what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Looks like we're the latest casualty of the drought and dropping water tables. Hopefully all that will be needed is to lower the submersible pump several feet. But since so many people in the area are having the same problem, the well servicing companies are backed up and it will be Monday before they can get to me...

Hope it's an easy fix. We had our family reunion recently at Big Chief Resort which I think is in your general vicinity. Their well is completely dry so they've been having to pay to have water trucked in.
SIL & BIL moved to their new (to them) house about 15 minutes away. Yay! DW is happy about this - she's close to her sister.

BIL eyed my pickup truck and said he'd really like some help getting boxes of stuff out of storage. Glum. The things we do for family. So that's what I'll be doing today.

I tried telling him I had this policy bumper sticker on my truck but it didn't work.

With my old truck, I just lend it to whichever relative wants to use it with the understanding that it comes back full of gas. :D They can do the moving without me.:greetings10:
Got home from a 6 day trip today. I got to go by myself to Nashville and see the Monkees in concert. I took the opportunity to see a friend in Birmingham and my sister in east TN. Yesterday I went to the Nightfall free concert in Chattanooga. I had a great time and nice break from wife and kids and they from me.
Went to a classic car "cruize-in" in Martinsburg, held on the grounds of a mansion that itself is something of a local classic landmark. I'm always impressed with the amount of effort that goes into restoring these cars.


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This afternoon I went to a crowded, well attended Open House on F's street, about 5-6 houses up from his. This house has an attached garage, and I would love a garage. However, the house was 30 years old and hadn't been updated or renovated at all. Considering the potential renovation costs, the price was simply staggering. They fudged the square footage in the ad, too, and the house seemed cramped.

So much for that one. :) Oh well, cheap entertainment I suppose, due to the ridiculous price, and without the hassle of actually moving.
DH casually said this morning, Did you know this is our anniversary?

I believe this is only the second time we have not planned ahead of time for an anniversary celebration. This is our 33rd. Out for pizza and beer at a place that has rock-paper-scissors for 1/2 off pizza on Mondays. DH won! Score!

Another cheap date night.
Encountered what anyone who has a water well hopes they never experience - turned on the faucet and nothing came out.

Looks like we're the latest casualty of the drought and dropping water tables. Hopefully all that will be needed is to lower the submersible pump several feet. But since so many people in the area are having the same problem, the well servicing companies are backed up and it will be Monday before they can get to me.

Guess we'll spend the weekend in a local RV park...
Update: We got the well back in operation Monday afternoon. Rather than go to an RV park, our neighbor let me fill the RV water tank and we used it to shower during the three days we had no water.

As we guessed, the water table had dropped, leaving the submersible pump dry. Even though the pump was still operational, I decided to install a new, more powerful one to better handle pumping from the added depth (lowered the pump from 500' down to 650'). Plus, the old pump was 9 years old and I only got 6 years out of the one it replaced.

Happiness is having running water and indoor plumbing...
Update: We got the well back in operation Monday afternoon. Rather than go to an RV park, our neighbor let me fill the RV water tank and we used it to shower during the three days we had no water.

As we guessed, the water table had dropped, leaving the submersible pump dry. Even though the pump was still operational, I decided to install a new, more powerful one to better handle pumping from the added depth (lowered the pump from 500' down to 650'). Plus, the old pump was 9 years old and I only got 6 years out of the one it replaced.

Happiness is having running water and indoor plumbing...
I've always had municipal water. Lots of rationing for many years (in Caracas) and when the electricity was out (hurricane Wilma) but in those cases you know service will be restored. A falling water table must be a bit unsettling.
A falling water table must be a bit unsettling.

It is cause for concern. At this point it is a financial inconvenience to pay to have the pump set deeper, but if the level continues to drop over the next several years it could be very bad. Having to pay someone to haul water to fill our 2,500 gallon storage tank isn't in our budget...
Happiness is having running water and indoor plumbing...

Couldn't agree more! These are the biggest advances of civilization, IMO, and so important to one's comfort and happiness. Glad you got everything fixed and back to normal.

It is cause for concern. At this point it is a financial inconvenience to pay to have the pump set deeper, but if the level continues to drop over the next several years it could be very bad. Having to pay someone to haul water to fill our 2,500 gallon storage tank isn't in our budget...
Is there any possibilty of a rural water association in the foreseeable future? For those who may not know rural water associations are government welfare programs that supply water to remote areas. I have 3 water meters from three different rural water associations in pretty remote areas.

It is cause for concern. At this point it is a financial inconvenience to pay to have the pump set deeper, but if the level continues to drop over the next several years it could be very bad. Having to pay someone to haul water to fill our 2,500 gallon storage tank isn't in our budget...

Dang. That is worse than fire ants etc...

Glad you getting a solution, besides moving to a rainforest.
Is there any possibilty of a rural water association in the foreseeable future? For those who may not know rural water associations are government welfare programs that supply water to remote areas. I have 3 water meters from three different rural water associations in pretty remote areas.
No, nothing in the works. Big problem here is the high cost of running water lines. Thin layer of topsoil atop solid limestone.
Set up a Escrow Account today for my 'new' used car buy. I've been looking for three years for a current year, low mileage Camry. Good friend of mine is a dealer and he has been scouring the web for me. But one of my buddies over on Tractor-by-net found me a 13 Camry with 2414 miles for $17.7K up near Chicago. Was a lease car for one month when it was rear ended. Bumper cover was replaced and trunk lid painted. I will wire the money in the am, then the title will be over-nighted. Once it is in hand, we pay the shippers $878, then have up to eight days to wait.

But we found out today the dealer up there has been driving it. Now has 3900 miles on it. He had better stop driving my car!!!
Left Alaska to head home from our retirement trek. The start of week 7, and we may take two weeks to meander back. No rush, now. Had an interesting time, and we're not done just yet..

Oh yea - received my first pension check today! Feels good...

I get paid for doing this... *snore*
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I could have done my motorhome trip to Alaska this year, but a little problem held me back. Hopefully next year.
The ORIGINAL Monkees!!??

NW-bound: make sure you do it - it's definitely worth the effort
Yesterday was 25 years of wedded bliss with DW. All she wanted to do was go out to lunch at a nice restaurant. So we did.
Yesterday was 25 years of wedded bliss with DW. All she wanted to do was go out to lunch at a nice restaurant. So we did.

Congratulations!! Nice, simple way to celebrate. I wish you many more years together.
Went to Ravinia yesterday with DW for a pleasant afternoon picnic and evening concert. Great weather, better show.
Hence, the 25 years AND the bliss. Just keep on doin' what you're doin'. You got this figured out.:cool:

When we got married an older relative gave me the secret to a happy marriage. "Just say 'Yes, dear.'" So far it works.

Scratch one item off the Honey-do list, yesterday was pressure washing the concrete front porch. It's on the north side of the house and never gets direct sunlight so mold/mildew and general crud builds up on it.
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