what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Today was a w*rk from home day for me, which worked out well because we had a blizzard! I had lots of information to review and comment on so I stayed in my PJs all day. :dance:

This morning I noticed that a floor lamp was leaning over. And then I read this article, which explains everything.

Small quake rattles B.C.'s Okanagan - The Globe and Mail

Obviously I slept through the whole thing. :LOL:
Day 78 of our familyroom renovation: we're finally contractor-free.

We still have a lot of cleaning & painting left. Tomorrow we'll mop up the worst of the new tile floor and then unleash our Scoobie to run wild until his batteries give out. Spouse will be puttying nail holes in a couple hundred board feet of the baseboard molding and painting that. Meanwhile I'll be painting the exterior trim and caulking a bunch of joints.

Our photovoltaic array is back to full power but once the painting is done I can re-attach the conduit & junction box to the wall & roof.

The electrical, structural, and final inspections should be held sometime next week-- and then we can start moving furniture again!
...I'll tell USAA I succeeded in getting GM to honor the warranty and I'll be returning the money they paid me on my insurance claim...
Now, that's the absolute opposite of "soul pinching". I just can't think of an apt phrase for it.
Had a couple of clients, watched the bf and son clean up the yard/rake leaves, and cruising the net :)
What can a couple of retirees find to do on a pretty Saturday? Go to garage sales, that's what. :D
Went to the gym this morning for water aerobics.
Then out to lunch (Indian buffet) with an ethnic cuisine MeetUp.
Now am planning online and then reading.
This evening: drum circle MeetUp.
DW and I ran a local 5k race. She placed 2nd in her age group. I placed 1st in mine. Then worked on my closet shelving project, and watched the blackhawks self destruct.
I made corned beef hash and eggs for breakfast, did touch up drying and folding of 2 loads of laundry washed/hung a few days ago, and reordered 10 more lbs of whole bean coffee from DD online. Even with the shipping, it still comes out cheaper to have delivered in bulk to the house versus driving downtown to pick it up in 1 lb bags. Amazing! :cool:

Mr B has a tough assignment due Tuesday, so he is cranking away at that. We will do some wood hauling on one of his breaks, using the freshly installed hoist/gambrel system. Pics are from a solo test run I did last week.
The 6:1 w*rk ratio on this baby is my friend. :D


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Visited an alpaca farm near by. We're still thinking about buying 3 or 4 as pets and to use the fleece for yarn. DW likes to knit and I would like to learn to weave. They seem to be hardy animals and not overly expensive if you are looking at just having them for fiber, not for breeding. Will need to clear about 1/2 acre for them and put up a fence and small run in type shed. Anyone here raising alpacas?
Went to BD party for a 70 yr old Dixieland band friend. Many former band mates were there and we did a lot of jamming. One friend has Alzheimer's, but when he played his trumpet he was OK.
I worked on my class C motor home today.

On the recent trip, I had some white knuckle experiences on the road. It was particularly bad when crossing the Wyoming windswept prairie, on Highway 18 from Ammon to Lusk. The gusty 30-40mph (my guess) wind kept threatening to blow my MH and its toad off the road. At times, I thought about pulling off the road to spend the night boondocking by the side of the highway. And I would have done so, if not for the fact that no suitable spots could be found.

So, I swore that I would look into doing something, anything, to try to improve the handling of the MH. What bothered me was the fact that my MH is not one of those long class Cs, which can be up to 31' and loaded with slides. Mine is a short 25', and on the same chassis as the big ones, such that I have a CCC (cargo carrying capacity) of an impressive 2650 lbs. The car I tow is also light, at 3200 lbs. Could the lesser weight mean that I got pushed around more?

In researching RV forums, it appears that many people have handling problems with heavier class Cs that may be overweight. One unfortunate guy had problems driving his new MH home from the dealership, empty and not towing anything! And he was an experienced RV'er, having owned a 5th wheel earlier.

Anyway, I just followed the usual recommendation of putting in wonderful HD Bilstein shock absorbers, and a marvelous Hellwig add-on rear anti-roll bar. If you think I am getting kick-back from the manufacturers, let me assure you that I am not, and the superlative descriptions above were what I gathered from the comments on various RV forums.

See my proud accomplishment below.


The job was not as bad as I had feared, because the MH had plenty of clearance, plus I used the stabilizing jacks to raise its rear a couple more inches.

Well, do they work? Beats me! After the installation, I drove it around the neighborhood a few blocks, but could not really tell the difference. I guess I will not know until the next trip, when I again encounter strong winds and with the toad in tow.

PS. I will add here that the tires were all new, installed just prior to the trip and with pressures checked religiously.
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Dave I would love to get some alpacas! Too hot here but I wish!
Today I am proud to report that I passed my motorcycle driving test! I took the 3 day beginner safety course offered locally and while it was totally exhausting, I literally started with getting on a bike for the first time yesterday at 8am to passing the exam that qualifies me for a M class license in my state.
Whew! Very difficult and WAY out of my comfort zone. But another step in our prep for Peru in (now) just 5 weeks. WoooHoooo!
And I learned lots of good safety info at the same time. So you bikers are safer sharing the road with me than you were on Thursday! :)
I had my GF and my son and DIL and G-daugheter over to see my new place. Granddaughter said she likes it, she can both pee and poop there. Something about my current bathroom kind of bothers her.

After they had gone, I took GF down the street to a nice French restaurant for dinner.

Also it was a beautiful sunny and cold day.

I worked on a golden retriever who has arthritis....LOVE my job :)
BF, son, and my mom went out for an early bday dinner....looking forward to my bday tomorrow :)
Sarah in SC...you plan to motorcycle in Peru? Wow hope to hear all about. We just got back from Peru and loved it.

Okay, since this is what have you done today thread...I went to the mall and walked this morning since it is nasty and raining here. Good day for mall walking and I was early enough to beat the crowds.
Another grueling day in the ER world. Since DW had a slow day of work (self employed) we tag teamed to label and document the contents of the wine closet. I wrote the year and varietal on the foil or neck of each bottle, and then dictated the info to DW who entered the data into an XL spreadsheet. Now we have cataloged the rack from location A1 to M9. Almost all slots are filled and discovered a few bottles we didn't know we had.

Also took the car over to the mechanic to look at the SRS light on the console. Have to bring it back next week as multiple error codes showed. We went and got a Buckies and a Noah's bagel to fill the breakfast urge.

Just got the Harley back last Monday and the bike looks great.

Happy T day to all!!
Sarah in SC...you plan to motorcycle in Peru? Wow hope to hear all about. We just got back from Peru and loved it.

Ah, that is great--feel free to PM me with any suggestions from your trip!
Here is a thread on what we are doing in Peru--sheer madness. We leave in 5 weeks!


And in the spirit of updates, I just passed my motorcycle driving test this weekend after a grueling 3 day course. Never been on a bike before in my life! :dance:
Helped DH shovel and blow snow, proofed a new story that's being published, than packed for a Thanksgiving trip to the coast tomorrow.
I did my routine things and still find great joy in doing them - gym, read, cook, watch TV, check my emails and Facebook. The only non-routine thing is to visit a general doctor to get a reference letter to scan my kidneys since I have a small stone in one of my kidneys which needs monitoring. Going to scan it this week - hope it has not gone any larger.
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