what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Good grief! I hope your sons' unlucky streak will end before they start to drive.

You and me both. But I can always refuse to sign their permit/license (need parental permission) and force them to take the bus till age 18. I'm a mean mom like that. Unfortunately, they get their clumsiness naturally - It's been said that I trip over dust by my former roommate/bff.

It's a total catch 22 - we don't want them staring at screens 24/7 (which is what they'd prefer) but then when they play sports or just play outside with friends, they injure themselves. But at least they have good BMIs, LOL.
Geesh - rough day today for MichaelB and rodi. And I thought I was having a rough day putting up with DW's transfer/install of her new iPhone.
On a more positive note, I rescued this cute little guy from baking hot sand and sun and from marauding sea birds and set him gently into the waves of the Sea of Cortez. Made me feel surprisingly emotional.


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That is really cool Sea Kayaker.
Yet another cool rainy day here; this is day 5. Temps in the high 40s; could just as easily be in the 20s this time of year. Typical beginning of an el nino winter. I won't complain too much. El Nino for us usually means a much warmer and drier winter than normal. I am planning on spending the day unpacking and putting up all the stuff that hangs on the walls.
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Power laundry to take advantage of another unexpected day of great outside clothesline drying weather--four big throw rugs are wafting in the breeze today, bedding yesterday. Best smell ever imo.
Power laundry to take advantage of another unexpected day of great outside clothesline drying weather--four big throw rugs are wafting in the breeze today, bedding yesterday. Best smell ever imo.

I dry bulky items like jeans and towels outside, when the weather cooperates. But it must be the air quality here in DFW, because line dried items don't have all that pleasant of an odor...
I dry bulky items like jeans and towels outside, when the weather cooperates. But it must be the air quality here in DFW, because line dried items don't have all that pleasant of an odor...

I think your weather is either rainy or hot this year--not so good for that fresh line-dried smell.
Gorgeous 70+ degree day here in SE MI, so I decided to clean the gutters out one last time before winter. DW is nervous about me being on the roof (colonial with walkout, so it is 30 feet down) so I invested in a safety harness and mounted an attachment point in the center of the roof. It is a little awkward to use, but provides a nice backup when I'm near the edge.
Gorgeous 70+ degree day here in SE MI, so I decided to clean the gutters out one last time before winter. DW is nervous about me being on the roof (colonial with walkout, so it is 30 feet down) so I invested in a safety harness and mounted an attachment point in the center of the roof. It is a little awkward to use, but provides a nice backup when I'm near the edge.

Smart move!
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DW is nervous about me being on the roof
Mine was the same way when I was doing that stuff, so she wanted one more safeguard. I promised to always have a cell phone in my pocket when I was up there.

That was based on an unfortunate incident a number of years ago when my 12 ft stepladder mysteriously collapsed under me while I was on one of the top steps. Nothing seriously hurt but my dignity, but it was a sobering moment.
..... I promised to always have a cell phone in my pocket when I was up there............
Good idea, I carry my cell phone when I'm up there, too, but I doubt I could dial 911 before I hit the ground. :LOL:
Mine was the same way when I was doing that stuff, so she wanted one more safeguard. I promised to always have a cell phone in my pocket when I was up there.

That was based on an unfortunate incident a number of years ago when my 12 ft stepladder mysteriously collapsed under me while I was on one of the top steps. Nothing seriously hurt but my dignity, but it was a sobering moment.

FIL broke his back and a friend of mine died from such a fall 2 years ago. When we put up Christmas lights I stay at the base of the ladder and add my weight at the bottom to lower the center of gravity. Do be careful!

Sent from my iPhone using Early Retirement Forum
:LOL::LOL::LOL: I was wondering why you'd want a cell phone with you. 911 on speed dial!

I can hear the tape of the call now:

911: "Nine one one, what is your emergency?"

You: "Help, I've fallen off the " THUD!

911: "Hello? Anyone there? Hello?"

911: To operator in next chair: "Dang prank callers!"
Reminds me of the pre-cell phone days when cordless phones were the latest technology.

Dad (age 85) would climb up the ladder to paint the house while my mom sat nearby in a lawn chair, cordless phone in hand, the 9 and 1 buttons already pressed...
Gorgeous 70+ degree day here in SE MI, so I decided to clean the gutters out one last time before winter. DW is nervous about me being on the roof (colonial with walkout, so it is 30 feet down) so I invested in a safety harness and mounted an attachment point in the center of the roof. It is a little awkward to use, but provides a nice backup when I'm near the edge.

Luckily, our gutters are easily reachable with a stepladder.

I don't do roofs anymore... a guy I worked with fell off a ladder and seriously injured his back and was walking with a cane the last time I saw him... another friend fell off his roof and seriously injured himself... brain damage... could no longer work and is a shell of his former self. Not worth the risk... if I had something that needed to be done on our roofs I'll hire it out.
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Drove DH to the airport.
Farflenarkin navigator took me to a narrow dead end and several circuits of airport and past the college until it decided I could get on the road to home.
The weather is finally cool for a change so I could spend some time in the back yard doing some clean up.

Did go a bit over the top/OCD and cut back quite a bit of dead/dying bushes, pulling up unwanted wild grass, scooping up leaves, sweeping up, and then some feeding/fertilizing.

The afternoon golden glow is amazing.

Time to prep for dinner. I hope the game tonight is good!
Luckily, since our gutters are easily reachable with a stepladder.

I don't do roofs anymore... a guy I worked with fell off a ladder and seriously injured his back and was walking with a cane the last time I saw him... another friend fell off his roof and seriously injured himself... brain damage... could no longer work and is a shell of his former self. Not worth the risk... if I had something that needed to be done on our roofs I'll hire it out.

Frank doesn't do roofs or high ladders any more either, thankfully. I nagged him about it a little bit when he was in his 50's, to little avail, so I stopped. But without me saying another word, he just QUIT doing that around the time he turned 60. He even pays to have his gutters cleaned out, now. I am so glad and hope he stays happy, healthy, and in one piece for a long, long time.
Gorgeous 70+ degree day here in SE MI, so I decided to clean the gutters out one last time before winter. DW is nervous about me being on the roof (colonial with walkout, so it is 30 feet down) so I invested in a safety harness and mounted an attachment point in the center of the roof. It is a little awkward to use, but provides a nice backup when I'm near the edge.

I have 5 attachment points and three ropes on my roof while I am building my house. The roofer is here this week doing the shingling. Before he is done, I will have one attachment point permanently placed at the peak just above the chimney. The ropes are a real pain to work with and if you step on one, your foot slips, but if you keep them tight while you work, at least you can't slide all the way off the roof.
I have 5 attachment points and three ropes on my roof while I am building my house. The roofer is here this week doing the shingling. Before he is done, I will have one attachment point permanently placed at the peak just above the chimney. The ropes are a real pain to work with and if you step on one, your foot slips, but if you keep them tight while you work, at least you can't slide all the way off the roof.
Yea, it would seem like a flat strap would be a better design, as the rope rolls easily.
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