what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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The propane in the bottle ran out last night. Switched over to the tank as soon as it got light this morning. It was -10 this morning. I had two small electric heaters going. The motor home got down to about 50 degrees. All is nice and toasty again.

The propane dealer started me with a large portable bottle because he wasn't sure what I would need. He later brought out a large tank. Being somewhat the frugal sort, I used the bottle until it ran out. That, of course, happened on the coldest night since he brought the tank up.
I am so damn proud of myself...I just changed out the hot and cold flow cartridges on my Price Pfister bathroom sink. I had called and requested the free replacements about 3 weeks ago. The occasional drip had graduated to a steady drip. Time for action !

I've repaired small engines, I've done shocks and mufflers and oil changes on autos, I've helped build a shed from scratch, but I have never done this type of repair before. I figured, it's only water, it can't be rocket science.

The first try, it leaked around the base. I reseated the flat ring, cleaned out the brass retainer ring threads, and cleaned out the threads themselves. Second try, still leaking. :mad:

Then the Eureka hit me. I remembered using oil on a brand new auto engine oil filter to seat the ring. So I put a little dab of canola oil on the flat ring and threads...voila! No leaks.

Patting myself on the back here...:LOL:
57°F here, probably the last time before April so I went for a 40-minute motorcycle ride and burned most of the remaining fuel in the tank, now down to about 1/8 tank. I'll fill it with treated fuel tomorrow and it'll sit until next spring or I sell it, whichever occurs first. The weather for the rest of the week is forecast to be nasty, wet and cold.
Typical day - goofing off online, woodworking and playing with my camera. Going to eat a pizza, take a nap, watch some House of Cards, and Bulls and Blackhawks.
Took my birthday kayak out for it's maiden voyage yesterday. That was fun. Nice little boat landing 1/2 mile down the road. I'm thinking of trying to build a kayak trailer for my bike. Mr. Money Mustache would be proud.

Today was just working in the garden. Got some tomatoes and peppers planted, did some additional flower planting. DW has decided the yard level needs raising so the patio doesn't erode away, so I'm hauling a bunch of wheelbarrows full of dirt (known as sand outside FL) from the empty lot across the street over every day and dumping it. This is going to be a long term project. Since the grass is just a smattering of crabgrass anyway, no loss. We might try to put some St. Augustine sod down once we've got the ground raised, so the dogs have something to try to kill.
Made my usual Saturday morning farmers market run - beautiful cauliflower, Savoy cabbage, and multi-color carrots, plus pickles and eggs. Read one of my Christmas gifts for a bit - Being Mortal by Atul Gawande. Cleared out the RV and put antifreeze in the water system before taking it back to the storage lot for the winter - we'll probably not take it out again until March. Made an inventory list of the pantry staples so it will be easy to reload then. Just finished watching alma mater Duke lose a heartbreaker in the Sun Bowl. Getting ready to grill lamb racks for dinner - yum!

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I am so damn proud of myself...I just changed out the hot and cold flow cartridges on my Price Pfister bathroom sink. I had called and requested the free replacements about 3 weeks ago. The occasional drip had graduated to a steady drip. Time for action !

I've repaired small engines, I've done shocks and mufflers and oil changes on autos, I've helped build a shed from scratch, but I have never done this type of repair before. I figured, it's only water, it can't be rocket science.

The first try, it leaked around the base. I reseated the flat ring, cleaned out the brass retainer ring threads, and cleaned out the threads themselves. Second try, still leaking. :mad:

Then the Eureka hit me. I remembered using oil on a brand new auto engine oil filter to seat the ring. So I put a little dab of canola oil on the flat ring and threads...voila! No leaks.

Patting myself on the back here...:LOL:

I have that ahead of me. Our downstairs shower has been dripping for about 6 months and I have been procrastinating doing anything about it since we seldom use it (out of sight, out of mind). DD moving back home temporarily has expedited the priority. So the other day I took out the cartridge and was just about to order a new one online for $45 and I read a review indicating that they could be had for free from the manufacturer since they are warranted for life and I recalled my plumber mentioning the same thing the last time he was here, so I called Delta and there is a new freebie in the mail.

Anyhow, I took the cartridge out to get the part number since I didn't have the model number for our valve so I had to put it back together for the kids to use while they are here for the holidays. It still drips but hopefully the new part will be here soon.
Hung around home and have been binge watching the first season of Blue Bloods. This show wasn't on my radar until about a year ago when I started watching it and became a fan so I'm going back and watching the earlier seasons on Netflix.
From a foggy, muddy hike a few days ago while Jenny was visiting:

That hike prompted Lena and me to get waterproof hiking boots. I got nice Tevas but they are NOT waterproof. Now I have to see about returning them.
Mr B is back from his whirlwind xmas visit to NH. :D He is exhausted from all the running around and driving. Plus his IBS is acting up, probably from all the rich and greasy food he ate while away.

So I am playing nurse today. I'm really good at that. My Rx is for him to sit back in the recliner and just chill. I'll make some mellow non-spicy food for him.

Patriots play Buffalo at 1 PM. That will keep him in the chair for sure. :LOL:
As mentioned in the "Do you beach?" thread, yesterday was an epic hike day... a 10k trek, zig-zagging all over our little Gulf Island. Waking up today, there are sore muscles in places I didn't even know I had muscles... :blush:

But no rest for the weary... DW and I are going to tackle some downed trees and branches on our 10 acres. I usually wield the chainsaw, bucking up the fallen trees and stacking the rounds, while DW gathers up branches and puts them on the bonfire. We reward ourselves at the end of the day with a beer or two and and some smokies roasted on the dying embers of the bonfire. Few things make us happier than "working the land" together.

Might post some pictures later this evening.
Got up early for the state vehicle inspections on DW's car and the motorcycle. Read a photography magazine. Took a nap (to make up for rising early).
Had an expensive and less than fun day.

The plan was a quick trip to the doctor for my older son., Then zip back home and get the rest of the family and head out to use free passes (given to us) for seaworld with a friend of younger son.

Problem - doctor wanted older son to see another doctor - who wasn't available till 11am. So we decided to divide and conquer - DH took younger son, picked up friend and headed to the park. Older son and I met them there a little past noon. (Fortunately, Dr's office was only about a mile from Seaworld.)

Problem - they have jacked up the price of parking. 2 cars x $16/car.
Problem - they busted us for bringing our own food. So lunch was $60 for 5 of us.
We spent over $100 for our "free" tickets by the time we headed home.

I hate amusement parks,crowds, etc... I used to enjoy seaworld when the kids were super little - but I never ever ever went on a weekend or during a tourist week. It was beyond crowded and chaotic. Lines were long for attractions (shark encounter, etc) and even longer for rides.

I'm tired and grumpy now.
Had an expensive and less than fun day.

The plan was a quick trip to the doctor for my older son., Then zip back home and get the rest of the family and head out to use free passes (given to us) for seaworld with a friend of younger son.

Problem - doctor wanted older son to see another doctor - who wasn't available till 11am. So we decided to divide and conquer - DH took younger son, picked up friend and headed to the park. Older son and I met them there a little past noon. (Fortunately, Dr's office was only about a mile from Seaworld.)

Problem - they have jacked up the price of parking. 2 cars x $16/car.
Problem - they busted us for bringing our own food. So lunch was $60 for 5 of us.
We spent over $100 for our "free" tickets by the time we headed home.

I hate amusement parks,crowds, etc... I used to enjoy seaworld when the kids were super little - but I never ever ever went on a weekend or during a tourist week. It was beyond crowded and chaotic. Lines were long for attractions (shark encounter, etc) and even longer for rides.

I'm tired and grumpy now.

When I started reading this I thought it would be about the older son and doctor's visit going south, or expensive.

I remember in the late 80's taking my two young daughters and a few of their friends to Magic Mountain in Valencia over the holiday weekend (Dad's day out with the girls) and how much that jaunt would cost me. But I don't recall how much of the cost was parking (it might have been free at the time).

Wow: $16 to park at an amusement park..:facepalm:
Did some urban hiking. I didn't think Chicago would be this crowded on a holiday week, but I was wrong.


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Had an expensive and less than fun day.

The plan was a quick trip to the doctor for my older son., Then zip back home and get the rest of the family and head out to use free passes (given to us) for seaworld with a friend of younger son.

Problem - doctor wanted older son to see another doctor - who wasn't available till 11am. So we decided to divide and conquer - DH took younger son, picked up friend and headed to the park. Older son and I met them there a little past noon. (Fortunately, Dr's office was only about a mile from Seaworld.)

Problem - they have jacked up the price of parking. 2 cars x $16/car.
Problem - they busted us for bringing our own food. So lunch was $60 for 5 of us.
We spent over $100 for our "free" tickets by the time we headed home.

I hate amusement parks,crowds, etc... I used to enjoy seaworld when the kids were super little - but I never ever ever went on a weekend or during a tourist week. It was beyond crowded and chaotic. Lines were long for attractions (shark encounter, etc) and even longer for rides.

I'm tired and grumpy now.

I hope your boys and their friends were still able to enjoy the day.
Did some tax/financial planning for when I FIRE *next month*, got the warm and fuzzy feeling that all systems are GO.

With an upbeat happy mood, went to see the last (thank goodness) Hobbit movie - which was ok.

Came home to enjoy a glorious afternoon in the backyard before starting dinner which was a big batch of ziti pasta - delectably good and hearty!

Cleaned up and watched Antique Roadshow before heading up to bed.
I hope your boys and their friends were still able to enjoy the day.

*They* had fun. DH and I agreed we'd checked the box for the next 5 years for taking them to amusement parks. And in 5 years they'll be able to go on their own.
DW and I are on a "hike a day" kick - an attempt to keep the addition of holiday pounds away... And it's just plain fun. Here is a picture of DW atop the summit of today's trek. It's her "I am master of all I survey" pose. A couple of BC Ferries are mere specks in the distance. It's been a most enjoyable holiday season. Crisp, clear weather... And I have no job to return to in the new year. :)


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