what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Local hawk got another dove on the front lawn this morning. It's a jungle out there.
Today I finished reading F.'s novel... you know, the novel we all plan to write in retirement, but most never start, much less finish. He finished yesterday morning.

It was one of the best I have ever read, in every respect. He has already started on a sequel. :D I can hardly wait.

The novel is set in New Orleans, so we spent the afternoon driving around looking at places after which he had modeled places in the novel. What fun!
Congrats to F.....:flowers:

Since DH is out of town, I've been snacking at odd hours, catching up on my spooky movies, and soaking up some sun while cool breezes blew.

All those activities have exhausted me, so I'm chillin' with a chilled glass of Chardonnay. :)
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Worked most of the day at the country club work-bee. Had a few brewskis at the Elks Club with a friend on the way home and played a little pool. Then watched the Bruins go down to the Caps - its crunch time tomorrow.

W2R - who is your new avatar?
Congrats to F.....:flowers:

Thank! I will convey your congrats to him. :D Right now his Muse has tackled him and he is busily churning out his next novel. But when he feels he can stop, he may decide to make it publicly available on Amazon in Kindle format. I think he really hasn't thought about that aspect yet.

BbbamI said:
Since DH is out of town, I've been snacking at odd hours, catching up on my spooky movies, and soaking up some sun while cool breezes blew.

All those activities have exhausted me, so I'm chillin' with a chilled glass of Chardonnay. :)

Sounds like a good idea. I'll bet you miss him a lot.
Worked most of the day at the country club work-bee. Had a few brewskis at the Elks Club with a friend on the way home and played a little pool. Then watched the Bruins go down to the Caps - its crunch time tomorrow.

W2R - who is your new avatar?

Sounds like a relaxing Saturday.

This avatar is me, in 1974, back in Hawaii with the gentle breezes blowing through my hair- - young, carefree, with my whole life in front of me. Time sure flies!

Alan points out that coincidently, 1974 was the same year his avatar photo was taken. :)
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Today I finished reading F.'s novel... you know, the novel we all plan to write in retirement, but most never start, much less finish. He finished yesterday morning.
But when he feels he can stop, he may decide to make it publicly available on Amazon in Kindle format. I think he really hasn't thought about that aspect yet.
So you're saying that he's planning to self-publish, and only as an e-book?

The reason I ask is because I think the editing & publishing process, much to my surprise, improves the product.
So you're saying that he's planning to self-publish, and only as an e-book?

The reason I ask is because I think the editing & publishing process, much to my surprise, improves the product.

To be honest, I don't know what he plans to do. He has mentioned the possibility of doing that, though also he may possibly have contacts that could help in other directions. Right now he's immersed in writing the beginning of the sequel, and not thinking about what to do with this one. I sent him a compendium of links on how to proceed if he decides to put it into Kindle format and have Amazon list it.

I was floored with how good it is. I tried to assess it objectively as I read, as much as I could. (That was hard to do, I admit, considering my feelings for him.) I used to do technical editing now and then as part of my job, so I do have a tendency to look for inconsistencies. To me it seemed amazingly good, especially for a first novel. It grabs the reader, flows perfectly and clearly with no boring moments, and I thought it was fascinating and a joy to read. It's a cops 'n' crooks type of book, but with lots of local color and a heart... very believable and unique.
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I made breakfast for Mr B to give him some good protein while he hits the accounting books heavily. I ate 2 oranges.

I fired up my PS3 and forced myself to play ping pong completely backhanded with only the MOVE controller, i.e. no paddle yet. I didn't win too many games (the "Boomer" avatar is proving to be my nemesis :bat:) , but w*rked up a good sweat playing 4 consecutive games. My visual-hand movement reaction time is improving greatly and I feel very nimble on my feet. The fact that I used to play real ping pong, left handed against right handers [-]please feel free to serve to my forehand mwah ha ha[/-] >:D is my advantage with the virtual game.
Being able to play after years of having to "say no" to racquet & paddle games (carpal tunnel/tendinits) is so mentally liberating for me. :dance:

The approaching storm is threatening to dump heavy wet snow on the NE. So far western NY near Buffalo and PA are the predicted worst areas, but all we need is a slight wind shift and central NY could get it too. I may have to cancel my trip to Lake Ontario tomorrow. :(
I just fixed my windshield with a repair kit...saved ourselves a few dollars. It is so empowering for me to do those things myself. A few years ago - has it been 20+? - I rebuilt the carburator (sp) on my Dodge Hornet. It ran for many more miles:dance:

W2R - love your new avatar!
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+1 here too.

With Alan and your youthful avatars, perhaps this is the beginning of a new trend?
Cool idea...but we need to add a pancake and a glob of butter...:rolleyes:

Thanks CFB...wherever you are....;)


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Just returned from Naval Station Great Lakes. Went up there Thursday with DW, DD and SIL to see grandson #1 graduate navy bootcamp. Graduation was Friday. He's on cloud nine and can't wait to get going in the navy world. He left Saturday morning for his new duty station, Naval Station Pensacola. We just had the greatest time and the ceremony was outstanding. There were something like 500 sailors graduating. Each was permitted to have four guests and the grandstands were packed. A lot of guests wore their military uniforms, like my SIL in his Marine dress blues. We are so proud of our grandson and wish him the best. He has already called from Pensacola and is so excited. GO NAVY!

(Hope you see this Nords, and thanks for your encouraging words).
Tom, I like your avatar! You were a handsome young man at 23. And Freebird, yours is absolutely lovely. BbbamI, I remember that great photo + pancake. :D

Thanks, all. Maybe we can indeed start a trend. :D It's fun to see ourselves as young adults with so much ahead of us.
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Got home from afternoon coffee run. DW made some pie, the scent of which made me real hungry. Sitting in the dining room peering into the kitchen my view was, the pie in the left photo.

Then the second shows a a closer up of the red pepper. Had to ask DW if it was real or a decoration. By the way I won't know what kind of pie until 7 PM or so, when it is Sunday dessert time.


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