what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Made a large salad for us, using a head of lettuce, 1 lb baby carrots, one celery plant, two green bell peppers, one red bell pepper, one cucumber, two tomatoes, and (kept separately) several purple onions, cut up. DW hates onions. This will last most of the week in the giant Tupperware bowl.


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Made a large salad for us, using a head of lettuce, 1 lb baby carrots, one celery plant, two green bell peppers, one red bell pepper, one cucumber, two tomatoes, and (kept separately) several purple onions, cut up. DW hates onions. This will last most of the week in the giant Tupperware bowl.

Nice looking salad, Walt. Do you put paper towels on top of the salad, and then the tupperware lid on top in the fridge to keep it fresh? DW does and I'm wondering if this is something she dreamt up or if others do it.
actually replaced the lcd screen on my new-to-me 2008 BMW wagon. Screen looked great until it warmed up, then became indecipherable. Found directions on the web for replacement, but with normal luck I had the 1 in 10 that used a non-Alpine system. Which meant the directions were useless. Took out about 30 screws, straightened a bunch of twist friction metal, fought with tiny ribbon cable connectors, undid a solder joint.... and 4 days later got and installed the new screen with only a few wrong turns. And it works! Be much easier if I have to do it again.
Broke out my old statistics textbook and spent several hours reviving long dead memories. I am working on a case involving data sampling and it will be useful to have the relevant concepts at the ready again.
actually replaced the lcd screen on my new-to-me 2008 BMW wagon. Screen looked great until it warmed up, then became indecipherable. Found directions on the web for replacement, but with normal luck I had the 1 in 10 that used a non-Alpine system. Which meant the directions were useless. Took out about 30 screws, straightened a bunch of twist friction metal, fought with tiny ribbon cable connectors, undid a solder joint.... and 4 days later got and installed the new screen with only a few wrong turns. And it works! Be much easier if I have to do it again.

The LCD screen on my 2004 Audi TT is not decipherable. This is a very common occurrence. Best option is to send the instrument cluster in to a specialist who puts a new, non-factory unit in and guarantees his work for 5 years. The only trouble is he does not have the screens. He is working on having them made for him and should have them in the next month or two. :(
The LCD screen on my 2004 Audi TT is not decipherable. This is a very common occurrence. Best option is to send the instrument cluster in to a specialist who puts a new, non-factory unit in and guarantees his work for 5 years. The only trouble is he does not have the screens. He is working on having them made for him and should have them in the next month or two. :(

Not an electronics person here, but my understanding is that heat is the issue and BMW had a recall for 4 years (which I'm long out of). I got my display from these guys: RADIO, NAVIGATION items in German Audio Tech store on eBay! . Looks like they have a terrible reputation for service I hadn't noticed - but I was pleased with the part and shipping time. If the display lasts 3-4 years I'll be ok with it for $125. Now I is an electronics specialist - on that one repair on that one unit.
DW says that it keeps moisture off the lettuce to help keep it fresher longer.

I think you're right. When DW cleans a batch of garden lettuce she often wraps it with paper towels and puts the lettuce and paper towels in a zip-lock bag in the fridge.
I am behaving myself and staying home. :(
I am taking round 2 of antibiotics for my first ever UTI. I am drinking water, getting rid of water, drinking more water...I feel like the model I/O system that was shown (left arrow, rectangular box, right arrow) in past studied CS 100 textbooks. :LOL:
The good news is it is a minor infection, according to the lab tests and my relatively minor symptoms.
If this Rx round doesn't rid me of it, I will be referred to a urologist. Argh. I've read up on UTIs at the Mayo Clinic site. None of the tests that could be ordered down the road, look like any sort of fun. :nonono:

Other than that, I made myself a nice BLT for lunch using homegrown Romaine lettuce and cherry tomatoes. I'm goofing off on the computer, playing free games on my cell phone, and staying out of the sun (Rx says it could make me sensitive to direct sunlight).

I checked the baseball standings for my favorite team. Woooo...I was 11 years old the last time
The Miracle happened in 1969.

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Made a large salad for us, using a head of lettuce, 1 lb baby carrots, one celery plant, two green bell peppers, one red bell pepper, one cucumber, two tomatoes, and (kept separately) several purple onions, cut up. DW hates onions. This will last most of the week in the giant Tupperware bowl.

That's not a big salad. I have eaten a salad about 1/2 that bowl in one sitting by myself. About the only calories in a salad come from the oil in the dressing, so I only stop eating when I get tired of it.
Freebird - sorry to hear about your UTI. I got them semi-frequently for a while (about one a year - but that's often enough, trust me.) I finally started drinking a big glass of cranberry juice daily - and haven't had one in 3 years. I take cranberry extract pills with me when I travel so I can keep up the regimen even if big jugs of oceanspray aren't available. Hope the antibiotics kick in quickly.

Nords - sorry (delayed) to hear about your apendicitis. Yikes.

W2R - sorry to hear about the car accident. Hopefully no aches and pains the next day. You must be sore enough from all the packing/unpacking without having impact related soreness.

I didn't do much today. We're finishing up our penultimate Europe week... Thunderstorms came through last night so we cancelled our plans to go to the beach and stayed local... saw the second half of the Musee Granet - the Musee Granet XX. Nothing like seeing an amazing collection of Cezanne, Monet, Degas, and a boatload of Picaso's to make for a pleasant day. Even the kids didn't mind, the art was that good.

Tomorrow we head to Spain.
The problem, if it can be called that, with visiting museums in Europe is that they have so much stuff to look at, and after about 2 hours, I can no longer remember nor appreciate what I see.

Yes, there is such a thing as being overloaded.
Saw jumbo marshmallows at the grocery store today...they are as big as my wrist.
I just started doing some online work this week so did that this morning. Then spent many minutes on hold with Wells Fargo trying to rectify an error. Now on hold with another department with the CA Franchise Tax Board, after I was on hold for 18 minutes with the first department. Thank goodness I'm retired - I'd never be able to pull this off at work!
I worked online for about 30 minutes. Then I went off to diagnose a computer problem. Had to bring home 2 problem pc's. Spoke with the business manager and he also handed me payment for previous work. Got the ok to purchase a power supply and other minor things.

Hit the shore traffic at noon on my way back.

Blew out an incredible amount of dust from a dell 3000. Maybe that caused some of the problems? Lol. Replaced the mb battery and had to flash a new bios since the settings would not stick. Threw in a memory upgrade cause I am a nice guy.

Installed free Avast and running that now. This pc has been passed between several offices.

Ordered a power supply for the other pc so we can have a spare.

Tonight I'll have to catch up on some other work that I had to bypass so I could fetch these pc's.
My grandson turns 4 and we are celebrating his birthday at our house. I put this together for him (though it stays in our basement).


  • Track.jpg
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I want one! I remember as a young boy being keenly interested in slot cars. I had a small layout at home and a nearby shopping center had a huge slot car track with 8 or so lanes and was perhaps 30' x 10' and laid out somewhat similar to the picture that we would bring our own cars to and rent time.
Did some morning chores before setting out on a walk (slacking lately) to Torrey Pines St Beach.

Man - it is brutally hot in San Diego - even on the coast with nary a breeze.

Walked the bridge up towards Del Mar, then back along the beach to Flat Rock and then up the Beach Trail to the top of Torrey Pines and down the road back to my truck.

Totally drenched.

Back home I watered the wilting plants in the garden.
Did a nasty job - found a dead rat in one of the backyard bushes - smelled a 'not right' odor and found the carcass..blech. Disposed of right away.

Now just 'chillin' before DW comes home with some Chinese takeout - too hot to cook.

Will just plop down in front of the tv later to share a show or movie.
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