what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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How about using a jumpstart cable to your car? If the weak cycle's battery is the cause, you will find out right away.
I was warned about doing that by the shop when I did it once before. For some reason the amperage in a car battery has a 50/50 chance to fry the electronics. They said don't use anything bigger than a lawn tractor battery.

Why that would be so I have no idea (why would it pull more amps than it needs?) but I will bow to the voice of experience.
Attended Antiques Road Show in Austin. Had them look at a painting of a clipper ship that my parents received as a wedding present back in the 40s. While it was not a big $ discovery, they indicated it was American, 1920s, nicely done, but they could not identify the artist. Value at auction $400-800.

We had tickets for 9:00 AM admission, but they let us in at 7:00 AM, and the appraisal was completed by 7:35. Fortunate for us, otherwise we might have been standing in line for hours.
what did you do today?

Our son came by for a visit this weekend. Went to church, breakfast, then a local car show. Took a couple of snapshots of James Bond's Aston Martin - the one with the ejection seat lol. Local guy bought it. Some other guy was trying to sell a DeLorean for $25k. Seemed mighty put out I didn't want to sit in it. He asked at least three times. Thought about offering him $16k, but was afraid he'd accept and I'd have to deal with DW.

"Gee dear, it followed me home - can I keep it?"

If he'd asked one more time, I would have gone around pointing out the defects he was trying to cover up, and explain why, though a particular year and model of vehicle may be desirable, an individual car may not worth diddly squat.

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I was warned about doing that by the shop when I did it once before. For some reason the amperage in a car battery has a 50/50 chance to fry the electronics. They said don't use anything bigger than a lawn tractor battery.

Why that would be so I have no idea (why would it pull more amps than it needs?) but I will bow to the voice of experience.

At first, it did not make sense. But then if people have observed this problem, then it is the job of an engineer or scientist to come up with an explanation.

I now have a theory, but of course have no way of verifying it.
I was warned about doing that by the shop when I did it once before. For some reason the amperage in a car battery has a 50/50 chance to fry the electronics. They said don't use anything bigger than a lawn tractor battery.

Why that would be so I have no idea (why would it pull more amps than it needs?) but I will bow to the voice of experience.

At first, it did not make sense. But then if people have observed this problem, then it is the job of an engineer or scientist to come up with an explanation.

I now have a theory, but of course have no way of verifying it.

I'm curious about your theory.

Occam's Razor says to me that 'they' don't know what they are talking about. I've found that even very experienced and respected repair people strongly believed some things that were just flat out wrong.

I considered that the small battery could be acting as a current limiter, and if hooked to a large battery, the motor could draw even more current, and possibly over-heat. But that really does not make sense, that would mean the motorcycle battery would be so marginal, I don't think you could count on it to reliably start the bike. And loading the battery that hard would really shorten its life.

FWIW, my lawn tractor battery was pretty marginal and getting worse for the last two years I owned it. I knew I was going to replace the whole thing, so I just jumped it with my car when needed. Probably a dozen times or more, and the motor was OK, and it's not like it spins way fast on a car battery, plus, the jumper cables are providing some limiting (though maybe not much at motorcycle current levels).

I'm curious about your theory.

Occam's Razor says to me that 'they' don't know what they are talking about. I've found that even very experienced and respected repair people strongly believed some things that were just flat out wrong...

I just saw your post. I will need to start another thread, and will need to draw a simple diagram.

Basically, it has to do with the low internal resistance of the car battery, the jumping cable inductance, the high internal resistance of the dead or near-dead motorcycle battery, and the transients caused by the motorcycle starter.
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Field Day.

Assembled, installed and tested a large antenna (80-10M dipoles, FWIW). Did much radio. (I think I made about a third of all the radio contacts for our club over a 24 hour period.) Took down and stowed the big antenna, packed up and came home. Took a nap.

I think I'm ready for another nap.
We went out to our favorite Vietnamese restaurant for lunch, looked at condo open houses in the afternoon and then walked the dog.
Returned last night from my trip back to my home town. It was great seeing old friends again, some of them I have known since kindergarten.
Sitting around waiting for an appliance repair man . My LG refrigerator that I raved about suddenly stopped freezing . We caught it quick and moved most of the food to our old refrigerator in the garage . This refrigerator is only four years old .:mad:
Went to get a haircut and asked for a light trim. She trimmed off about 3 inches. Well, it's warm out and the hair will grow back. But now my beard is thicker than my hair.

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The roofers started work today and began tearing off the old shingles and replacing rotted fascia. While removing the 60 ft long seamless gutter along the back of the house, they managed to bend it badly in two places. The crew boss assures me "we will fix it". The owner of the company is coming out to take a look at it tomorrow.


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Please post photo of the fix.





And even more!


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The matting board that I ordered last week finally arrived. Mounted, double-matted and framed one of my photos. A first effort at double matting and it ain't perfect but good enough to hang on the wall. For now at least.

If I don't point out the flaws I doubt anyone will notice.
Forgot to add the photos...:facepalm:


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Nice, Walt! :D

REWahoo, hope they can make it right.

As for me, I just got back from the cable company, where Frank dropped his TV coverage this afternoon like I did back in May. So now we are twins in a sense, except that he uses his Netflix a lot and I just have other interests and hobbies that fill up that time. Says Frank, "Next: landline!" :D
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Walt won't ever have to paint walls again - He'll have them all covered with photos

I wish.:( DW has warned me that she's not going to "live in an art gallery". Two photos per room is the max.

So I guess I'll have to make them 48"x96".:LOL:
Lovely photos, Walt. I need to find a creative hobby. I was reading a wish list on another forum of all the things people would do if they didn't have full time jobs and I felt like a time squanderer for having the time and not doing something more exotic, like learning French or taking an oil painting class.
I wish.:( DW has warned me that she's not going to "live in an art gallery". Two photos per room is the max.
Very nice.

There should a way for you to print more photos, and to make more frames, as you like to do so?

Like selling them?
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