what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Yesterday played 9 holes of golf with some friends in the morning. Had two birdies, including a chip in from about 20 yards on a par 3, which is very unusual for me but a few bad holes (triples) brought me back to earth and my normal score for 9. Then I had a G&T with a nice lunch on the deck at the club.

Went home, took a nap and when I woke up the wind was blowing nicely so I went sailing for 1-2 hours on my little catamaran (Trac 14).

DW & I went out to dinner to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary and had a nice dinner at a new place in town that we had been wanting to get to.

Then a bit of shopping and went home and watched some Olympics.

Great day in ER overall.
Yesterday played 9 holes of golf with some friends in the morning. Had two birdies, including a chip in from about 20 yards on a par 3, which is very unusual for me but a few bad holes (triples) brought me back to earth and my normal score for 9. Then I had a G&T with a nice lunch on the deck at the club.

What's a G&T? It sounds vaguely erotic. Goose and Tickle? :D

pb4uski said:
Went home, took a nap and when I woke up the wind was blowing nicely so I went sailing for 1-2 hours on my little catamaran (Trac 14).

DW & I went out to dinner to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary and had a nice dinner at a new place in town that we had been wanting to get to.

Then a bit of shopping and went home and watched some Olympics.

Great day in ER overall.

Aw, that sounds like a wonderful, terrific day in ER, I agree! Definitely one to remember.
Went with wife to Ikea to buy tickets for its upcoming Crayfish Feast. Heh heh heh... It's a lot cheaper than going to Louisiana. Heh heh heh... Will see how good it is.

We also had their $0.99 breakfast. Ten years ago, would not have thought I could feel full with something that cost so little (and also looked little on a plate). I guess a sign of being a geezer is that you are like an [-]old[/-] broken-in engine. Your body is like a well-oiled machine that can run on so little fuel, and yet deliver much MPG. Heh heh heh...

What do I do with the extra money that used to go for food? Oh, I know. Just feed it to the motor home, aka gas guzzler.
W2R said:
Oh, thanks! And here I thought I was going to hear about something risque. I should have thought of Gin and tonic (my excuse is that I don't drink, sorry!)

Still sounds like a great day.

Maybe you were thinking of Tonic and Anisette?
W2R said:
T&A? :ROFLMAO: Actually I am more befuddled than actually thinking, at this stage... :)

Nah, you're sharp. You just gotta get your mind out of the gutter. As do I and probably most people here :)
Nah, you're sharp. You just gotta get your mind out of the gutter. As do I and probably most people here :)

Yeah, so true! Oh well. Time to leave the gutter behind and watch the Olympics. I really enjoyed watching the girls' gymnastics last night! The American team was so much better than I thought they could be. :)
T&A? :ROFLMAO: Actually I am more befuddled than actually thinking, at this stage... :)

That would be Tonsils and Adenoids. (Having them out) would be NOT my idea of a good ER day!

I think this thread here is having its effects on people. :nonono:
As is usually the case, the first time I heard about that book was on this forum. I never go out much, as they say. Then, out of curiosity, I read the linked review. Oh la la. Is that what women want? I dunno... That book got quite a few readers, it looks like, and remember how men always say they subscribe to Playboy for the articles? I dunno...
As is usually the case, the first time I heard about that book was on this forum. I never go out much, as they say. Then, out of curiosity, I read the linked review. Oh la la. Is that what women want? I dunno... That book got quite a few readers, it looks like, and remember how men always say they subscribe to Playboy for the articles? I dunno...

The young wife looked at me and said " why do I need that book. Thats what you're for." >:D

Speaking of tonsils and adenoids.
Trying to get Onone's Suite 6.1 to play nice with Photoshop CS6. Downloading the newest version (2GB) of Suite 6.1 to see if that works.

Still trying to remember what I did with the 5-in-1 reflector for photography. I moved it somewhere when we had the carpets cleaned last month and danged if I can find it. I'm shooting a wedding next month and may have to buy another. Then the first one will turn up.

A guy at work is getting married (2nd time for both) and his alternative is relatives with cell phone cameras, point 'n shoots and the like. I'm sure I can do better than that. So the DVD with the photos will be my wedding present to the happy couple.
Still trying to remember what I did with the 5-in-1 reflector for photography. I moved it somewhere when we had the carpets cleaned last month and danged if I can find it. I'm shooting a wedding next month and may have to buy another. Then the first one will turn up.

After my experiences with my lost checkbook earlier this year, I know exactly where you should look. Check the first spot you thought of, where it logically would be, even though you didn't see it the first time you looked there.
Yep, I have always had the same problem locating stuff. I would call my wife in to help look, and she would find it right under my nose.

Have always been like that since a kid. So, I don't think it is senility. Or is it?
NW-Bound said:
Yep, I have always had the same problem locating stuff. I would call my wife in to help look, and she would find it right under my nose.

Have always been like that since a kid. So, I don't think it is senility. Or is it?

My husband and I are this way. He can call and ask where something is and describe what it looks like, and I can usually remember the last place I saw it, even if i don't know what it is (like a tool or part.) If I die first, he will never find anything!
Yep, I have always had the same problem locating stuff. I would call my wife in to help look, and she would find it right under my nose.

That happens a lot here too and is generally "plan A" when I can't find stuff. Still looking for the reflector though.

I did play around with the macro lens a bit and tried out some stuff in Photoshop from a book on image sharpening and another book on Lightroom techniques.


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Last night I ushered for a Barry Manilow concert. It was LOVELY and a beautiful night. The audience was 90% middle aged women so it was an easy crowd to manage. Everyone had a good time and they all were polite enough to take their trash with them which made clean up super easy.

The guy is almost 70 years old and he sounded excellent. He talked a lot about his history in music and his favorite parts of his albums.

The show ended with a burst of paper streamers out over the crowd. I was pretty close and was covered in streamers. I even got a glow stick which is still glowing on my desk.

Fun night.
What happens with Sue and her husband is exactly the roles between my wife and myself. Amazing.

My wife also says that I would be totally lost without her. To that, I reply that statistics say that my chances of dying first are a lot higher, and she would not have me to take care of anymore.

Nice photos there, Walt. You almost made me want to spend money for more [-]toys[/-] equipment.
Nice photos there, Walt. You almost made me want to spend money for more [-]toys[/-] equipment.

It is difficult to restrain myself. There is so much out there with such possibilities but I have to ask myself "how much would I really use it?" Nonetheless I have long "wish lists" at a couple of photo dealer web sites.

Went for an hour bike ride in the late AM but it was getting hot/muggy so headed for home.

And playing around with an off-camera flash near dark, shot a weed under the back porch. The white background is the out-of-focus siding of the house. Now a set of extension tubes to get even closer is on the list.


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Our daughter spent three weeks and a day with us after her submarine training month, and last night she boarded a plane back to college. She's probably unpacking her bags in her new off-campus apartment, changing the oil in her CR-V, and getting ready for Orientation Week. She's looking forward to junior year because she's taking "only" 18 credit hours.

Spouse and I are enjoying our silent house with all of its newly-exposed horizontal surfaces. Even our washer & dryer are empty.

It was good to have her home again, and she's matured a lot in the last six months. She turns 20 soon, so I guess I can claim that we've finally gotten rid of our teenager... after about 10 years of sustained effort!

My big plan for today is pruning bougainvillea. Probably after my nap...

As is usually the case, the first time I heard about that book was on this forum. I never go out much, as they say. Then, out of curiosity, I read the linked review. Oh la la. Is that what women want? I dunno...
According to Dave Barry, that's exactly what women want. But with helicopter-owning billionaires, not with us.

Barry also claims that this phenomenon explains the existence of Donald Trump.
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