shiite for me when I am in a bind on the Rig/Platform/Ship/Location.....ha

Lifes A Dance And You Learn As You Go.....

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ms gamboolgal and #-1 Daughter make fun of Dear Old Dad....thats OK....ha

Heavy / thick 1-1/2" Gun Belt to hang the paraphernalia on....
G-26 in Holster
Spare Magazine in Holster
iPhone in Holster

Optional - might put a small can of Pepper Spray for the dam dogs that folks let loose when ms gamboolgal and I are walking


Leave the gun - take the cannoli - no wait! Take the gun, leave the Pepper Spray.:facepalm:
Unless I'm out hiking somewhere, I only need my wallet, keys and cellphone. I never forget to remember taking them, but I usually lose one of these 3 on a daily basis. I only have a few places where I put things, so it usually only takes me a few minutes to find them.
As an absent-minded kid, I learned that if I wanted to get to school on time, I had to make habits of putting my books, clothes, and (as I got older) purse in the same place every day.

As an absent-minded adult, I made the same habits anew, every time I moved.

This last move has been hard. We went from a two-story to a spread-out single-story house and have been having a lot of work done on it. Paths and storage places have been disrupted over and over.

It has been quite the object lesson in how much one depends on a functioning memory. No wonder the dementia care places put patients in small rooms, and have very little furnishing in the common areas. The poor souls must lose their glasses, teeth, hearing aids, and canes constantly, and the only way to combat it is to limit the places one can put something down and forget it.
My friend's daughter summed it up years ago:

All a woman needs to leave the house is MILK:

To this I would now add PHONE, also replace LIPSTICK with MASK these days.

Oh, whoops, this growing thread was about MEN.
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My friend's daughter summed it up years ago:

All a woman needs to leave the house is MILK:

To this I would now add PHONE, also replace LIPSTICK with MASK these days.

Oh, whoops, this growing thread was about MEN.
Murse aka Men style

My friend's daughter summed it up years ago:

All a woman needs to leave the house is MILK:

To this I would now add PHONE, also replace LIPSTICK with MASK these days.

Oh, whoops, this growing thread was about MEN.

On a simple short errand run in car ie store or pharmacy- wallet & cell. Otherwise I’m very comfortable now using a Murse nice styles out of the UK. ER’d @50 -51 when I was issued retiree checks - remember Fanny packs? :LOL:
Like my Murse it allows ample space load it up.
The majority of times when I leave the house it’s on a bicycle. The most important thing to remember when leaving the house on my bike is my helmet.

Every once in a while I’ll make it down the street on my bicycle but have this nagging feeling that something’s not quite right. That soft ballcap that I wear around the house isn’t going to protect my dome when I crash. Duh! Back to the house to grab a helmet.
Remember the old kids song that goes "head and shoulders, knees and toes ..."?

The boomer version, sung to same tune, is "wallet, glasses, keys and phone ..."--ha ha!!

40s and it happened multiple times that I found my fly open when I got home.

A involuntary exhibitionist I am?
I live @ a CCRC, mostly retired military officers. Seems like the older we get the more unbelievable our "war stories" get.

Unbelievable, perhaps.

But never boring!

Thanks for your service! I was fortunate never to be drafted and would not likely have ever signed up. So I'm sure you've earned the right to embellish a bit.
Personally, I find the lists of the failings that come with old age to be out-dated, insulting stereotypes. I might be offended except that the one thing I always remember is:
I don't care. I don't have to.
Add me to the list of women who don't always carry a purse. I do when travelling - because I need to carry more stuff (kindle, tickets, battery for my cell phone). But day to day it's wallet, keys, phone. Glasses are already on my face. I keep my prescription sunglasses, mask, hand san, in the car.

If I have the dog with my I always have a spare roll of doggy bags in my jacket pocket. So most of my jackets have a roll of doggy bags in the pocket.
I set reminders for almost everything on my iPhone. It has helped me a lot. Execs I had reported to had admin assistants to help them remind them of almost everything.
I set reminders for almost everything on my iPhone. It has helped me a lot. Execs I had reported to had admin assistants to help them remind them of almost everything.

I always wanted my own admin and all I got was this phone!:LOL:
I reported to an exec many years ago that had specially built pockets when he wore his business attire. He stressed to all staff to carry a daytimer. Writing down reminders, building your schedule etc etc pre iPhone PC era. .
I reported to an exec many years ago that had specially built pockets when he wore his business attire. He stressed to all staff to carry a daytimer. Writing down reminders, building your schedule etc etc pre iPhone PC era. .

Yeah, I still recall when the first palm pilots came out and started into general usage at Megacorp. I asked "what do I need that for?" I've been doing it for years and then showed my palm - with the day's notes written on it in our legal-document-suitable "indelible" ink. At days' end, I would use some isopropyl alcohol to remove the ink since our regular RR soap didn't do it.

In case you're wondering, no, I never wrote any legally discoverable notes on my hand, so there's that.:facepalm::angel:

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