what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Went out to lunch with F., and this time I got to drive! His Murano is in the shop getting a (possibly innocuous) noise checked out, and getting a new tire. So my Venza got a little exercise for once. :D

After having our favorite lunch together, we went for a pleasure drive. I heard in the news that three coyotes had killed a cat not far from our homes, in a well built up and well populated neighborhood. We wanted to see if there was any unimproved/forested land near there, so I drove over there. After checking it out we determined that the answer is no, it is a well manicured upper upper middle class residential neighborhood about 30 years old, with zero wilderness. This is an area where one would not expect to see even one coyote, much less a pack of three.

The brief glimpses we get of such sites on TV just makes me want to go there and look. :cool: I warned F. to watch for coyotes when he rides his bicycle in his neighborhood after dusk. As for me, well, I prefer staying home after dusk whenever I can. I will look all around before taking out my trash tonight, though.

Later this afternoon we'll drive over to the shop so he can pick up his vehicle, and then I'll go home and enjoy my oceans of leisure time there.
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Where i'm at in So. Cal. the coyotes aren't active until well after dusk (more like around midnight). I usually hear them yipping instead of seeing them.

I live right next to big hill that's undeveloped so they come right up to my backyard fence when they are hunting rabbits. luckily there are tons of rabbits in this area so they are not really interested in cats.

Nevertheless, If I had a cat, I'd bring it in at night if I thought coyotes were in the area. They will travel a mile or even more into "non wilderness" areas if there is food to be had there. Are there rabbits on the lawns at night? Is someone feeding them or raccoons with dog food ? Is there a largish park or school grounds nearby w/ critters like rabbits ? Those would be things that attract them.

Went out to lunch with F., and this time I got to drive! His Murano is in the shop getting a (possibly innocuous) noise checked out, and getting a new tire. So my Venza got a little exercise for once. :D

After having our favorite lunch together, we went for a pleasure drive. I heard in the news that three coyotes had killed a cat not far from our homes, in a well built up and well populated neighborhood. We wanted to see if there was any unimproved/forested land near there, so I drove over there. After checking it out we determined that the answer is no, it is a well manicured upper upper middle class residential neighborhood about 30 years old, with zero wilderness. This is an area where one would not expect to see even one coyote, much less a pack of three.

The brief glimpses we get of such sites on TV just makes me want to go there and look. :cool: I warned F. to watch for coyotes when he rides his bicycle in his neighborhood after dusk. As for me, well, I prefer staying home after dusk whenever I can. I will look all around before taking out my trash tonight, though.

Later this afternoon we'll drive over to the shop so he can pick up his vehicle, and then I'll go home and enjoy my oceans of leisure time there.
Where i'm at in So. Cal. the coyotes aren't active until well after dusk (more like around midnight). I usually hear them yipping instead of seeing them.

I live right next to big hill that's undeveloped so they come right up to my backyard fence when they are hunting rabbits. luckily there are tons of rabbits in this area so they are not really interested in cats.

Nevertheless, If I had a cat, I'd bring it in at night if I thought coyotes were in the area. They will travel a mile or even more into "non wilderness" areas if there is food to be had there. Are there rabbits on the lawns at night? Is someone feeding them or raccoons with dog food ? Is there a largish park or school grounds nearby w/ critters like rabbits ? Those would be things that attract them.

I used to live in a similar location in Spring Valley, California so I know what you mean! I saw coyotes there a lot, but was not so concerned because I knew they were not starving. I worry that those in my neighborhood would not even be here unless they were. A pack of starving coyotes scares me a little.

We are at least five miles from wilderness, and we are surrounded by swamps (with the Mississippi River to the south, Lake Ponchartrain to the north, and I-10 on stilts over the swamps to the west and east in and out of here). So it seems a little freaky to hear about so many coyotes here. The canals every few blocks have always had plenty of nutria and rats in them but otherwise, no parks nearby. The news media blames it on the high Mississippi, but I am skeptical.
Returned from a trip to visit friends, on the way I stopped to see my last surviving uncle. He's 94 and has slowed down a lot but mentally still sharp as a tack.
Was given an estimate by a rep from Pella windows this afternoon. All of a sudden the windows we have now don't look too bad.

Now, what are we going to do with all that money we saved by not buying new windows? :angel:
Was given an estimate by a rep from Pella windows this afternoon. All of a sudden the windows we have now don't look too bad.

Now, what are we going to do with all that money we saved by not buying new windows? :angel:

What fun! I'm sure you'll think of something.... :D
What fun! I'm sure you'll think of something.... :D
I’m thinkin’ of a jacuzzi suite, plush bath robe, a massage that will send me to la la land only to be awakened by the sound of chilled Dom Perignon being poured into a crystal champagne glass.
I’m thinkin’ of a jacuzzi suite, plush bath robe, a massage that will send me to la la land only to be awakened by the sound of chilled Dom Perignon being poured into a crystal champagne glass.

Sounds like a lot more fun than windows. :)
Busy day for us.

In the cool early morning we harvested a tray of vermipost. Now that it's just the two of us empty nesters, it takes us about 4-6 months to fill a tray. The worms really work through the other two trays during that time and the oldest one is completely vermiposted. The hibiscus, gardenias, geraniums, and tomatoes are happy with the results.

I dropped off the last of our dearly departed bunny's equipment at the SPCA. Most of Peter's gear went to the vet (for their rescue bunnies) but this was a ramp-- six feet long and three feet tall-- for him to get up to his cage. The SPCA is going to use it in their cat habitat.

The SPCA is only a couple miles from White Plains Beach so I followed up with surfing. Gnarly 6-8 footers today with great drops and long rides. Saturday morning is supposed to be even better!
I have declared today to be a "veg out" day for me. I am tired from the trip and a night out last night. I need to just sit around and do nothing.

Mr B gave me a pouty face but agreed we both need some brainless R&R. That will last until sometime late this afternoon when he bugs me to get out of the house. He is a high energy and very social guy, which is good because sometimes I tend to just want to stay at home. My new nickname for him is "The Social Director". :LOL:

He just grossed me out - he ate 2 cans of sardines for lunch, complete with lip smacking and describing just how wonderfully tasty they were.
I hate sardines...the smell, the appearance, the whole idea of them. :sick:
They're just tiny little tuna. In a can and covered with oil. Yum.
I have declared today to be a "veg out" day for me. I am tired from the trip and a night out last night. I need to just sit around and do nothing.

Mr B gave me a pouty face but agreed we both need some brainless R&R. That will last until sometime late this afternoon when he bugs me to get out of the house. He is a high energy and very social guy, which is good because sometimes I tend to just want to stay at home. My new nickname for him is "The Social Director". :LOL:

You have the patience of a saint! I would send him packing in about 5 minutes.

I must admit that I love :smitten:sardines and anchovies, though, so maybe not.... :LOL:
I have declared today to be a "veg out" day for me. I am tired from the trip and a night out last night. I need to just sit around and do nothing.

Mr B gave me a pouty face but agreed we both need some brainless R&R. That will last until sometime late this afternoon when he bugs me to get out of the house. He is a high energy and very social guy, which is good because sometimes I tend to just want to stay at home. My new nickname for him is "The Social Director". :LOL:

He just grossed me out - he ate 2 cans of sardines for lunch, complete with lip smacking and describing just how wonderfully tasty they were.
I hate sardines...the smell, the appearance, the whole idea of them. :sick:

At least he didn't break out the pickled pigs feet..........;)
You have the patience of a saint! I would send him packing in about 5 minutes.

I must admit that I love :smitten:sardines and anchovies, though, so maybe not.... :LOL:
There is an encore Yankees game on (played last night), so he is chilling out in the recliner, "resting his eyes". :LOL:
You can have my share of those stinky little buggers in a can. :nonono:

I'm almost ready for a nap after catching up on emails, doing some bank transfers for trip related credit card transactions, and checking out the VG site so I could update my M* portfolio tracker for distributions at the end of June.
I still have $10K parked in a NY TE money market fund for immediate emergency needs. I was tempted to move it somewhere where it could earn a little better TE interest, but I quickly logged off before I acted on that impulse. I will wait until I achieve a goal to have $10K in my credit union accounts before I make a move on doing something with that money market stash. I should be able to accomplish that goal in 3Q11 with no problem.
Last Friday, helped a friend to move from one apartment to another - he couldn't afford the latest rent increase :(

Two of the guys who were to show up didn't, so we did the work with only three male adults - one obviously overweight who couldn't "pull his weight", as it were and three young boys ( 7, 9 and 12 ).

The next morning, I woke up to agonizing pain in my lower back. Its now been a week, and I'm unable to sit upright for more than 1 hour at most before collapsing on a couch or bed. I'm using Salonplas patches, but don't seem to help much.

So today, more of the recuperating routine for the past several days - morning massage using electric massager; then lay in bed until lunch, then more massage, then lay in bed, then check out stuff on the computer ( where I'm writing this post ) before more bed, dinner, and massage.

Hope things improve soon, this is getting real boring....:(
Sorry to hear of your pain Coolius. :( I've helped a lot of people move in the past...now my only duty is to bring beer and donuts. My bod just can't take it anymore.


Today I was jonesing for some spinach dip..so I made some. Yummy. :)
I've been in a spinach eating kick lately...hmmm, I wonder if I'm pregnant. :eek:


Your post made me realize something important - at that move last Friday, there was NO BEER and DONUTS!

The pain must be withdrawal symptoms. It's all coming back now. :)

OK, feeling more stiffness/pain, time to go back to the bed for another massage.....

See y'all later.
He just grossed me out - he ate 2 cans of sardines for lunch, complete with lip smacking and describing just how wonderfully tasty they were.
I hate sardines...the smell, the appearance, the whole idea of them. :sick:

Freebird, I never ate sardines until quite recently...was repulsed by those headless little bodies packed side by side in a tin. I am trying to bring my LDL cholesterol down and the mantra from my cardiologist is "fish and more fish". I buy fresh fish at least once a week but where I live in PA what passes for "fresh" can often disappoint. I resolved to try to choke down sardines once in awhile but could not bring myself to relish them until I hit on a Portuguese product: Casa Lusa...three giant, plump sardines per 4.2 oz. tin and really tasty. I put them on mixed salad greens and skip the dressing as they are packed in olive oil

I spent today packing for a road trip to the Jersey shore tomorrow. My sister-in-law has a place in Avalon and I plan to stay with her until Saturday...or until we tire of each other, which could make for an earlier departure. She and her husband and certain of their friends like to party, and I am not into that in my old age.
Laundry on line; gave blood #175; harvested beets, cucumbers, zucchini.
Sanded then varnished kayak.
Reward: a 1/2 container of Rum Raisin ice cream.
Hot tub is at 109F, should be ready in about an hour.
Went to a bunch of thrift stores and second hand shops for stuff to stage a house for selling. It is looking good. So much so that DW and I discussed not selling it. :facepalm:
Freebird, I never ate sardines until quite recently...was repulsed by those headless little bodies packed side by side in a tin. I am trying to bring my LDL cholesterol down and the mantra from my cardiologist is "fish and more fish". I buy fresh fish at least once a week but where I live in PA what passes for "fresh" can often disappoint. I resolved to try to choke down sardines once in awhile but could not bring myself to relish them until I hit on a Portuguese product: Casa Lusa...three giant, plump sardines per 4.2 oz. tin and really tasty. I put them on mixed salad greens and skip the dressing as they are packed in olive oil
You and Mr B would get along great! He is half Portguese and buys tins of exactly those type sardines when we go back to visit his family in MA.

Yesterday was a very busy day. We attended a reception for the incoming County Legion commander, complete with food and free beer. Then we went to the VFW where a wedding and reception was being held. We know the couple but were not specifically invited by them. It was kind of odd because everyone else was encouraging us to go to the reception upstairs. We graciously passed rather than feel like party crashers.

Today is chill out day. I am getting almost non-stop hot flashes and any outside temps above 80F make me feel exhausted. Much nicer inside in 72F thanks to our fathful little window AC unit. :D

UPDATE: I got myself motivated and went out to check on my blackberries and grapes. I did some light pruning and persuading of the errant vines.
I saw a LOT of green grapes on all 3 vines. :dance:
Here are the fruits of my very first blackberry picking, drying out in an 11" diameter colander. There are a lot more almost ripe berries still out there.


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