Tony Soprano is dead......

:( I loved that show, and thought he was pretty darned sexy for an overweight murderer. ;)

51 is way too young...
That is really sad, what a great TV show largely cause James nailed the part.

Always especially scary when people die of natural causes and are younger than you.
I'm wondering if he had an existing heart condition. He was a bit overweight.

Big loss. Great actor.
I'm wondering if he had an existing heart condition. He was a bit overweight.

Big loss. Great actor.

So sad. It made me pause, since I also had a heart attack at 51, but a different result, obviously. When I was in the hospital, the intensive care nurses regaled me with tales of how they were seeing younger and younger people have serious heart attacks. The youngest they knew of was 27. The reason for the increasing youth of heart attack victims, they said (in their opinion), was lifestyle choices, not pre-existing conditions. But everyone is different.
I LOVED the Sopranos....I heard a comparison tonight that Tony Soprano was the same TV-changing character as Archie Bunker....I believe that...

The ONLY show I ever spent money on to get the entire CD set...!

Even when I see him tonight on Piers Morgan I can still recall the excitement of getting home on Sunday night to watch the show...

RIP Mr New Jersey...All those great characters....Uncle June, Janice, Livia the mother, Carmela, Chris, Bobby, Dr Melfi,Gloria, Artie Bucco, Meadow,"Big Pussy", Ralphie, Silvio,Paulie, Furio....etc..

..The NJ accent...So many characters-cant' remember them all......!!! But they were all so well dead on.....

RIP JG. I LOVED that show.....! TOO YOUNG to go!!!!

Where's the gabagool?!?!?!?

"woke up this a blue moon in your eye......."
so sad. too young. every time someone so young passes away it just makes me pause and appreciate life a little more.
Sorry to hear he has died. He was a great Tony Soprano! RIP
I'm wondering if he had an existing heart condition. He was a bit overweight.

Big loss. Great actor.

He had also been a cocaine addict, and cocaine can weaken the heart and worsen any existing heart conditions. One reason why you see younger people having heart attacks in these times. Very sad.
I didn't realize he was so young, thought he was in his late 50s. DW and I always enjoyed him and the roles he played. least James Gandolfini, who portrayed him, is dead, presumably of natural causes, in Italy. He was 51.

On The Sopranos, wasn't "natural causes" a euphemism for getting whacked? (Too soon? :hide:)

Hopefully, he found the gabagool. (Couldn't find the real clip, so this'll have to do. :blush:)
mad tv sopranos - YouTube
Tragic that he should pass at such a young age, but dropping dead suddenly from a heart attack is not a bad way to go.
I do not find any pleasure in his death and hope his loved one's will overcome their grief. I found the show to be a insult to Italian-Americans. After a few episodes I decided to put it on my 'ignore' list.
Shocking. Way too young. This reminds me of the sudden death of the guy from "The Green Mile", also from a heart attack.
Sad but I have bigger things to worry about (like how to help the re-building efforts in my flooded hometown) :-(
Sad but I have bigger things to worry about (like how to help the re-building efforts in my flooded hometown) :-(

I thought you might post on the old "This Weather Is Awful" thread, CG--it sounds horrendous where you are. Hang in there :greetings10:


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James had a lot to live for, he was an extremely good actor, he has a beautiful young wife and a new baby.

I will miss him, he gave me great pleasure on the Sopranos as Tony, as well as with many other roles.

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