To Those Who Value Peace & Quiet

Another idea, take up bugling and blow reveille at 5:00 AM if the neighbor is up late that night on the terrace broadcasting his presence:D.
Another idea, take up bugling and blow reveille at 5:00 AM if the neighbor is up late that night on the terrace broadcasting his presence:D.

Good thought,
problem being collateral damage. We saw this play out in long term corporate housing. One neighbor would retaliate by banging on the wall, a different neighbor responded to that and so on.......
[FONT=&quot]Talking clock:

[FONT=&quot]After closing time at the bar, a drunk was proudly showing off his new apartment to a couple of his friends. He led the way to his bedroom where there was a big brass gong and a mallet.
[FONT=&quot]'What's up with the big brass gong?' one of the guests asked.
'It's not a gong. It's a talking clock,' the drunk replied.
'A talking clock? Seriously?' asked his astonished friend.
'Yup,' replied the drunk.
'How's it work?' the friend asked, squinting at it.
'Watch,' the drunk replied. He picked up the mallet, gave the gong an ear-shattering pound and stepped back. .

The three stood looking at one another for a moment.......
Suddenly, someone on the other side of the wall screamed, 'You @$$hole! It's three-fifteen in the morning![/FONT]

Another idea, take up bugling and blow reveille at 5:00 AM if the neighbor is up late that night on the terrace broadcasting his presence:D.

Good thought,
problem being collateral damage. We saw this play out in long term corporate housing. One neighbor would retaliate by banging on the wall, a different neighbor responded to that and so on.......


As tempting as it is to retaliate, you can't make your other neighbors' lives miserable.
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Originally Posted by aaronc879 View Post
I'm the same way. A noise that is produced in an inconsiderate way is much more bothersome to me than a "legitimate" noise of similar volume.
Glad to see there are other people who get that. :greetings10:

Agreed. Back before COVID, I would debate about attending some of the (potentially) fantastic outdoor summer concerts around here,Nine times out of ten, the people around me decided that their conversation was more important then the musicians on stage, and would blabber all through the music, raising their voices to be heard over the music.

Even if they did shut up after a while, the thought that anyone could be so self-centered and inconsiderate just lingered in my head, and ruined the rest of the show for me.

On a more positive note, I actually did have some success with an inconsiderate neighbor. Similar to your situation, he didn't make a great amount of noise, nothing to call the police over, but it was annoying to me. He would work in his yard, and had some big boom box on a cart, and play the local classic rock station the whole time. This would be for 4~5 hours a day, 4~5 days a week. So the odds were, I was hearing the radio, and all the repetitive commercials, just about anytime I was outside, or in the house with the windows open (we only close up and turn the A/C on when the heat/humidity are high, mostly just open up). It wasn't all that loud, but loud enough for me to hear clearly in my home.

So one day, I approached him, and was as open ended as I could be. I said something like "I'm sure you don't realize how far that sound carries from your radio, but I hear it my house. And I wouldn't care if it was 10 times louder if you were having an occasional party or something, but to hear it hours every day, day in and day out, is just interfering with my peace and quiet, or my listening to my music when I want." He didn't respond, but I never heard that radio again.

I had planned on building an (illegal) radio jammer, using a dish to focus it right at his radio. It would have been a lot more fun, but my guardian angel won out on that one. :)

We are trying to adapt to a development with detached homes essentially on top of one another, coming from living on 10 1/2 secluded wooded acres. This in a vacation area with a lot of motorcycles and fireworks in summer. And constant construction going on as the development is not finished yet.

Not easy but we have to put up with it. We chose this for our retirement for other reasons so have to take the good with the bad.
Here's what it says in the buildings rules and regulations:

"Unit Owners shall not permit the use of their premises in any manner which would be disturbing or a nuisance to the occupants of other units, or in any way injurious to the peace and reputation of the building complex. Unit owners and other occupants [i.e., renters] shall exercise care to minimize noise from any source, so as not to disturb other residents."

Anyway - just assume that I'm being a crotchety old man.

Hey Vincenzo, I can't bear too much noise either (most mature people can't).

I think the regulations are pretty clear as to noise disturbing neighbors. While documenting all dates and hours when this happens, I would also RECORD them all the time in case the matter gets to a small claims court or some other arbitration body. I hope they move out! :)
For those of you who value peace and quiet in the general vicinity of your home:

My wife and I live in a high-rise building, the configuration of which causes neighbors to be a little more "in-your-face" than one might like.

We've been happily living here for the past 20 years in relative peace. Neighbors are generally considerate and overall just not the noisy, partying type (my wife and I are the same). Many of the people who live in this building have been living here even longer than my wife and I have - some since the 70s. As such, neighbors are of a certain age and we see they're either passing away or leaving for Florida in ever increasing numbers. Add to this the fact that there's been a whole lot of development in our neighborhood and nearby neighborhoods. These factors are bringing in new, younger people into the building.

Recently, someone moved into a nearby apartment who doesn't show the same consideration for neighbors as those who've lived here in the past. I'll spare you a lot of the details. Suffice it to say that some of the noise from these new neighbors is unreasonable and I have no problem calling building security to deal with it. However, there are other times when they make noise, but noise that probably doesn't rise to the level of complaint - some (many) would not consider it unreasonable. For example - last night (a weeknight, mind you) this neighbor had a bunch of people over (Covid? What's Covid?) and they were carrying on a bit on their terrace. I could hear them slightly over my air conditioner, but there was no music. It started early - which I have no problem with - but it went on until around midnight - again, on a weeknight, not a weekend.

I was upset last night. I asked my wife if I was being unreasonable. In her gentle, diplomatic way she told me I was. Ever since I was as a kid, I was more sensitive to loud noise than others. And I guess I became spoiled with considerate neighbors for the past 20 years that the slightest encounter of inconsiderate neighbors gets me wound up. I think that's what bothers me the most - the lack of consideration for others.

Any tips on how to deal? For various reasons, moving into a detached private house is not really an option.

I am right there with you! I wish I had an answer and I will read other responses here with great interest. I am also more sensitive to loud noise than most people and in my detached house (see, a detached home is not a guaranteed solution), I am surrounded by irresponsible dog owners who see no problem letting their dogs out, specifically to bark, at any time of night. I love dogs, but none of these people have well trained, properly socialized and well exercised dogs. Tired dogs don't bark their heads off any time a leaf falls. I am nervous about moving in the future to a multi family building. The noise diminished once we put in central air conditioning, which was a long time coming. I love rainy days because the dog owners can't leave the fidos outside all day. I hope you find a good solution from this wise communiity.
For those of you who value peace and quiet in the general vicinity of your home:

My wife and I live in a high-rise building, the configuration of which causes neighbors to be a little more "in-your-face" than one might like.

We've been happily living here for the past 20 years in relative peace. Neighbors are generally considerate and overall just not the noisy, partying type (my wife and I are the same). Many of the people who live in this building have been living here even longer than my wife and I have - some since the 70s. As such, neighbors are of a certain age and we see they're either passing away or leaving for Florida in ever increasing numbers. Add to this the fact that there's been a whole lot of development in our neighborhood and nearby neighborhoods. These factors are bringing in new, younger people into the building.

Recently, someone moved into a nearby apartment who doesn't show the same consideration for neighbors as those who've lived here in the past. I'll spare you a lot of the details. Suffice it to say that some of the noise from these new neighbors is unreasonable and I have no problem calling building security to deal with it. However, there are other times when they make noise, but noise that probably doesn't rise to the level of complaint - some (many) would not consider it unreasonable. For example - last night (a weeknight, mind you) this neighbor had a bunch of people over (Covid? What's Covid?) and they were carrying on a bit on their terrace. I could hear them slightly over my air conditioner, but there was no music. It started early - which I have no problem with - but it went on until around midnight - again, on a weeknight, not a weekend.

I was upset last night. I asked my wife if I was being unreasonable. In her gentle, diplomatic way she told me I was. Ever since I was as a kid, I was more sensitive to loud noise than others. And I guess I became spoiled with considerate neighbors for the past 20 years that the slightest encounter of inconsiderate neighbors gets me wound up. I think that's what bothers me the most - the lack of consideration for others.

Any tips on how to deal? For various reasons, moving into a detached private house is not really an option.

I use an app on my iPhone called White Noise. I use Pink Noise all night long to help me go to sleep and stay asleep until I wake up. This blocks out noise from neighbors and barking dogs. The app is free and has a lot of other noise blocking sounds.
Those who party late may be sleeping in late. Makes sense to have early AM coffee with opera music playing though your 100W sound system. Lots of coffee and loud conversation with the missus.

But seriously, what do the building rules say about noise? You have to understand that first.

In suburbia I notice the same transition from older, quieter folks to younger noisier families. Can't stop it, sorry to say. You become a pariah...

Oh, I love the opera suggestion! My husband is a big opera fan and we have a large library. Too bad we don't much like Wagner! I'd love to wake those dogs up with the Valkyries.
there are tunable anti noise systems. active noise cancellation on a larger scale. but you leave a stereo on continously, with microphone and digital delay and spectrum analyzer. Use computer and software to listen to your interior and noise source, while program seeks to broadcast cancellation noise signal. Does not work for white noise sources. Only good for point source signals. Like parties, people talking, road noise.
The Ahole renters across the road with two LOUD barking dogs just backed a large Uhaul truck down their driveway this morning.
I don't know whether to be ludicrous or ecstatic!

I guess it depends on whether they’re loading their belongings or unloading a meth lab......
I like the white noise and the breeze of a fan when I sleep. Summer or winter, it's always on. My friend forever. Ever since I was a child and my father's snoring ripped right through the walls, my fan has comforted me.

And it always will.

I need a fan on at night so much that I bring a small one on vacation and when visiting relatives overnight. At home, I have a backup brand new one boxed and ready in the basement just in case the fan breaks down, I'm back in business in 20 minutes. Power failure are devastating - power and fan goes off, and i am awake before the blades stop turning!
there are tunable anti noise systems. active noise cancellation on a larger scale. but you leave a stereo on continously, with microphone and digital delay and spectrum analyzer. Use computer and software to listen to your interior and noise source, while program seeks to broadcast cancellation noise signal. Does not work for white noise sources. Only good for point source signals. Like parties, people talking, road noise.
I have always wondered whether this can be done for something as large as a whole room and not just in the very defined space inside your headphone ear cup, or in the cabin of some fancier new cars. I searched around earlier for something like this, but without much luck. Do you have some details you could share? Thanks!
I have always wondered whether this can be done for something as large as a whole room and not just in the very defined space inside your headphone ear cup, or in the cabin of some fancier new cars. I searched around earlier for something like this, but without much luck. Do you have some details you could share? Thanks!
Noise cancellation takes place very locally because it is dependent on the wave length of the problem frequency. That is why it takes place generally inside an ear cup.
I really feel for you; noises bother me a lot, too.

There are many 8-12 hour long YouTube "videos" that simply play white noise. I actually prefer brown noise when sleeping. For example:

I hadn't realized that there were multiple "color" noises - I only heard of white noise. After reading about different color noises on Wikipedia and hearing samples of them, I agree with you - brown noise sounds the most comforting. Sort of like distant waves on the ocean.

Bookmarked the Youtube video. Thanks. :greetings10:
Noise cancellation takes place very locally because it is dependent on the wave length of the problem frequency. That is why it takes place generally inside an ear cup.
Yes exactly; what can be done is to cancel something that is nearly a point source by another point source at the same location, and feeding the second source with the inverse of the original signal, which can be gotten from a microphone at that location as in noise cancelling headphones.

But if already the two (original and cancelling) point sources are separated by a small distance, which would always happen in a realistic room-size environment, then all you have is an interference pattern that does actually cancel the original sound in some locations, but enhances it in others, so there is no net cancellation everywhere. That's why all the attempts to do this that I know of ended up failing in practice. But there is a possibility of dealing with this issue down the road with "speakers" made up of a whole array of separate little piezo speakers, and you'd be able to control these separately and hook them to an AI control system.

Simply putting a second window/door in front of or inside of the existing window/door works better; in this case, one of the main tricks is actually to do it at the right distance, then the second glass pane not only passively attenuates, but will resonate at just the right phase to actively help further cancel the noise. This requires a distance much larger than, say, in a dual or triple pane window, something around two inches if I recall correctly. This is what I did in one of my homes, where a freeway was just close enough to bother me at night sometimes, and which is now inaudible.
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Agreed. Back before COVID, I would debate about attending some of the (potentially) fantastic outdoor summer concerts around here,Nine times out of ten, the people around me decided that their conversation was more important then the musicians on stage, and would blabber all through the music, raising their voices to be heard over the music.

Even if they did shut up after a while, the thought that anyone could be so self-centered and inconsiderate just lingered in my head, and ruined the rest of the show for me.

On a more positive note, I actually did have some success with an inconsiderate neighbor. Similar to your situation, he didn't make a great amount of noise, nothing to call the police over, but it was annoying to me. He would work in his yard, and had some big boom box on a cart, and play the local classic rock station the whole time. This would be for 4~5 hours a day, 4~5 days a week. So the odds were, I was hearing the radio, and all the repetitive commercials, just about anytime I was outside, or in the house with the windows open (we only close up and turn the A/C on when the heat/humidity are high, mostly just open up). It wasn't all that loud, but loud enough for me to hear clearly in my home.

So one day, I approached him, and was as open ended as I could be. I said something like "I'm sure you don't realize how far that sound carries from your radio, but I hear it my house. And I wouldn't care if it was 10 times louder if you were having an occasional party or something, but to hear it hours every day, day in and day out, is just interfering with my peace and quiet, or my listening to my music when I want." He didn't respond, but I never heard that radio again.

I had planned on building an (illegal) radio jammer, using a dish to focus it right at his radio. It would have been a lot more fun, but my guardian angel won out on that one. :)


Do you still have the plans? Will you message them to me? :D

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Do you still have the plans? Will you message them to me? :D Cheers!
I made a dog jammer from this guy's plans. It consisted of plastic pipes with tiny speakers playing very high frequencies. I'd aim it at the neighbor's back yard when the dog barked and shut it off when it stopped barking. Sort of worked. DIY Dog Bark Stopper
On a more positive note, I actually did have some success with an inconsiderate neighbor.


So one day, I approached him, and was as open ended as I could be. I said something like "I'm sure you don't realize how far that sound carries from your radio, but I hear it my house. And I wouldn't care if it was 10 times louder if you were having an occasional party or something, but to hear it hours every day, day in and day out, is just interfering with my peace and quiet, or my listening to my music when I want." He didn't respond, but I never heard that radio again.


I've also used the "I'm sure you probably just didn't realize" approach with the kids next store who play basketball while jamming their music to max volume and swearing like sailors at the top of their lungs..and surprisingly, it worked. (I also added in.."yeah, I remember when I was your age..I probably did the same thing" for good measure).

Lesson I learned..never assume people are INTENTIONALLY being a-holes..although they often are.

Best of luck!
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