what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Ran around doing errands all day with Mr Boston (mostly his).

Just finished eating Jamaican jerk pork and cornbread flavor StoveTop stuffing. I usually don't use processed food, but this stuff[-]ing[/-] is definitely going to have a repeat performance in my kitchen.

Siesta time now before we head out for his monthly Legion meeting. I'll kill time at the bar while he attends that for 45 minutes. :D
what's the deal w/ garage sales and flea markets and FIRE? Is there a connection....seems like a frequent activity among retirees
Not with this retiree...:nonono:


DH was on the computer all day composing music for a concert. I nearly got the shakes since I couldn't get my puter time until after 5.

Meanwhile this afternoon I went shopping for groceries and other stuff and while in the parking lot of Target, I nearly got hit by a car. DH didn't seem too concerned about this until I told him...'no, you don't understand...when the guy hit his brakes, he was about 3 feet from my body, in other words my tookus'.

It was rather ironic as the guy was pulling out of a handicapped parking spot. He nearly made me handicapped. :p
Listened to Tiger Woods interview on ESPN - same old/same old.

Grocery shopping at MacDill AFB nearby.

Border's Bookstore. Forgot how much fun it was to waste time in a bookstore reading through books/magazines. Need to do that more often.
In addition to helping keep spending (withdrawals) in check, it also helps answer the question "Whaddya DO all day?" :)

I find myself drawn to visiting them - established a new household, so it's nice to find stuff at 50 cents rather than paying $10 new. After a year into retirement, got to stop the habit of stopping at garage sales.
Listened to Tiger Woods interview on ESPN - same old/same old.

Grocery shopping at MacDill AFB nearby.

Border's Bookstore. Forgot how much fun it was to waste time in a bookstore reading through books/magazines. Need to do that more often.

Spent a couple hours in Barnes and Noble today myself. I've noticed that all the ones I go to (3 stores) have gotten rid of the comfy chairs. They'll still let you loiter and read, but you have to hang out in the Starbucks area to sit down. Too bad.
Too many readers and not enough buyers makes for a poor bottom line. Can't blame them. On the other hand, I wonder how many books they have in stock will get destroyed by coffee stains.
Had a good time with our shipmate over for dinner yesterday, but spent most of the morning [-]rehydrating[/-] cleaning up.

Spouse did her ninth consecutive day of volunteering for something. (That includes her six-day Mainland trip.) She's gettin' a little twitchy with her hair-trigger temper, but she's not doing anything on Friday.

what's the deal w/ garage sales and flea markets and FIRE? Is there a connection....seems like a frequent activity among retirees
I find myself drawn to visiting them - established a new household, so it's nice to find stuff at 50 cents rather than paying $10 new. After a year into retirement, got to stop the habit of stopping at garage sales.
Maybe frequent perusal of garage sales & flea markets is what enabled those people to FIRE in the first place. Sort of self-selection.

We did a lot of that before ER, and now we have even more time to do it. During the workweek spouse checks Craigslist a couple times per day, and I think we've upgraded just about every stick of furniture in the house.
I made leftover eggplant parmiagana and sausage with fresh sauce over angel hair pasta for dinner. I'm emptying out my upper freezer of small portions of leftover food as part of the "annual use-it-or-chuck-it" exercise.
I hate wasting food. :nonono:
I'm emptying out my upper freezer of small portions of leftover food as part of the "annual use-it-or-chuck-it" exercise.
Normally I'd say, 'send it to me!'...but not now. I have a freezer full of food...including two turkeys that I bought at 29 cents a pound on two different occasions.

Today I considered 'negotiations' with DH as he believes playing/composing music and fiddling around with the motorcycle are considered household chores. I'm gonna flip a coin and see if I need a cattle prod or a good ol' fashioned frying pan to get my point across...:angel:
A friend invited me to be her guest at her garden club's holiday party (her husband was relieved that I would substitute as he wanted to watch football). I enjoyed seeing the host's beautiful 1840 home (a work in progress but really lovely) which was formerly a stagecoach stop. Various florists had decorated the rooms for the holidays and the afternoon featured a pianist, wines, nibbles and conversation. Now who in his right mind would want to stay home to watch football?:LOL:
Had a three-hour solo gig on a Steinway that was reportedly played by Gershwin. It really was a special piano.

Took nearly all day to replace an engine mount in the used car I bought to use as a toad for RV'ing. After two trips to Harbor Freight to get the "right" tools to get at the g*dd*mned 4 bolts at the rear engine mount that is under the intake manifold and near the firewall, I got the new mount bolted in with the help of my son who has longer arms. This is one of those jobs where you wish you have the long reach of an orangutan.

One of these days, I will stop working on my cars. However, I am afraid that means that at that point my health will have deterioated so much I will not have much longer to live.

Right now, surfing the Web and nursing a cold beer. Life is good again, even after you have lost a bit of knuckle skin.
3 mile walk at Magnuson Park, a park in NE Seattle which was formerly a Naval Air Station. Good views of the Cascade mountains, and restored wetland over the landing strip.



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I looked for a replacement for my old pressing comb, but without success. The new model I bought last month doesn't get hot enough to get my hair straight. The one in the store today did not feel like it got much hotter (if at all) than the one I bought, so I didn't buy it either. Nothing promising on Amazon. What to do, what to do? My mom's hairdresser is suggesting a hair iron, but I'm totally skeptical. The store had one of the brand she assured my mom would do the trick (though she's only done my hair once, and that was more than ten years ago)—its top setting is 50 degrees lower than the comb I checked out, and barely hotter than the totally inadequate one I bought. Does anyone here use an iron on their hair? ISTM the hair would have to be nearly straight already for an iron to be at all effective.
Today I considered 'negotiations' with DH as he believes playing/composing music and fiddling around with the motorcycle are considered household chores.

:confused: You mean playing with Photoshop and the motorcycle are not chores? This is an alien concept....
I looked for a replacement for my old pressing comb, but without success. The new model I bought last month doesn't get hot enough to get my hair straight. The one in the store today did not feel like it got much hotter (if at all) than the one I bought, so I didn't buy it either. Nothing promising on Amazon. What to do, what to do? My mom's hairdresser is suggesting a hair iron, but I'm totally skeptical. The store had one of the brand she assured my mom would do the trick (though she's only done my hair once, and that was more than ten years ago)—its top setting is 50 degrees lower than the comb I checked out, and barely hotter than the totally inadequate one I bought. Does anyone here use an iron on their hair? ISTM the hair would have to be nearly straight already for an iron to be at all effective.

I don't use an iron on my hair, but my suggestion is to go to your Mom's hairdresser and have her straighten your hair. Show her a picture of what you want it to look like. If she can do it with the iron she recommended, then you can buy the same one and know it will work. She probably works with more kinds of hair every day than any of us could even dream of, and she probably has some other tips that would help too.
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I looked for a replacement for my old pressing comb, but without success. The new model I bought last month doesn't get hot enough to get my hair straight. The one in the store today did not feel like it got much hotter (if at all) than the one I bought, so I didn't buy it either. Nothing promising on Amazon. What to do, what to do? My mom's hairdresser is suggesting a hair iron, but I'm totally skeptical. The store had one of the brand she assured my mom would do the trick (though she's only done my hair once, and that was more than ten years ago)—its top setting is 50 degrees lower than the comb I checked out, and barely hotter than the totally inadequate one I bought. Does anyone here use an iron on their hair? ISTM the hair would have to be nearly straight already for an iron to be at all effective.

My LBYM solution would be either:
1. Learn to like your curls or
2. Shave your head.
Normally I'd say, 'send it to me!'...but not now. I have a freezer full of food...including two turkeys that I bought at 29 cents a pound on two different occasions.

Turkey Wars of 2010. :)
I looked for a replacement for my old pressing comb, but without success. The new model I bought last month doesn't get hot enough to get my hair straight. The one in the store today did not feel like it got much hotter (if at all) than the one I bought, so I didn't buy it either. Nothing promising on Amazon. What to do, what to do? My mom's hairdresser is suggesting a hair iron, but I'm totally skeptical. The store had one of the brand she assured my mom would do the trick (though she's only done my hair once, and that was more than ten years ago)—its top setting is 50 degrees lower than the comb I checked out, and barely hotter than the totally inadequate one I bought. Does anyone here use an iron on their hair? ISTM the hair would have to be nearly straight already for an iron to be at all effective.

My young wife, who is a high school teacher, says that all her girls use the brand called Chi.

P.S. I did a little poking around and found this site, which might be of some assistance to you.
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