what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Freebird, tell me that your news anchor doesn't sound exactly like this impersonation of Kim Kardashian:

Ate way too much, including the worlds best pecan pie. :tongue:

And, watched the Cowboys pull out another last minute victory :dance::dance::dance:
Got elected to my condo board. I must be crazy! :whistle:
Today we drove home from Savannah ,Ga. where we have spent the last four days . Savannah was interesting to see . A lot of history in that town . We spent Thanksgiving at an old restored Pirates House made into a restaurant . The food was very good . We had all the traditional foods plus lots of seafood & southern dishes .We stayed at The Planter's Inn . A really nice boutique hotel with a great location. Savannah was fun but it was one of those places that for me once is enough .
We drove up the coast and did not much of anything. Some photos:



I took this out through the dirty car window:

Beautiful pics tromboneal...love the last one.
I had two clients, took a nap, now surfing with a kitty cat on my lap :) Life is really good!
We finally pulled the trigger and bought a truck. Got a 2011 F150 wth Ford's generous end of model year incentives. Yeah, we could have bought something heavier duty, but this truck will do all I want done and I really did not want to deal with something the size of a 250. For the size trailer we have and the next one up, this is more than adequate.
Supported "Buy Nothing" day. We've already jump-started our local home remodeling industry, and we bought a used Prius earlier this year, so I think we've done enough. In fact we're going to try to make it "Buy Nothing Weekend" all the way through Tuesday.

We spent two hours draining, cleaning, and moving our aquarium back to its old pre-renovation spot (and then refilling). It's the first time in over three months that it's been filled with the usual rocks & plants. Then we moved the rest of the room's furniture around a little so that we can do more baseboard caulking & painting. We also decided to call in a housecleaner to give us a hand with the cleaning so that we can focus on the painting & furniture moving. She last cleaned this place 11 years ago but she's calling old clients to drum up new business, and we figured this was too good an opportunity to pass up.

Then we spent another two hours painting windowsills (spouse) and high exterior trim (me). My hands are showing discomforting signs of pain from gripping paintbrushes & moving ladders. 600 mg of ibuprofen and a couple hours later my metacarpals are still unhappy.

Just checked the rodent traps again-- no customers!
I woke up to brilliant sunshine and a weather forecast of a high of 54F.
Have I been relocated to some other latitude and just don't realize it? :confused:

Mr B goofed off [-]got his car inspected and rear wheel brake job done[/-] all day yesterday, so he is under the gun to complete an assignment and study for a test Tuesday. Whipcrack! :LOL:

My ToDo list includes starting up the generator, moving some wood upstairs using my new hoist/gambrel system, and maybe mowing/chopping up the last of the fallen maple leaves on the back lawn. I am not used to being able to do outdoor things like this on this calendar date. No complaints! :D
We’re having the floors refinished. Multiple areas of water damage (roof, door) and damage from the previous owner when they moved out. The furniture is in the garage, so we had dinner tonight around a decorative table with some office chairs. Lots of reminiscing about “back in the day” when this was "it". Without the chairs, wine or nice plates of course The good old days.
This reminds me of my significantly younger - and poorer - years when boards and concrete blocks were the major furniture items. Chairs were whatever folks [-]tossed out on garbage day[/-] didn't need. We had a small 13" black and white TV with rabbit ears. I am not afraid to admit whenever we ran out of toilet paper before payday we [-]took [/-]resupplied with a roll from the local gas station's restroom. There are just some things you can't afford to be without.:dance:
Called BC/BS to cancel my health insurance effective the end of the month when I go on Medicare. The gravel-voiced BC/BS customer service rep signed off the call with "Congratulations!"...and a hearty laugh. :)
Follow up: I think I now understand the reason for the CS rep's parting comments. I learned today had I not canceled my BC/BS policy my monthly premium would have increased by 27%...
Lubed squeaky door hinge. Changed furnace filter. Set timers on Xmas lights. Threw out a bunch of parallel port to Centronics cables, does anyone still remember what they were for;)
I woke up to brilliant sunshine and a weather forecast of a high of 54F.
Have I been relocated to some other latitude and just don't realize it? :confused:
Ironically I woke up to brilliant sunshine and an outdoor temperature of 64 degrees... and wondered the same thing.

I guess winter has arrived. Today we'll have to search the house for open windows. Then we'll have to clean their tracks, lubricate their slides, and see if we can shut them.

Follow up: I think I now understand the reason for the CS rep's parting comments. I learned today had I not canceled my BC/BS policy my monthly premium would have increased by 27%...

You're not planning on spending 27% more now that you're on Medicare, are you?

I've changed my father's mailing address to my address, and the USPS sells that information to all the direct-mail businesses. For the last couple months our mailbox has been slammed with unsolicited offers to help us find the best deal on Medicare open enrollment.

Guess I'd better figure out how to renew his Medigap policy. IIRC that premium is due in January.
My ToDo list includes starting up the generator, moving some wood upstairs using my new hoist/gambrel system, and maybe mowing/chopping up the last of the fallen maple leaves on the back lawn. I am not used to being able to do outdoor things like this on this calendar date. No complaints! :D

Wood moving? :nonono:
Generator startup? :nonono:

Chop up leaves on back lawn ? :D

Trim some evergreens and decorate my front flower box and steps ? :D

Redo my terrarium ? :D

The ingredients...3 plastic deer, shiny, striped and white stones, a Herkimer diamond, pieces of decomposing wood, red berries from wild rose bushes, moss and baby ferns from the woods at the back end of my property.

The result...a miniature woodland scene in a glass bowl.


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.............The result...a miniature woodland scene in a glass bowl.

Nice job. If it was like my area, the tiny deer would have denuded the landscape in the bowl within 24 hours. :LOL:
Trying out the android app.

Gave blood (#177)
Filled up car.
Cooked leftovers.
Paid my property tax. :dead:

Then spent the day with my best friend and sweetheart. That helped.
Gentle 2.5 mile run to start easing back into the habit. Stressed a bit while pushing myself in the 10K on Thursday morning.

Bought 150 feet of good coax and put up a dipole antenna in the backyard trees. Preparing to get a new ham radio (HF) in a couple of weeks when the local dealer has their big annual sale.
Believe it or not, I did more caulking & painting today.

The exterior back wall of the familyroom is within a couple hours of finished, and all the high ladder work is done there. The interior familyroom caulking is done, and I'm ready to start touching up the paint in there. Lots of high ladder work to look forward to.

We also made a list of $10/hour jobs that our daughter might care to tackle on her break. Unfortunately her old Kumon center job pays $11.25/hour, but if we're lucky they'll be on Christmas break for most of our daughter's Christmas break.

Spouse is bringing in the housecleaner on Tuesday to start dusting & cleaning everything before it goes back in the familyroom, and to clean all the windows & glass doors. I think housecleaners are going to want a lot more than $10/hour. The housecleaner is also going to "free up" more of my time for caulking & painting, so I'm a three-way loser of this "benefit".

Preparing to get a new ham radio (HF) in a couple of weeks when the local dealer has their big annual sale.
I remember standing engine room watches when our submarine was transmitting HF. You could watch reactor power fluctuate significantly with the transmitter activation.
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