what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Congrats on your graduation to good health Walt. Nothing better.

Took my two 12 year old dogs for a long hike along a trout stream. It is great to have them both still healthy. Life is good.
Today I attended the Bita Paka centenary service near Rabaul in Papua New Guinea.

100 years ago today, the first Australians fought and died in a battle whilst fighting under the Australian flag and as Australian citizens.

This was one of the first battles of World War 1 and a strategic victory over the German colonial force.

It was a very beautiful and moving service.


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Aus_E, I love your updates and photos. It's great to have a perspective from your part of the planet. The photos of the centenary celebration are a reminder of how global the "Great" War really was. Unfortunately the "war to end all wars" did not live up to its billing.
Biked the carriage trails in Acadia national park then off to Jordan's Restaurant for some Lobster...
I bought a used book for $1 on how to grow herbs and use them for cooking, DIY cosmetics and herbal remedies. Made $100 extra for putting an ad for some megacorp on a hobby blog. So I'm up $99 for the day. :) Sat in the sun on the patio with the dog reading my new book. Caught up on paperwork while watching House of Cards. Printed out a calendar for fall from a free printable calendar site and started writing in our events for the next couple of months, including some Groupon tix we need to use before they expire.

I actually interviewed for a volunteer job today but I don't think I am going to do it. Just filling out an application requiring all sorts of personal information, being asked if I could work weekends and having to go to meetings brought back PTSD flashes.
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Yesterday DW and I both noticed there was new landscaping near the front door to the gym. Today I was there for the cardiac rehab class and prepared by taking my camera bag to "stop and smell the roses". So I shot some photos of it.
Took car to garage for semiannual oil change and observation. Need soon brake work and injector cleaning.
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Trying to get over a cold before heading to Scottsdale tomorrow for a long weekend with my 2 best friends.
My favorite ice rink is open, went figure skating. Finished chopping up big dead tree taken down by power company a while back. Let it snow!
what did you do today?

Aggravated my already sore muscles by cleaning the kitchen cabinets, wiping a film of stain over them, to renew the color and hide minor nicks, then oiled them with Formbys. Tomorrow, remove sink and counter top, prep the area there, and install backsplash. Still have to skim the rest of the walls with mud (joint compound), having spent four days stripping wallpaper. Then paint. That's the easy part.

Used to enjoy this stuff. Now that I have time, and no deadlines to finish a project, I'm enjoying it again...

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A little while ago I tried on my skinny jeans and was able to get them buttoned and zipped!

(ok, so I had to lay on the bed and when I got up my circulation was cut off. I put them back in the closet considering I prefer blood flow)

Hopefully in a couple of months I can wear them without blowing a gasket. :LOL:

A sweet start. A quote from WW I need to employ: "nothing tastes as good as being thin feels."

Good luck in your endeavors.

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This morning went to a dawn ceremony on Simpson Harbour at Rabaul, Papua New Guinea to see the Tabuan (spirit dancers) arrive and dance.

A once a year event (and I am unlikely to see it too many times).

A few compressed photos.


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Excellent! Have fun - woodworking is a great hobby.

I don't understand people. If somebody said "I'm taking up doing heroin" nobody would say "Excellent!". Woodworking is just as addictive, probably more expensive, and nobody ever lost a finger doing heroin. Good luck!
Dogs let us sleep in until 8 a.m. They are awake almost every morning between 5:30 and 6:30 so this was special. We took our coffee back to bed, I read the morning e-paper and then read a lot of threads here. My wife went to her knitting. Finally, about 3:00 p.m. we decided we better get out of the bed and get dressed so we could take out our wire-haired pointing griffon on a 4 mile walk through the fields to let her hunt and chase birds.

Came home from our dog walk and hand-made two pizzas and a salad for dinner, along with a little red wine, followed by the DVD "Transcendence." Then, back to bed to read until we get too tired. Wife's lights out, but I'm still reading/posting, but she's about ready to tell me the keyboard typing is annoying.

Most days aren't like this (maybe one other time in the last 16 months), we're usually up at sun rise and training (us for fitness or the dog for birds), and then it's on to the rest of the day. However, today just kind of worked out to be the quintissential lazy day, and we could think of no reason to resist it. :)
Slept in for second day in a row. (Yesterday was my birthday, but today is the official celebration day). DH had to get kids up and out to school yesterday.

Had a special pancake breakfast prepared and presented to me upon my wakening. Was not surprised to discover a mess in the kitchen, waiting for me, lol.

Supervised younger son's efforts to bake me a banana cake. Turns out he was mistaken when he said we had all the ingredients... made emergency trip out to store to get sour cream and powdered sugar. Again, somehow, the "cleanup" by others consisted of leaving dirty dishes in sink... cleaned kitchen again.

Made the family lunch. Studied Italian for my test on Monday.

Getting ready to coach the FLL robotics team this afternoon. After that will drive over to pick up step mom and step sister to drive them to my sister's house, for my birthday dinner. I assume I won't have to cook or clean up dinner... but the way my birthday weekend is going... you never know.

I know why I'm grumpy about it all... I have not received one piece of chocolate - which is definitely my gift of preference for these occasions. I may have to go buy my own. LOL.
Slept in for second day in a row. (Yesterday was my birthday, but today is the official celebration day). I know why I'm grumpy about it all... I have not received one piece of chocolate - which is definitely my gift of preference for these occasions. I may have to go buy my own. LOL.

Happy Birthday rodi!


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Drove just short of 700 miles. KC to Estes Park, all the excitement of going across KS. and the first wonderful 150 miles of CO. Beautiful here but haven't really soaked it in yet. Bet I sleep well tonight.
Slept til 9:30 am. Took wife out to brunch. Came home and napped. Went to Home Depot to purchase supplies for kitchen remodeling, and as we left, was surprised to discover it was 4 pm. We were not in the store very long. Came home and rested in the recliner as DW fixed dinner. Ate dinner, took a long nap. I'm ready for bed. This was NOT a usual day lol.

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Drove down to "The City" near D.C. to see a niece who was there to interview for an airline flight attendant job. She lives in Las Vegas and the flight for the interview was free on the airline. Cool. She's fence-sitting on whether to take it if offered - while work is hard to find in 'Vegas the airline will only guarantee 75 hours a month to start and she'd have to be on call 24/7 and able to be at Reagan National Airport in D.C. within 90 minutes. She's 50 and in excellent physical health because of a career as (mostly) professional dancer but still, that sounds like a tough set of conditions to meet.

Then went to a birthday party for another "niece "that DW's brother sort-of adopted, a young lady, Navy Reserves, just applied for a job with a MD city police department. She's had a tough early beginning in life and has the smarts to get her act together. We talked a bit, she's 24 and already thinking about saving for retirement, pensions, and the like. I asked about doing this, I'm going to order a bunch of books on saving/investing from Amazon and have them sent to her. She'll have the sense to read and act on them.
8:00 - 9:30 am - had ROMEO breakfast get together with friends at Burger King. Told same stories we usually do. Picked on one guy for dumping his motorcycle last week.

10:00 - 11:30 am - Had new Chinese windshield installed in my German Jetta. Car will hate me for this and so will Rudolf Diesel, from his grave, of course (inventor of diesel engine) - Rudolf Diesel - Inventor of the Diesel Engine Rudolf Diesel

12:00 - 2:30 pm - DW and I went to Sam Houston Univ. to granddaughter's apartment to install a mirror and network cable for her. Broke the mirror :nonono:. Cable job went OK. Next week - install new mirror.

4:00 - 6:00 pm - shopped for replacement mirror.

6:30 - 9:30 pm - Took DW out for her birthday dinner.
Nothing special. Housework, exercise, making meals to be frozen for an upcoming road trip, enjoying the September sunshine on the patio. Then I spent a couple of hours reviewing materials and original sources for an online history course that I am doing. It's wonderful to be able to access all this knowledge, learn and exchange ideas with other students without any exam pressure!
This afternoon, I contemplated possible solutions for World Peace, and a means of banishing hunger throughout the world.

I was only able to make progress on the last one, just a little bit. For one mouth. Mid-afternoon, out in the kitchen, a glazed donut from the mark-down cart at Walmart.

Contemplations to be continued tomorrow...
This morning I attended the service on the foreshore of Simpson Harbour, Rabaul, Papua New Guinea, to mark the 100th anniversary of the loss of the Australian submarine HMAS AE 1 with all of its 35 crew.

The AE 1 was on active service on 14 September 1914 when it left Simpson Harbour, Rabaul, Papua New Guinea on a patrol for German war ships in the area. The AE 1 was last sited at 15.20 hours and never returned to port that evening. Extensive searches were mounted at the time and more recent searches have failed to find a trace of the AE 1.

It was Australia's first naval loss.

Below are some photos of the HMAS Yarra at anchor in Simpson Harbour, the Australian naval band and HMAS Yarra crew march to the service and the service itself.

Tomorrow I travel to Australia for 6 days.


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I went to a few estate sales in the morning and bought some vintage items to resell on Etsy.

Later on we went to see a planetarium show and afterwards went out for Vietnamese food.
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