what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Maintenance at DWs parents today. New mailbox post; mend handrails on outside steps; measure and spec out new drapes to replace rotting ones; measure a patio table to replace broken glass (with plastic).

Sampled a 2013 V Sattui Gamay Rouge. Great wine for a hot day when slightly chiled.

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Good news ? (is there good news?) is that it is a the other arm than the one he broke the elbow on, a few months ago.


One of our kids in particular caused me to spend many hours of my life either in ER or the minor injury clinic. It tapered off by age 18.
I'm on the tour of all Kaiser Facilities in San Diego county today.

8am appt in Vista so my older son could see the pediatric opthomologist after his baseball accident this weekend. Good news - no issues. Bad news, got a call while there from my other son's school... he was in the nurses office with a wrist injury. I called DH and had him deal with that. 10am - at a different Kaiser facility in Clairemont, older son was checked out by the head and neck surgical team. Again, good news... while there are several fractures, there's no displacement at all - so it's just "be careful not to impact the face" and let it heal. Yay.

This afternoon we took younger son to his pediatrician (different Kaiser facility in Clairemont). Got the xray... They are worried it's a growth plate fracture - and there might be a distal fracture but the ped is deferring to the orthopedics department. It's splinted and we'll go see Ortho (at the main Kaiser facility in San Diego) on Tuesday.

Good news ? (is there good news?) is that it is a the other arm than the one he broke the elbow on, a few months ago.


Wow your kids really put their bodies to the limit! More good news is that the medical facility will have updated files making their next visit more streamlined.
I'm on the tour of all Kaiser Facilities in San Diego county today.

8am appt in Vista so my older son could see the pediatric opthomologist after his baseball accident this weekend. Good news - no issues. Bad news, got a call while there from my other son's school... he was in the nurses office with a wrist injury. I called DH and had him deal with that. 10am - at a different Kaiser facility in Clairemont, older son was checked out by the head and neck surgical team. Again, good news... while there are several fractures, there's no displacement at all - so it's just "be careful not to impact the face" and let it heal. Yay.

This afternoon we took younger son to his pediatrician (different Kaiser facility in Clairemont). Got the xray... They are worried it's a growth plate fracture - and there might be a distal fracture but the ped is deferring to the orthopedics department. It's splinted and we'll go see Ortho (at the main Kaiser facility in San Diego) on Tuesday.

Good news ? (is there good news?) is that it is a the other arm than the one he broke the elbow on, a few months ago.

Hint: bubble wrap...massive quantities of the stuff. :)
Scored 77 at golf yesterday. Handicap has gone from 14 to 11 in three months this spring. Amazing what nice weather can do.
Yes, tendinitis. I spent 26 years on the keyboard and got carpal tunnel, RSI in upper body, and tendon damage in both hands. The good news is all that remains is the chronic tendinitis. It is manageable if I remember to not overdo any manual tasks.

Dental w*rk today was the final piece of the pie. These pop-in partials are the cat's meow. Here's the company website for Valplast
Valplast® Flexible Partials with a photo of a fuller partial denture appliance.
Here's some images
valplast images - Bing Images

I have two Valplast partials - a single and double tooth. If anyone wants to see a photo of mine, I'll be glad to oblige.

Any takers ?:cool:

what did you do today?

Finally "caught" our infrequent visitor on the security camera. We've seen him or one of his cousins a few times over the past few years but this it the first time he got close enough to the house to trigger the cameras. This is why I don't put out bird feeders-- no sense in creating a "problem" bear. ImageUploadedByEarly Retirement Forum1430495809.285749.jpgImageUploadedByEarly Retirement Forum1430495823.802824.jpg

Edited below to attach larger photos.
Funny you should post that. We had a visitor of about the same size last night.

We have never had bear issues before since our bird feeder is on a shepherd's hook off of our deck which is one-story up from ground level. We knew this was the time of year that we should be taking the bird feeder down and we knew there was a bear in the area but we had never had problems and were enjoying all the birds that were visiting the feeder and had some seed that we wanted to get rid of.

So about 10 pm last night DW is in bed and I am watching tv and have headphones on for the tv sound to keep from waking up DW. I hear something out on the deck but thought it was just the wind. I go to the bathroom and when I get out DW has turned on the deck lights and the bird feeder, which was half full a short time earlier, is empty.

I go to the front window and peer down and can see the bear on the front lawn. Good size. So I get a broomstick out of the closet, go out on the deck and yell at it and hit the railing a few times with the broomstick and it boots off into the woods between us and our neighbors.
Took a nice walk this morning and picked up litter along the way back and forth. For our roughly mile stretch, we collected almost a full kitchen sized bag of litter... mostly soda and beer bottles.

Visited with some friends who just returned from Florida along the way and then did some work around the yard and filled in a small spot that washed out on the edge of our private road. Still more to do but we'll chip it off a little at a time. No need to hurry.
I did it! I finally paid for a blood test DW took last July. :)

It took 13 phone calls, for a total of a little more than 18 hours (mostly wait) over 6 1/2 months. The lab (Quest) resubmitted the bill to the insurer 4 times, coded differently each time, and the insurer (BCBS) finally agreed that the lab was indeed in-network, so negotiated rates applied. The original invoice was over $3600, the "insurance rate" cost was $340.
I did it! I finally paid for a blood test DW took last July. :)

It took 13 phone calls, for a total of a little more than 18 hours (mostly wait) over 6 1/2 months. The lab (Quest) resubmitted the bill to the insurer 4 times, coded differently each time, and the insurer (BCBS) finally agreed that the lab was indeed in-network, so negotiated rates applied. The original invoice was over $3600, the "insurance rate" cost was $340.

Wow. Congratulations? What a hassle. My doctor always used Quest for my routine blood tests, and BCBS *here* didn't give me any hassles about it. But still, Quest is such a giant facility, and their personnel so brusque, that to me, it seemed quite dehumanizing. I was glad to discover that my doctor has switched to using a little mom'n'pop place near his office so my next routine bloodwork will be there. Maybe it will be better.

As for what I have been doing lately... well, I got my new easy chair yesterday morning, thank goodness. After all the hassles of searching throughout numerous huge stores and showrooms for just the right one, and then waiting for delivery, and so on, I needed it desperately for some serious napping in the afternoon. :hide:


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I helped my 84 year old Mom spring clean her den. She wanted a Windows XP desk-top PC removed, so I now have it. I'll clean it up and then see if the Salvation Army is interested in it. I got her to pitch some other stuff, but there is so much more that she does not use that is just taking up space. So it turned out to be a somewhat frustrating afternoon for me.

Most of my family are clutter-nuts. I'm not. In fact, whenever I return home from visiting them, I go through my house and have the urge to purge even more.
Sweet setup. There is NOTHING like leather for comfort. I have a full size navy blue leather couch that swallows me up and puts me to sleep whenever I stretch out on it.

I can imagine! I have already fallen asleep once even in this chair. Your couch sounds amazing. :D
W2R - that looks nice and comfy. Enjoy it!
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Rodi, I hope your sons heal well to be ready for that long European trip.

We climbed up the Astoria column. The view from the top of the surrounding was just beautiful: one could see across the Columbia River to the Washington State shore, and to the south Youngs Bay with Youngs River and Lewis and Clark River. The following photo is of Astoria downtown and the Astoria-Megler Bridge. There was no way to capture the 360-degree view.

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We had a picnic at a public garden with a Redwood grove and views of the bay.

My decluttering project for the day was getting rid of a big box of gift bags. In the spirit of minimalism, I'm giving away all my Christmas and birthday themed gift bags and just keeping a reasonable amount of all occasion bags in festive colors like silver and red I can use for any holiday or event. I don't know how we got to have such a big box of gift bags. I did restock recently on more all occasion wine gift bags from the dollar store since we do use those up. I'm giving away a lot of the large toy size bags, since our kids are no longer in the toy age range and we usually just give "green" gifts these days of consumables like chocolate and wine or gift cards.
Took my old garden trailer and rain barrel to the neighbors for a garage sale. Wired my electric panel and backup generator panel. Took the boat for its first 2015 ride.
Yesterday, DW, I and some of her St. Louis relatives walked around the shops and historic buildings of Historic St. Louis for one half the day. Went to grand niece's wedding in the evening.:dance: Will be heading back to Texas later today.
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