what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Cataract surgery in a few hours.

Here's hoping the surgery and recovery are smooth and uneventful, and that your vision is super afterwards!

Like REWahoo, I would be very interested to hear about your experience if you want to post about it afterwards. Many of us, including me, are expecting to go through the same surgery sometime in the next few years. I'm getting pretty tired of not being able to see what I should be seeing and eventually I'll give in and have the surgery too.
Good luck for a quick and painless operation. DW had it done earlier this year and it was a great outcome. She has one more eye to go....me? no cataracts yet.
Cataract surgery in a few hours.

I've only heard generally good outcomes but it has to make you nervous anyway. Do let us know.

We got back today from taking the grandnieces and grandnephew (8 months) on the Polar Express train ride to the North Pole. The 5-year-old bought it, lock, stock and barrel, and had eyes like cake plates when The Big Guy came in. We stayed in a hotel across the street from the train station after the train ride and dinner.


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Recovered (nicely, thank you) from the second half-marathon DW and I have done together. Great fun, great fellow participants, and a most satisfying weekend in all.

She is a walker (albeit pretty quick) and I am a runner (a rather slow one), so our finishing times are really not that far apart.

The cool part is that while I've been running for over 40 years, she was a couch potato who only began about three years ago. I'm extraordinarily proud of her and delighted with her discovery of the wonderful world of endorphins!
I took my final in my Italian 101 class. Hoping I kept my solid A average through the final.... Not positive I did because I had a stomach bug this weekend that impacted my studying. Even if I flunked the test I would still get a B in the class, though.

Also finished the process with signing up for insurance with CoveredCA. This involved sitting on the phone because I'd mis-input my older son's birth year. (Which is probably why they wanted proof of citizenship for him - SS# and birthday were a mismatch). Got that fixed, paid the first month's insurance for the two insurance companies and am now DONE. (DH is insisting on being on a different insurer - so we had to go through hoops for that.)

Getting dinner prep done now - and about to run out and get elder son from his math tutoring session with my sister. (She's a teacher who happens to have a single subject credential in Math AND can deal with common core math better than his regular teacher can.)

A productive day.
Tante auguri per il tuo esame.
Went on a 12 mile hike with DH, which was just glorious. Came home, cleaned up, then enjoyed the leftovers from last night's Greek restaurant dinner for lunch. Took a deep breath and dove into Michaels Crafts to pick up a needlepoint project I'd done and had framed (an adorable birth record project for our new GD), then Trader Joe's after that to get a $10 food item for an upcoming food-gift item exchange. Both places were packed with holiday shoppers, as expected, but the framing was prepaid, and the shopping list for TJ's short, so I got in and out of both in record time.

BTW - Can I just say how much I dislike generic gift exchanges at this point in my life? We have everything we need, and even if we did need something, last on that list would be a generic gift I end up with simply because I pulled a number, or was next in line to pick, or whatever. Most go right out to my Goodwill donation box the minute we get home. You know what I would like? For everyone to be encouraged to make a donation to an organization important to them, and then to share what organization they chose, and why. That I would find meaningful.

Anyway, after returning home and getting over my case of the cranks, finished off the day packing for Vegas, where we're headed tomorrow for a couple of nights of nice shows and nice dinners. We've started a new ER tradition of heading out of town for a quick midweek getaway the week before Christmas, as a way to slow down and catch our breath from the non stop activities this month delivers. It's something we now really look forward to.
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I went out yesterday to the VFW. I won a fair amount at the Bell Jar tickets, so I gave the day bartender a nice fat tip for the holidays. Then I went to another local bar where I sometimes play pool and did the same for the day bartender and the kitchen assistant cook. Then I returned to the VFW and caught the late afternoon/evening bartender just as she came on duty.

These ladies w*rk very hard and don't earn a lot. So I kicked up their holiday spending budgets a tad.

I loved their expressions when I said "I'm playing Elf today. Merry Christmas", put the folded up bills in their hands and watched them look at their tips.

Priceless !!!!

Today I slept in, goofed off, puttering away at a few small projects and cooked.
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Today was both productive and expensive.

Productive in that I did a deep cleaning of the floors, did a Costco run, and helped DH troubleshoot a problem with the pump system of our casita/granny flat.

Expensive because the troubleshooting confirmed that one of the two sewer pumps is starting to fail - and it's a pricey problem. We confirmed this by having the original pump installers out (cha-ching)... but they wanted $1500 to replace the pump. I ordered it online for less than $600 (but still cha-ching.) Fortunately, both expenses offset the rental income... so it's not *quite* as bad... but I still don't like large outflows of money.

Oh - and we went out and purchased our tree. I strung the lights on it and let the boys decorate it when they got home from school.
Just received Sennheiser Momentum headphones. Brand new from fleebay. My Xmas present to me. My thirty or so year old Koss Pro 4Xplus is pretty well beat up.

Yes the Sennheiser does sound much better. It even came with two cords, one for controlling the I things. And a straight through, which is what I'll use at home.

I think I will now send the Koss back to MFG for rebuild.
I went to Fresh Markets . It is similar to Whole Foods not a place you would regularly shop at but fun around the holidays . I picked up some expensive cheese , Crab cakes & homemade chicken potpies . They even had a wine tasting but I passed on that . A great place to pick up odds & ends for entertaining .Their deli was amazing .
Nursed a nasty chest cold. Never had one come on so suddenly and right to the chest without being a head cold first. DH knew it was serious when I told him that if I was still w*rking I would have called in sick. Other than maternity leave I rarely took more than one sick day a year.

Did manage to get 3 packages ready and shipped them. Picked up a bag of carrots on the way home and made a big pot of chicken noodle soup for dinner. Watched The Voice finale (was pulling for Matt but not surprised Craig won). Think I'll read some magazines in bed now.

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worked.. and still working at 1:23am.. been working since 6am.. yesterday. ER... soon ... please!
Went for a long hike - most of it off trail. Ran into some white geese/swans, an owl, and an eagle. Great hiking this time of year - no ticks, poison ivy, heat/hydration issues, mosquitoes.



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I basically did nada except sleep in, watch TV, and register my new Discover it Chrome credit card on Amazon (worth $100 gift card after only 1 purchase).

I could not come up with anything creative for dinner, so Mr B went out to pick up subs for dinner. Now we are watching more TV.

A non-productive day like this feels soooo good !
Had left carpal tunnel fixed today.

Good luck on that surgery, Khan. I know it can be a fairly long recovery, and you shouldn't use the hand for quite a while. Hopefully you're a righty.
I enjoy chocolate, also like new things, so I'm going to try some of this today ... Kit Kat, wasabi flavor.


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My Italian teacher is having a party at her house tonight. I promised to bring homemade bread... I decided to also bring creamy bagna cauda dip.... I've never made it before - and it's on the menu for our "7 Fishes" dinner on Christmas eve. I cooked it all up this morning. The house smells YUMMY. The dip has heavy cream, lots of garlic, anchovies, olive oil, fresh parsley.... It's served warm (so I'll reheat it and put it in a thermos to transport to the party) and you dip fresh veggies or crusty bread into it.

Just set the first batch of bread to rise. Yeast smells, garlic smells, it's all good.
(I know some folks don't like their houses smelling like food - but I do.)
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