what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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... gave most of my books to the library. They were pleased to get donated books, and were even glad to get outdated technical books...
Donated books to the local public library are often not of use to them, and are often offered for sale at the price of $1 for hardcovers, and $0.50 for softcovers. I often browse these shelves to look for bargain.

One time, found a bunch of engineering books. Obviously, a local geezer gave up his library, or worse, his estate donated the books. :(

Anyway, I found a good classic, "Antennas" by John Kraus. Of course, I was glad to take out $1 to put in the donation box, and the book was proudly mine! :cool:


Went home to put it on the shelves, and what did I see? I already had my own; it was the same textbook I had in school. :facepalm:

It came back to me; I could even recall the course number. Oh my gosh!
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(Thursday) Got up made coffee and breakfast for DW then sent her off to w**k. Started some laundry, emptied the dishwasher, then loaded it, took a few things out of the refig and threw them away (made room for the DW to cook a family dinner on Fri) packed for a over night trip, loaded my truck with stuff to take on my trip, shower, dressed and out the door by 830, picked up two of my sisters and nephew, and headed off on our 3.5 hour trip. Arrived safely. Met my son for lunch and planned out our day. Took my sisters over to my son's place to crash for a little before dinner. Went to a very nice place for dinner, then Kohls, then to my son's place. Got in bed about 11 PM. Very tired. Today (Friday) got up took the sisters to breakfast, went to the Lowes and grocery, To the son's place of business, did a few fixer uppers and then it was time to leave and head home. Dropped the sisters off and got home in time to go back out and get some salad and garlic knots to go with dinner. After a nice dinner, desert and coffee visited a bit and now it is almost 11PM. Good night.`
Drove a long way to a rummage sale, and I finally got a new base for my electric toothbrush -- $1 instead of $16. And we picked up these two fellows from the dock:



This is our second crab dinner since the season opened Sunday. There is nothing like it -- our favorite meal.
I did my weekly volunteer table bussing last night. My legs do not ache like they did before, so I must be getting conditioned to it. My leg muscles and glueus maxima :blush: are really firm now, almost like when I was able to play sports (before carpal tunnel deprived me of that). I feel great. :D

I made breakfast for Mr B before he hit the books. He spent about 20 minutes reading, said to heck with it, and went for coffee with the guys.
I think he is a bit stalled getting back into full time StudyBug mode.

He joined a shuffleboard league, so we will go to that this afternoon. I may be asked to be a sub, so I want to watch the strategy and make sure I understand the scoring. Several other gals go to watch, so I won't be the only "skirt" there.
Originally Posted by freebird5825
...while Mr B cracks the books again this semester. He has a course that heavily involves algebra, so I will be his math tutor for that. I'll be using 3 dimensional objects to help him get the concepts down. This oughta be good. :cool:
Gotta say, that would motivate me to move directly to integral calculus. ;)
The last time Mr B took algebra was over 25 years ago. He sort of remembers graphing and functions, but it's very dim.
I have helped math challenged people before, by getting things off the paper and in some sort of 3D form so it is understandable.
I have a flat piece of styrofoam, colored push pins and string to use to graph a simple function of 1 variable, then move on to multivariable functions.
He is a visual learner, so this will w*rk well for him. I taught him binary math by using a 3 switch light control panel in the hallway. Then we went back to the paper and he aced it. :D
I mentioned in an earlier post that there are 10 types of people.

0. The type that does not understand binary math.
1. The type that does.

... I taught him binary math...
Just finished laying all of the floor tile for the wet bar. Tomorrow comes the grout. The cabinet guy stopped by with stain samples.

God willing and the creek don't rise, in two weeks the bar will be open!
Gave blood #178.
Can I hit 200 before I die?
Hit several stores for errands.
Shoveled the melting ice and snow out to the sidewalk, so I could put out the garbage. Power came back on so made a quick trip to the grocery store to replace the spoiled stuff.

Yesterday, walked to the grocery store and bought fresh veggies for Pasta Fagioli. Cooking by flash light is not my favorite activity, but it turned out great!

-- Rita
Pretty quiet day-- mostly chatting with spouse, reading, & writing. We're a' fixin' to make a trip to Wal-Mart shortly for some things she needs, so I guess I'd better figure out a list.

Went to the Barrett Jackson auto auction. I couldnt decide which of these vehicles to bring home.
There'd be a fierce bidding war around here on Hello Kitty.

The others... well... not sure where you'd put the stand-up paddleboard. Does that red monster fold down its rear seats? It'd cost $30 in gas just to back that thing out of the driveway.

Is this a repo auction, or are people deliberately selling their vehicles in hopes of making a profit?
Nords said:
Pretty quiet day-- mostly chatting with spouse, reading, & writing. We're a' fixin' to make a trip to Wal-Mart shortly for some things she needs, so I guess I'd better figure out a list.

There'd be a fierce bidding war around here on Hello Kitty.

The others... well... not sure where you'd put the stand-up paddleboard. Does that red monster fold down its rear seats? It'd cost $30 in gas just to back that thing out of the driveway.

Is this a repo auction, or are people deliberately selling their vehicles in hopes of making a profit?

I think hello kitty was a customized Smart car. I don't think the red monster had fold down seats - it had a regular pickup bed (with a cap) behind the back seats. It definitely had room for a few surfboards, but like you said - costs megabucks to fuel the thing. These were part of the vendor exhibits. The auction itself is a bunch of owners selling their vehicles trying to make a buck. The hearse that carried JFK from the Dallas hospital to the airport was part of the auction. A few celebrity cars, and the corvette that John Cusack drove in Conair.
This morning I went to the library and bought 6 paperback books: $.25 each. Turns out that I already owned one of the books, so I will donate it back to the library and probably end up buying it again next month. It’s a Clive Cussler book. I have four of them (not counting the duplicate) and haven’t read any of them yet. Hope I like Clive Cussler.

Then, it was off to Home Depot. But, on the way I stopped at Macys. I always stop at Macys. Couldn’t find anything for me, but ended up buying a Sean Jean shirt (size 3X ) for a friend. The shirt had been reduced (in price, not in size) about three or four times as far as I could tell.

OK, on to Home Depot. I returned a hose that I bought last week. Turns out we already had two extra hoses in the garage and it seemed silly to have three extra hoses. Anyhow, I succeeded in buying two carbon monoxide detectors (as per samclems’ suggestion. Thank you samclem). I also wanted to buy some sort of flame resistant adhesive tape. They didn’t seem to carry that item, but a clerk suggested I go to an auto parts store because they would have what I was looking for. The auto parts store didn’t have it, but the clerk there told me to go to Home Depot and ask for aluminum adhesive. I did and they didn’t (have that product).

Time to rest on the couch. I fell asleep. The wife wanted to do something in the kitchen and tried to close the sliding kitchen door so as not to wake me up. Well, the door came off its track and she woke me trying to fix it. I tried to fix it, but failed. However, later we notice that one of us, as we were trying to get the door back on the track, scrapped off some paint.

And, this was a pretty good day.

Two weeks ago, the Pittsurgh Steelers lost to the Denver Broncos...THAT was a bad day.
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Power outage 2 most of today. Nice to have the iPod for reading.
I had a scary moment or two this week . I got the flu last week . Chills ,fever ,body aches and complete loss of appetite . Suddenly It went into my chest and caused a severe flare up in my asthma . I spent my birthday in the ER with the Physicians trying to get my lungs to work at better capacity . After several breathing treatments, massive steroids , heavy duty antibiotics I was able to go home with a nebulizer , more steroids ,more antibiotics and assigned to rest .This has really made me see how precious life is and how your health can change in a moment . It also made me appreciate my SO who has been my rock through this .
I had a scary moment or two this week . I got the flu last week . Chills ,fever ,body aches and complete loss of appetite . Suddenly It went into my chest and caused a severe flare up in my asthma . I spent my birthday in the ER with the Physicians trying to get my lungs to work at better capacity . After several breathing treatments, massive steroids , heavy duty antibiotics I was able to go home with a nebulizer , more steroids ,more antibiotics and assigned to rest .This has really made me see how precious life is and how your health can change in a moment . It also made me appreciate my SO who has been my rock through this .

Oh my goodness!!! So glad you are ok!!! Continue to rest and recover - thinking of you! :flowers:
Got my snowmobiles off the trailer, started them and went for a short shake-out ride. Went well so I'm all set for the season. Watched the AFC and NFC championship games. Bad day for the Harbaugh boys.
Went with girlfriend and her parents to a afternoon musical and dinner for her mother's 75th birthday.
Breakfast, Church, lunch, get boat & tackle ready for fishing this week, nap, back to Church, dinner, visit with family, then to bed. Great day!
Took on a laptop computer repair project.

My widowed sister, age 76, chose an unfortunate location to temporarily store her 'lost all its flavor' chewing gum. She placed it on the lower right corner of her laptop (yeah, what was she thinking...) and forgot it was there. Snapped the warm laptop closed and didn't find her gum again until the following day.

Her chosen storage location was on the edge of the closed screen and the warm, juicy gum flowed around to the back of the screen in a small area no larger than a dime. Apparently LCD screens do not react well to moisture and other chemicals in chewing gum - the gum infected the screen and the cancerous growth continued eating away at the display until it proved fatal.

Emboldened by YouTube video instructions, I removed the defective screen and ordered a replacement. I'll let you know how things work out.

Oh, I also built her a USB Gumholder to hopefully prevent future mishaps...


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I replaced an LCD screen recently. I picked up the opened laptop by its screen, and pinched it a bit too hard. Heard a tiny "crack"... Oops... Found a crack about 2" long where my thumb was, which very quickly grew across the screen, rendering the whole thing dark. Spent about 1 hour cursing myself, before I calmed down and decided the next course of action.

Found a new replacement screen on ebay for $80 (wow, that was cheap), but did not consider doing it myself until I found detailed instructions on the Web about how to remove the bezel and all the wiring.

In the days before the Internet (and also when I was younger and intrepid), I would just start to pry around until something gave. :nonono:
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Moemg said:
I had a scary moment or two this week . I got the flu last week . Chills ,fever ,body aches and complete loss of appetite . Suddenly It went into my chest and caused a severe flare up in my asthma . I spent my birthday in the ER with the Physicians trying to get my lungs to work at better capacity . After several breathing treatments, massive steroids , heavy duty antibiotics I was able to go home with a nebulizer , more steroids ,more antibiotics and assigned to rest .This has really made me see how precious life is and how your health can change in a moment . It also made me appreciate my SO who has been my rock through this .

Take care of yourself Moe! And easy on those steroids. You don't want to look like an NFL lineman
Bad day today. Leaving 70 degree az for snowy 30 degree il, and I sold my 2000 Grand Cherokee. It's not a good feeling being Jeepless.
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