This weather is awful - 2022 to ?

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My house should get no more than an inch of wet snow. Northern part of the state could get half a foot in spots. Not a concern to me since I don't have to go anywhere and it'll be melted probably by Noon.

Good! Looks like all is well for you tomorrow, with any luck.
Had a great week of weather in Sedona, Az. No rain, highs in the 70's and low 80's. Left the Phoenix airport at a sunny 94° and arrived at Chicago at 44°. Tough getting used to the 50° drop to Illinois temps, and a couple days of rain.

But forecast for northern Illinois is for several days in the 70's beginning Thurs 5/4.
Oh yeah! That was the biggest electrical storm I’ve ever seen. Non-stop flashing lighting up the sky and it went on forever. Never experienced lightning like that before.

I’m sure it was the same storm because it was right on the edge of a powerful cold front.

I used to seeing a squall line on the radar, but this thing was massive! Very thick and wide solid red and thus took a lot time to pass.

I've been in Florida and seen lightening like that. Very scary. Locals say, "Oh, that's normal." Glad you're safe.
I've been in Florida and seen lightening like that. Very scary. Locals say, "Oh, that's normal." Glad you're safe.

We're celebrating the first day of May in south central Wisconsin with a brief snow shower. It won't be enough to shovel--just a reminder from Mother Nature that spring in Wisconsin isn't determined from a calendar. Wood stove firing up again.
We didn't get a lick of snow in my part of New Jersey all winter, and I'm perfectly fine with it.

This weekend was awful, constant rain since Friday, but woke up this morning to blue bird sky's and a Mets double header starting at 1pm. I need some vit D.
I've been in Florida and seen lightening like that. Very scary. Locals say, "Oh, that's normal." Glad you're safe.
Now that I think about it - it must have been cloud to cloud lighting. We didn’t really hear any thunder.
OK, this is a crazy spring. Yesterday we had a high of about 63, we are expecting to ramp up to the 90's by Sunday!
Entire PNW and western Canada experiencing a heat dome--we are cranking up from 60's to 90's again.
I don't ever remember needing to turn on our AC this early in the year.
Hoping we do not have a hot dry summer and wild fires again. Still have my "go-bag" list ready from 3 years ago.
Yesterday morning, I was returning from the NW Louisiana area to my home in Central/East Texas. (heavy rain all night) It's normally a 3 hour drive at the most. This time it took me ~5 hours. Flooded and closed roads all over NE Texas. I had to backtrack several times due to road (highway) closures. Fortunately I was in my 4 wheel drive truck so I could get through some minor flooding but when police put up barricades on the highway, I thought it was best to try other routes. :angel: What a mess.
Smoke is very bad here today from fires up in Alberta. Winds just right pushing it down and is so thick it looks like fog. I can barely see a city block.

Some 90 wildfires are active in Alberta, with 23 out of control, according to the provincial government. At one point the fires pushed more than 30,000 people out of their homes while oil and gas producers shut in at least 319,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day, or 3.7% of national production.
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Smoke is very bad here today from fires up in Alberta. Winds just right pushing it down and is so thick it looks like fog. I can barely see a city block.

Some 90 wildfires are active in Alberta, with 23 out of control, according to the provincial government. At one point the fires pushed more than 30,000 people out of their homes while oil and gas producers shut in at least 319,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day, or 3.7% of national production.

That would terrify me. I hope you keep an eye on those fires, in case any of them start heading towards you. :eek:

Also that smoke sounds pretty thick and probably unhealthy to breathe... maybe best to stay indoors.
Today in coastal San Diego the high will be 66 degrees with "May Gray" in full force. It doesn't bother me in the least as I know summer will eventually be here.
Today in coastal San Diego the high will be 66 degrees with "May Gray" in full force. It doesn't bother me in the least as I know summer will eventually be here.

What's the low? 66 for a high isn't too bad if the low is 55 or 60. Here if the high is 66 then low was probably low 40s or lower. Big difference.
Today in coastal San Diego the high will be 66 degrees with "May Gray" in full force. It doesn't bother me in the least as I know summer will eventually be here.
It's 89F here in New Orleans, and sunny at the moment. Humidity is 65%. Sorry it's so cool in SD! But as you so correctly pointed out, it won't last long before summer arrives. :D

When I was going to high school in Hawaii, we loved days with highs under 70 because we could wear our pretty sweaters from the mainland that were just too hot to wear on warmer days. So, there's that... :)
What's the low? 66 for a high isn't too bad if the low is 55 or 60. Here if the high is 66 then low was probably low 40s or lower. Big difference.

The low is supposed to be 57 and we actually have a 40% chance of some rain overnight.
Today in coastal San Diego the high will be 66 degrees with "May Gray" in full force. It doesn't bother me in the least as I know summer will eventually be here.

Up in the Seattle area we get the "June Gloom." We just had a short heatwave, but this morning was foggy, which may be the start of our gloomy period.
another 90+ yesterday, high 80's for the next few days before we get down to our usual 70 for this time of year.
I am not a hot house flower and do not like this high heat!
another 90+ yesterday, high 80's for the next few days before we get down to our usual 70 for this time of year.
I am not a hot house flower and do not like this high heat!

90+ is a bit much but I am looking forward to warmer temps. I have still be using the heat every day. This morning was 64 in the house so I had to turn the heat on. Tomorrow is 60 for a high so heat will be on all day. Looks like next week Tuesday may be the last day I use the heat until at least mid September. We get around 16 weeks a year without using the furnace, that is all.
We actually had a run of good weather until yesterday. Yesterday, we had thunderstorms, which don't bother me overly much, but terrorized the doggo. She panted, shook, and hyperventilated so much, I got a blanket and pillow and laid down on the floor with her, and held her, to try and calm her down.

Today - we have an air quality advisory due to smoke blowing down from Canadian fires. (Can't imagine what they are going through.) Doggo's outside time was very brief.
Here in the heartland, we've been running the heat first thing in the morning and AC in the afternoon. I'm already missing Hawaii weather, but truly enjoying the old homestead. I swear my BP drops 15 point when I walk into the old farm house (dating to 1860 in parts.) Seeing furniture and nicknacks that date to my childhood is soothing. I thank God that I have the best of both worlds. It's the retirement I pictured, so two kinds of weather - whether good or bad, are appropriate and appreciated. But I do find the smoke disturbing - not too bad yet. At least here, the smoke doesn't have significant sulfur dioxide like the smoke back home.
Today - we have an air quality advisory due to smoke blowing down from Canadian fires. (Can't imagine what they are going through.) Doggo's outside time was very brief.

I haven't heard about an air quality alert here but yesterday, today, and tomorrow were/are/will be noticeably hazy. We don't actually smell any smoke but it sure looks visible.
Here in SW PA yesterday there was a good bit of haze, same today. Not nearly as bad as NY city. PM 2.5 is at 107, normally runs 40 ish. Add that to the moderate high tree and grass pollen allergys in high gear. NY NY PM2.5 169. Some parts 400s some in NJ 500. Smoke, no mirrors.
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Family in the Rockaways, New York just sent photos of what their area looks like due to Quebec fires. Looks like they have moved to Mars :LOL:. Same as a few years ago in our SF Bay area...everything was orange.
Family in the Rockaways, New York just sent photos of what their area looks like due to Quebec fires. Looks like they have moved to Mars :LOL:. Same as a few years ago in our SF Bay area...everything was orange.

Yes. Two of my kiddos work in NYC. They told me it is pretty bad there. At least I can stay inside - and I still have a taste in my mouth from the smoke. Our local sanitation cancelled tomorrow's garbage pickup for the health of the workers. (Good.)
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