what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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I just came back from a great vacation in the mountains. So relaxing and decadent. Tomorrow, I have tickets for a SF Giants game. On Saturday, I'm gonna walk to the farmer's market to load up on fruits and vegetables. And on Sunday, I'll be going to the beach.

Where in the mountains did you go? Was it your first time there? And what did you like best about your stay there?
Where in the mountains did you go? Was it your first time there? And what did you like best about your stay there?

The mountains in Wine Country, north of San Francisco. It was my third time there, although it was the first time I stayed for any length of time. The hotel was top notch, the food and wine were great, it was extremely quiet and restful, the weather was perfect for sunning by the pool and riding in our convertible with the top down along the winding roads. A little piece of heaven on earth.
The mountains in Wine Country, north of San Francisco. It was my third time there, although it was the first time I stayed for any length of time. The hotel was top notch, the food and wine were great, it was extremely quiet and restful, the weather was perfect for sunning by the pool and riding in our convertible with the top down along the winding roads. A little piece of heaven on earth.

Wow, that sounds wonderful!
Yet another meeting with the Medicaid paralegal at the elderlaw attorney's office. Fortunately the worst is behind us in gathering all the data. Lately I've been feeling guilty about leaving for work since I know DW is working harder on that project than I am at anything.
Yet another meeting with the Medicaid paralegal at the elderlaw attorney's office. Fortunately the worst is behind us in gathering all the data. Lately I've been feeling guilty about leaving for work since I know DW is working harder on that project than I am at anything.
You need to retire so you can get to work helping her. :)
I'm catching up with my volunteer projects and house projects after being away for DS's college graduation (yay!) and realized I had ER.org withdrawal so here I am for a little break. Although graduations are usually terminally boring, Bill Nye the Science Guy was the speaker and he was terrific - entertaining and inspiring. He also stayed and shook the hand of every single graduate (more than 1,500).

Got back late Wednesday night. Yesterday was meeting, haircut, planning for next meeting, meeting, bunco (can't miss my night out with the girls!) - DH had to eat frozen leftovers. So this morning I went to the grocery store so I can cook a nice dinner - grilled salmon with mustard honey glaze and lots of veggies. Made a bunch of phone calls for volunteer projects and still working through e-mails from the past week. After dinner I hope to get caught up with some of the DVR recordings also as we were too busy for TV while we were gone. It's nice to be home!
Getting ready to head out from the hotel to day 3 of DelFest.

It was really windy and fairly cold yesterday (highs in the mid 50s), and I hadn't planned properly so didn't have enough warm clothes. But after covering myself with multiple layers as well as everything I had in the trunk of the car (wife's winter coat, beach towel, poncho) I stayed warm enough. Great music all day, ending near midnight with an excellent two set show by the Trey Anastasio Band. Hope today and tomorrow are as good. At least it will be warm enough to drink beer today. We used up all the bourbon last night.
Once again, I am taking a moment out of my very busy FIREd life to log on and say hello :greetings10:

Not much going on here today. We just got back from a road trip to NH to visit Mr B's mom. We decided not to stay at the cheaper hotel and got a really nice room at the Holiday Inn in Nashua. I wanted to use the outdoor pool but the New England weather was not supporting that idea. :(

My short list includes launching the boat next week, planting some dwarf cold hardy fruit trees in my large backyard garden, pruning my 3 year old grapevines, and doing some homegrown tomato seedling transplanting into 5 gallon buckets.
We have a freeze warning :nonono: forecast for Sunday night, so I think I shall wait on that.
Every time I go to the grocery store, I marvel at the prices of organic veggies. I use no pesticides at all. My own little container garden provides us with just enough fresh veggies so there is no waste. The freshness of "just picked" cannot be rivaled. I have been enjoying the young tender shoots of 25 asparagus plants I ordered online. I threw them into an Earthbox temorarily until I can get the outside ground level bed prepared.

Memorial Day is already booked solid with several ceremonies at area Legions and VFWs. I have my digital camera at the ready to take formal and candid shots for the Posts. I transfer the pics to CDs and give them to the Post Commander for their historical records of members and events. At no charge of course. :)

It's cloudy out and chilly, so watching some Red Sox and/or Mets baseball and baked chicken wings with authentic Buffalo wing sauce for dinner sounds good.

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I woke up to another cloudy chilly day. :nonono:

I have a few small indoor projects looming, so that's the order of the day.

I'm in a cooking mood...going down to the freezer to see what looks interesting. Maybe a small pork tenderloin roast in the crockpot, Portuguese style. :)

I'm going to make some of this as a flavoring for the pork roast.
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Finalized a consulting project I have been doing for the past few months. I am so glad I don't have to lead the implementation!
Getting ready to head out from the hotel to day 3 of DelFest.

It was really windy and fairly cold yesterday (highs in the mid 50s), and I hadn't planned properly so didn't have enough warm clothes. But after covering myself with multiple layers as well as everything I had in the trunk of the car (wife's winter coat, beach towel, poncho) I stayed warm enough. Great music all day, ending near midnight with an excellent two set show by the Trey Anastasio Band. Hope today and tomorrow are as good. At least it will be warm enough to drink beer today. We used up all the bourbon last night.

Sounds phishy... :LOL:
Drove up to Chicago over the weekend, 1406 miles. 30.65 mpg. Driving long distances in the US is so easy, at least compared with other countries where I have driven. Outside the cities traffic was light and well behaved.
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Drove up to Chicago over the weekend, 1406 miles. 30.65 mpg. Driving long distances in the US is so easy, at least compared with other countries where I have driven. Outside the cities traffic was light and well behaved.

Better you than me. The older I get, the less I enjoy driving long distances. I'd rather just stay home. Glad you got to Chicago safely and with minimal hassle.
Lesseeee.....I planted some lettuce for a horticulturally challenged buddy from the local VFW. His doctor has been bugging him to eat more salads in lieu of meat and potatoes. I had some extra seeds so I helped him out.

Mr B made us a fabulous cheese pizza. :D Then an intense thunderstormstorm cell moved in and drowned my front yard and driveway. :( Looks like I'll be attempting to mow the yard again in between the never ending rain events. No boat launching this week. :nonono:

A Red Sox game is on tonight, so as soon as the storm passes, I'll fire up the PS3 and watch the game via our MLB.tv subscription. I'm becoming a real baseball watching nut, thanks to Mr B.

I splurged and bought a RONCO Platinum edition rotisserie the other day. I had been watching/waiting for a price drop at Amazon, and sure enough it dropped to $126.
It arrived today. Gotta go get some whole chickens and try it out. :dance:
Part II of the driveway story...the downpour yesterday swept a whole ****load of tiny pebbles, dirt and sand (leftover from winter) down the side of the road, across and covered the end of the driveway. The lowest points were now damp and dirty and mucky.
So I fired up the power washer and attempted to clean it all off in one pass. Wrong! The accumulation of sand and dirt from before the storm plus what washed on during the storm was now hard packed down and approx 1 inch thick. Argh! :mad:
I spent 3 hours rounding up the sediment and spraying it onto the lawn.
Mr B tried to help but his spraying technique left a lot to be desired. :nonono:

To finish up the project, I cut 3 drainage channels into the lawn using the power washer sprayer on high setting, to allow future proper runoff.
Good thing I had my safety glasses on. My entire body was speckled with sediment that bounced back off the lawn edge. I rinsed the dirt off my clothes and arms in the driveway, which got a few funny looks from the drivers of passing cars. :LOL:

Mr B rewarded my hard w*rk with a nice lunch out at a local Italian mom-n-pop
restaurant. Then we went and grabbed a $99 RCA 5000 BTU window air conditioner from Aldi's. It's supposed to be in the 90s tomorrow. That is completely out of character for my area.
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My walking group's best walk so far!

kettlevalleyrailtrail.com | Naramata

Walked along the Kettle Valley Railway trail from Penticton to the Hillside Winery in Naramata, where we tasted wines, had a delicious LBYM lunch, and toured the winery before returning on foot to our vehicles. About 1 hour each way. Spectacular views in glorious sunshine!

Life is good.
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My kids' last day at school and early release. I took them to a trailer food vendor for lunch. I also picked up rental car the same time. Will drive to Great Smoky tomorrow for a week. Yeah!
Returned from an RV trip up to the famous Canton First Monday Trade Days (which are actually held on the Thursday-Sunday before the First Monday of each month). We were amazed at what people sell (and buy) at this ginormous flea market. I had no idea that my set of 1979 Pyrex mixing bowls that I donated to Goodwill a few years back now sell for $30 or more at flea markets. And that each piece of vintage Corning Ware now sells for $10 or more. A fun trip - we purchased some art for around our fish pond and a few small items, and checked one more off our bucket list.
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