what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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I spent the week-end at my aunt's on the other side of Pittsburgh. I knew I had to get out to her place before Memorial Day to prune and plant at the cemetery otherwise I would have had a major guilt trip at the thought of my 99 pound 93 year old aunt taking on this duty. And she would have, too, as I could tell she was chomping at the bit to have everything done. I went to church with her this morning...nice long two hour service for Pentecost, then out to lunch. I never drink at lunch but felt the occasion called for a martini.
Frank and I had lunch and spent the afternoon together, blissfullly talking about everything under the sun as people do. When he dropped me off at my house at 6 PM, I thought that by this time of day it must be cool enough for me to head for the grocery store. Wrong!! I wondered why nobody was there, when it isn't even a weekday. I think it was too hot for most people. Supposedly it was only 90 outside at 6 PM :rolleyes: but the humidity is high and it is hot, hot, hot. No, a little hotter than that. I was glad that I didn't have to carry my groceries up any stairs. I am so lucky because it is relatively easy to unload the Venza since the height of the cargo bin is just right for me (plus I can open and close the rear door/opening remotely, from inside my air conditioned home, minimizing the trips outside into the inferno). By now my groceries are put away and I am relaxing with a cup of nice cold ice cream in the air conditioning.

Summer is here.
New Orleans today: High of 90F, Dew point of 72F.

Phoenix today: High of 83F, Dew point of 21F. :dance:

Been outside working most of today, building some trellis or more appropriately called pergola to shade the side of the house.
Went to my mom's today for lunch. We had bbq pork, potato salad, black eyed peas and green beans. Oh yes, with tea and corn bread. I'm a southern boy you know.;)

Took the mutt out in the country today for some practice with my new Nikon camera. I'm sure your tired of mutt pictures, but it's the best subject I have right now. Maybe some wild life pics in the future. Damn it was hot out there.:(
I never tire of seeing your canine buddy. Great pics! :flowers:
Ditto! I've been spending almost all of my time outdoors, enjoying the nice weather, and getting a bunch of gardening and planting done! I've only been getting online long enough to check email, facebook, ebay, and read the local newspapers.....then it's either back outside or off to bed depending on what time it is. Now it's about 11pm, so now it's off-line and off to the pillows!
I have a long good weather list...boat transport for dewinterizing, garden cleanup (running a little late there :whistle:), boat pickup, shipshaping and outfitting for launch in late May, lawn mowing, cleaning windows, taking down winter plexiglas panels on screened porch, etc etc.
How on earth did I do all this when I was w*rking? :nonono:
Went for a 3 mile walk with my dog this morning around a local lake. We would walk awhile then sit on a comfy bench and watch the birds and people. It's been very windy and hot lately so we had very wind blown hair when we returned home.

Planted 3 tomato plants, an eggplant and a broccoli plant along with some marigolds. Having one of my cups of green tea now and will head toward the bathtub shortly to get the garden dirt off. Nice day so far wind and all.
Out to breakfast with DW and DD home from college. Later I may watch the recordings of Sunday night's Lost-fest, to see how it all turned out.

Hurley in the kitchen with a pipe wrench... (Although I'm bracing myself for something typical like 'Jack ate some bad shellfish in the Sydney airport lounge, and it was all a dream.' TV writers...)
Washed insides of all house windows and removed and cleaned all screens with brush and garden hose. It is 81 degrees here in East Nowhere. I am in siesta mode right now.

Announcing...my first summer flowers :D


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Got up early and went for breakfast at Cracker Barrel with my Mom. (Our CB still has the worst service of any that I've ever been to...won't go back!) Dropped Mom off at home, and went for coffee with the gang. Came back home and put in the 2 window A/C units....yesterday it was only 90°....today it was 94°!!! S'posed to be hot & humid the next couple of days...so it was time for the A/C.

After that, I had a couple of hot dogs for lunch, read for a while, and then decided it was time to head to the coffee shop again, but this time for an ice-cold lemonade!!! YES!!! :)

Now have to figure out what's for supper! Hmmm....I dunno, but I guess I'll figure something out! :greetings10:
Played house today....:rolleyes:

Just got through eating eggplant parmesan...mmmm..so good. Now I'm sippin' a fine glass of Pinot Noir. Unfortunately in my stage of the game, I have to plop an ice cube in the glass of wine....:blush:

It still tastes good......
Got the boat out of the garage, changed oil, spark plugs, gas, and gear lube. Now I'm waiting for the Tony the pontoon hauler to drop it in the lake.
Took the mutt out in the country today for some practice with my new Nikon camera. I'm sure your tired of mutt pictures, but it's the best subject I have right now.

Looks like a happy puppy!

Dogs are always good photography subjects. They're never critical of the results.:LOL:
Old dog and I went for a walk at 7:00 am before it hit 90. Still poured sweat. Saw 15 turkey vultures kettling and swatted mosquitoes. Came back to see the latest market crash.
Dodging the heat here, too, in MI. Walked the dog at 8 AM before it gets too hot for her. Got home in time to see ex-mayor sentenced to 2 -5 years for probation violation. Sorry for taking him back away from you, Dallas.
I played a "teach kids about jazz" gig at a middle school this morning.


We invite the kids up to sing scat, and that's always fun


But I was bummed that my bass player told me that he has prostate cancer.

After the gig the drummer and I went out for a leisurely lunch.
Towed my boat home. I did some interesting maneuvers in the driveway to turn it around 180 degrees without another pair of eyes to help. No damage done. :LOL:
Took a midday 1 hour nap in my AC bedroom. We have a regular heat wave (by upstate NY standards ;)) going on here.
Moved my tomato and pepper seedlings out to the screened porch to start hardening off. Moved my indoor wintered over geraniums to outside plant hangers. Summer is HERE! :clap:
I planted tomatoes, peppers, lime basil, globe basil & cutting celery. I was going to paint but took a nap instead :)
Lena's flight was supposed to get in at midnight, now it's delayed and will arrive at 1:15 AM. Do I stay up, or go to sleep and set the alarm:confused:
Yeah, but look at you, up at midnight anyway.
That's true, but I don't have to go to w*rk tomorrow...but I am feelin' sleepy....

Now...if you decide to stay up, be sure your alarm clock is nearby, just in case. ;)

(I wonder if anyone else is reading our conversation?) :angel:
No, no one else is awake. I think we can talk dirty now.
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