What did you do today? 2017 version

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Full spinal MRI - an hour and a half stuck in a tube designed for people a lot small than me that sounded like the mating cries of a disco synthesiser and a WWII submarine klaxon. Good thing I'm not claustrophobic ... oh wait ...:face palm:

Followed by a bottle of chablis with dinner.
Built a cart DH designed for my kayak today. Finishing it up and taking it out for a test run tomorrow.

Pictures, please, if you get a chance. I'm always looking for a good design. I'm trying to come up with something I can tow behind my bike.
We had an impromptu Christmas party last night.

DS1 who lives in Phoenix is in town and came to stay with us. Then our DD-I-L stopped by with the grandkids. We then invited DS2 and DS3 and family to come for dinner and they both were available.

So, we had a nice little Christmas party with the grandkids providing the entertainment.

The amount of energy (and chaos :D) they generate is simply incredible!
Sometimes we take the LBYM philosophy too far. Case in point: I took the RAV4 to the car wash today to get the salt and grime off before picking up DD at the airport later. When DH found out he said “Why? I’m taking it on for an oil change in a couple of weeks and they wash it for free”.

Um, I spent a whopping $3.50 at the car wash. DH laughed when I pointed out that we could probably afford to splurge just this once[emoji16]
Sometimes we take the LBYM philosophy too far. ...

Um, I spent a whopping $3.50 at the car wash. DH laughed when I pointed out that we could probably afford to splurge just this once[emoji16]
Ha! I'm trying to get better at LBYM.

This morning, I was running late and noticed that my kids had used up all the ground coffee when they were visiting yesterday.

I could have taken the time to grind more, but since I was late, I didn't and stopped at McDonald's on the way. So, I've been sitting here kicking myself for spending $1.39 instead of taking 5 extra minutes to grind and brew my own! :D
Woke up at 3:00AM, hadn't started. Now we have this going on. Thank you Lord.

DW asked if I'd go pick up McDonald's for breakfast, sure. Off I go in the Wrangler 3 miles each way. They don't use chemicals on the secondary roads in the county so there was ice.

My order at McDonald's was for a couple egg mcmuffins, coffee and a big side of snow! I heard laughter and cheers!

On the way home I saw our neighbors, who moved here from CA., leaving in their AWD Lexus. She said she'd never driven in snow before and wanted to try. Gave them friendly a reminder the main road is very icy.

Behind the cloud are some beautiful rock formations on the other side of the caynon. You can't see that far today.

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Walt, very nice work. I did not realize that one could do that with pictures.
Still dealing with the aftermath of my purse being stolen on Sunday, but I can report that excellent customer service is still alive and kicking. The rep at the AT&T store was a pleasure
to work with in replacing my phone, and today at Lowe's, Pierre was an angel in disguise - took several minutes to talk me through all of the details of rekeying our door locks (we have the Quikset SmartKey locks you can change yourself) and even gave me 3 new keys free. On my way out, I called for a manager to compliment him, and now I'm writing an e-mail to the AT&T rep's manager to compliment him. Figure I'll take the time to spread a little Christmas cheer - it actually makes me feel better as I'm going through all of the cr*p to replace things.
Couple of tasks completed:
  • coffee & discussion group with friends -- finally spoke up to 1 re: lumping everyone into a category is prejudice (All Republicans, Jews, Christians, LGTB, ect). Felt good
  • then dentist for 3 month cleaning, he'd been watching as some gums receded to "5s" apparently better now but staying at 3 months in 2018
  • cleaned and put up Hanukkah stuff
  • grocery shopped for Monday (bringing roasted veggies, cheesecake, lemon bars)
  • then gopher got stuck in trap :dance:
  • hoping to walk up the 'hill' (Mt Diablo)

edited: too cold to walk (57°) hopefully tomorrow will be better
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DS decided to drive out from Virginia and called earlier this week. I reminded him of the discussion we had at the beginning of the semester about the funny noise in the front wheels being most likely CV joints. I told him he needed to get them replaced before he came out. The mechanic told him the bad one fell apart when he took it out. He had the mechanic look over the rest of the car and is also putting on two new tires. He should be OK for the trip. It will be good to see him. :)
Full spinal MRI - an hour and a half stuck in a tube designed for people a lot small than me that sounded like the mating cries of a disco synthesiser and a WWII submarine klaxon. Good thing I'm not claustrophobic ... oh wait ...:face palm:

Followed by a bottle of chablis with dinner.
That's a perfect description of an MRI, from what I remember from my cranial/spinal MRI back in 1992 (the only one I have ever had). So terrifying! The loud banging, and the tube being so close it almost touched my nose, really terrified me for some reason. I had to silently tell myself kiddie bedtime stories like The Three Little Bears, to keep from freaking out and racing away from there before they were done. Glad you got through it OK and you definitely deserve the chablis.

Still dealing with the aftermath of my purse being stolen on Sunday, but I can report that excellent customer service is still alive and kicking. The rep at the AT&T store was a pleasure
to work with in replacing my phone, and today at Lowe's, Pierre was an angel in disguise - took several minutes to talk me through all of the details of rekeying our door locks (we have the Quikset SmartKey locks you can change yourself) and even gave me 3 new keys free. On my way out, I called for a manager to compliment him, and now I'm writing an e-mail to the AT&T rep's manager to compliment him. Figure I'll take the time to spread a little Christmas cheer - it actually makes me feel better as I'm going through all of the cr*p to replace things.

I had no idea that there were locks you could change yourself! That is SO COOL and sure saved you some money compared with having a locksmith come out. Glad you were able to spread a little Christmas cheer, too.
That's a perfect description of an MRI, from what I remember from my cranial/spinal MRI back in 1992 (the only one I have ever had). So terrifying! The loud banging, and the tube being so close it almost touched my nose, really terrified me for some reason. I had to silently tell myself kiddie bedtime stories like The Three Little Bears, to keep from freaking out and racing away from there before they were done. Glad you got through it OK and you definitely deserve the chablis.

I had no idea that there were locks you could change yourself! That is SO COOL and sure saved you some money compared with having a locksmith come out. Glad you were able to spread a little Christmas cheer, too.
I have the new kind on my house and they work quick and easy. For the older sets you can buy a kit with new keys and color coded pins that match for three doors. We rekeyed DD's new house when they moved in and that worked too but was more time consuming.
My outside thermometer says 10 degrees. Yesterday I took my motor home furnace in to town to get a new circuit board installed. It was still under warranty so it didn't cost anything for the board and the RV guy swapped the board for free too. I got it back in and working yesterday too. It was a long drive to his place out on the prairie east of the city but all turned out well. I have a working furnace for this cold and snowy day. :)
Today was DW's birthday. We were to meet her son for lunch, and he showed up with DDIL and DGD. What a pleasant surprise. We had a very nice lunch, and she was given a photo collage of pictures of her with her two grandchildren taken many years ago.

I had scored almost 2 pounds of King crab legs at the market, and we had them for dinner. We had them with a nice wine that came from a family vineyard with the same name as hers.

As a capper, we watched the Space X rocket launch from Vandenberg, which is about 100 miles north of our home. Quite spectacular. We saw the first stage separate and burn out and the second stage disappear into the sky.


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We have been at our mountain condo for the past few days. It was -1 when we got up this morning. I had lunch with a friend then watched DH and DD at the climbing gym. We ran some errands then relaxed at home.
Went to Union Square .... GS1 & Roommate played Christmas carols there for free �� �� �� ☺

People stopped, some tried to donate but kids said 'no thanks,' others took video (me too).

Then dinner
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I polished my Great Grandparent’s silverware. It only needs to be cleaned every 10 yrs or so as I only use for holidays and I take good care of it. I like continuing the family traditions but unlike my Mom (deceased), I don’t send written invitations for our Christmas dinner. I loved the picture above. So much like my parents back I the day. Merry Christmas to all!
Busy day for me today. Went with the two DDs for breakfast with friends. Growing up, my two girls were best friends respectively with a set of sisters. From second grade on, the girls were two units that we called “the bigs” and “the littles”. As in, “Since the littles are going to be at your house, I’ll give the bigs a ride to the movie theater”.

Anyway, since all of the girls are grown now and moved away, we meet for a girls breakfast at holiday time. We had a lot to talk about since each of the bigs got engaged since the end of October.

Then it was home for cookie baking day. We made many goodies for us and to share.
I’ve been watching it snow nonstop (in the CO mountains) since I woke up around 7am. I think it’s around 14” so far today and still snowing hard. The forecast says it will end around midnight and be clear tomorrow morning. I am hoping the roads will be decent so we can drive back to our house in the morning.
In the afternoon I suggested we go to lunch at a local brewery. We used to love the place, but something changed in the kitchen early last summer and we thought it went downhill.

I know DW really liked it there and suggested we go back and try it. I was doing it only cause I know she liked the place.We ordered a nice sounding pizza, one with Thai toppings.

Have you ever experienced a "wet pizza"? One you could suck through a straw? Yum.

Our waiter quickly realized something was wrong and tried to fix it. When he asked what was wrong with the pizza I picked a piece up. Everything on it went plop! Actually several plops, it wasn't a good sound... in a restaurant or other places.

He made it right, first offering other options, I couldn't think of eating plop. He refused to bill us.

We had a nice lunch at a nearby local Mexican restaurant. A really nice meal. I'm really not hungry tonight.

When I got the mail there was a new experience! My new Fidelity rep has sent me a personalized Xmas card. How nice! I thought only 1% AUM guys got Xmas cards.
Actually, yesterday.

Stoped at one of my favorie cafes .After getting my Americano, sat at my usual spot at the counter. Two seats over a young woman poking at the keyboard of a laptop. Next to the laptop is an open book with lots of graphs.

I take a closer peak at the book, looks like mathematical stuff. I ask her, Physics or Math? She say math, and she is in a Phd program for math. Then explains she is working on lesson plans for her required TA classes.

Guess she neded a break from brain work, we chatted for a while. She mentioned that she is only interested in pure math. This is the first time I ever met anyone only interested in theoretical science. She has no current interest in applying the math knowledge to anything in particular. In a previus w*rk life of mine I spent nearly 14 years with Phds in Geophysics, Physics, Ocenography, etc.. All applied sciences.

I asked her if she wants to be a Quant. She did not know waht that was, so I explained. In a few weeks she is heading back to Oregon where she is in school. She had been to some seminars in Neuroscience, where they tried to interest her in applying math. She did not bite.

A most pleasant Christmas gift to have met a brainy young woman, and having a delightful nearly an hour chat.
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I've been training DD's dog.
Down-stay, come, and heel. Smart dog!
I've been training DD's dog.
Down-stay, come, and heel. Smart dog!

If it’s real smart, train it to respond to hand signals without verbal cues. The future SIL’s dog can do that, and it’s kind of cool.

This afternoon DH and I took an unexpected drive to deliver gifts to DD and her fiancé. They planned to come for dinner tomorrow but the fiancé is very ill with an upper respiratory infection. He doesn’t feel well enough to be socializing and we really don’t want the germs in the house. They live about 90 minutes away but DD met us partway so we didn’t have to drive the entire distance.
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