What did you do today? 2017 version

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a toothache that nearly took the top of my head off for a half hour or so. This was even AFTER a root canal that didn't stop the intermittent episodes of pain, and AFTER that same tooth was extracted and an implant put in (last month). How can this be with no tooth even there any more?

Ouch! Could it be that the artificial root of the implant is butting up against the nerves?
We went out for lunch, as we always do. I had spinach manicotti, since it isn't too challenging to chew. That doggone tooth is still bothering me with intermittent pain. I ate my spinach manicotti in comfort, and then in the car on the way home got a toothache that nearly took the top of my head off for a half hour or so. This was even AFTER a root canal that didn't stop the intermittent episodes of pain, and AFTER that same tooth was extracted and an implant put in (last month). How can this be with no tooth even there any more?

Guess I'll go back to the dentist tomorrow. :peace:Tell me I don't feel like a lunatic with a story like this to tell him. :duh: Thank goodness I have had the same dentist since 1999, so by now he knows I don't make up wild stories.
I'm no dentist. From my experience with c-spine issues:

Nerves do funny things.
I was at a music jam last night at a friend's place and didn't get home until 4:30, but my internal clock still woke me up at 7:00. I spent today cleaning and doing laundry in between naps.
Ouch! Could it be that the artificial root of the implant is butting up against the nerves?
I have no clue. It feels like exactly the same pain, located in the same place, that I have had all along. Only now it is getting a bit more intense. Luckily I have pain medication that I was given for recovery from the tooth extraction and implant, which I didn't need then (but do now when it hurts).

At my age (68), I am worried about cancer, tumors, and so on because my father died at 70 of cancer. But I have no reason to think that is what is causing this, other than my own imagination. Maybe the dentist can look for weird stuff on my xrays.

I'm no dentist. From my experience with c-spine issues:

Nerves do funny things.
That's for sure.

My best guess is that it is referred pain from another tooth or somewhere else. I just hope my dentist can figure this out, since I am one of those people who doesn't like to take pain medication.

Luckily, the pain doesn't last for long and it is not hurting now. The Vycodin and ibuprofen that I took for it are still making me feel a bit loopy but I have nothing planned for the evening.
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Made some braised short ribs and finished making my own electric smoker control system. 1492999869866.jpg1492999886488.jpg
Our main weekend events were going to the RoboGames on Friday and Sunday we went to a music venue in Berkeley to hear a local band called The Ray Charles Project. They were great and had the crowd dancing in the aisles. The lead singer, Tony Lindsay, is also the lead singer for Santana.
We went out for lunch, as we always do. I had spinach manicotti, since it isn't too challenging to chew. That doggone tooth is still bothering me with intermittent pain. I ate my spinach manicotti in comfort, and then in the car on the way home got a toothache that nearly took the top of my head off for a half hour or so. This was even AFTER a root canal that didn't stop the intermittent episodes of pain, and AFTER that same tooth was extracted and an implant put in (last month). How can this be with no tooth even there any more?

Guess I'll go back to the dentist tomorrow. :peace:Tell me I don't feel like a lunatic with a story like this to tell him. :duh: Thank goodness I have had the same dentist since 1999, so by now he knows I don't make up wild stories.

W2R, I'm going through the implant process and was told it takes several months for the process. I had the extraction a few months ago and even though I had an infection, a normal extraction and implant take a few months. I was told that after the extraction the jaw bone and tissue have to heal before having the inserts implanted or can risk infection.
W2R, I'm going through the implant process and was told it takes several months for the process. I had the extraction a few months ago and even though I had an infection, a normal extraction and implant take a few months. I was told that after the extraction the jaw bone and tissue have to heal before having the inserts implanted or can risk infection.

Splitwdw, thanks for your input. This is my fourth implant. The first two required waiting as you described.
I will be taking a rest today. Spent yesterday morning helping my son move some furniture from his rented townhome to his purchased single-family home. Then, in the afternoon worked with him to rekey all the doors.

The home is long and narrow, so has many side doors for its size of 2,600 sq.ft. And then, 3 of the doors have security/bug screen doors, and both the real doors and the security doors have 2 locks: a latch handle and a dead bolt. So, that's 4 locks for these 3 entry ways. In all, we rekeyed 16 locks.

The house was just renovated by a home flipper, and who knows how many workers had access to the keys. So, my son feels better with all the locks rekeyed.
The house was just renovated by a home flipper, and who knows how many workers had access to the keys. So, my son feels better with all the locks rekeyed.

I had to talk a friend into re-keying the locks when he moved...it surprised me that he didn't seem to think it needed to be done. It doesn't matter if you bought it from the most honest couple who ever lived...you have no idea how many other people have keys.
I mowed my lawn one day last week. I woke up to this today.


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I had to talk a friend into re-keying the locks when he moved...it surprised me that he didn't seem to think it needed to be done. It doesn't matter if you bought it from the most honest couple who ever lived...you have no idea how many other people have keys.
Here, realtors are required to give you a written recommendation to have all the locks re-keyed, a copy of which you have to sign and give back to them.

Personally I think it's a good idea to have the locks changed no matter how honest the prior owner was or how few people had a key, so that the new owner doesn't jump to any wrong conclusions if they accidently forget to lock the door when leaving some day.

Since I planned to have keypad deadbolts installed in all exterior doors of my Dream Home anyway, I had that done (and pretty, matching doorknobs with locks installed too) instead of just re-keying the old locks. So, I didn't have to pay any extra for re-keying.
Finished up my amplifier;


Powered up and biased fine. No smoke, no bad connections and sounds great!

Went to the NY Rangers playoff game last night, took Metro North the commuter railroad down to Manhattan outstanding train service, train broke down and had to wait an hour until we got going again. The Rangers played like crap and lost.
To top off the night the return train trip took almost twice as long due to.......you guessed it faulty equipment, had to switch trains halfway home. All in all still had a good time with son, daughter.

Gotta love Playoff hockey!! Ducks fan here. Let's hope we meet up in the Final, though I have no illusions about making it that far. I'm happy just advancing beyond Round 1, which is more than we've done recently. I'm going to our R2 game Wednesday with DS... don't know which of us loves it more!! It's so great not thinking about rising early for work the next day... definitely one of the perks of ER. Good luck to you and your Rangers. Hockey really is the best spectator sport IMO.
Gotta love Playoff hockey!! Ducks fan here. Let's hope we meet up in the Final, though I have no illusions about making it that far. I'm happy just advancing beyond Round 1, which is more than we've done recently. I'm going to our R2 game Wednesday with DS... don't know which of us loves it more!! It's so great not thinking about rising early for work the next day... definitely one of the perks of ER. Good luck to you and your Rangers. Hockey really is the best spectator sport IMO.

I think the Rangers will win R2 against the Ottawa but don't think they can get past Pittsburgh if they both get to R3. Good luck to your Ducks.
DW and I spent the weekend at the beach with friends completing a paver patio. Worked like crazy excavating on Friday and Saturday morning then hauled paver stones to the professional. It was back breaking work, but seeing the finished product was worth it ( and I slept like a baby!:dance:).

Sat night (Sunday morning at 2:30 am actually) got a call from our DS #2. He had pus draining from his eye. :nonono: He went to the urgent medical clinic and was told it was pink eye! We went home (3 1/2 hour drive and met him at our house so he could get to the eye doctor to see if there was anything else wrong (there wasn't, but he needed a different set of eye drops).

So Sunday evening, I went online to check on any bills that may have come in over the weekend, and lo and behold, an $8,010 check cleared our account on Friday. The photo of the check proved it wasn't ours, and someone committed fraud. An evening changing passwords and communicating with the bank, and the only help the weekend staff could give was immediately contact the Fraud Division, between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm M-F. I guess there is no fraud on weekends :facepalm:

This morning DW and I spent 1 1/2 hours in the bank getting the account closed (and another $10k was attempted to be moved while we were there!!) and new accounts opened. Since we are still on our DS accounts, they had to get new accounts as well. Then I had to wait for the official Fraud Department call before I could restart the online access. That was after 2 pm. Then I could start to put in the bill pay acount information. Then I had to drive DS home, an hour plus each way. He is out of work until at least Friday due to the pink eye.

The weekend was 80+ degrees and full sunshine, and starting with the drive back from the beach yesterday, it has been raining non-stop. I hope that isn't an omen for the rest of the week!
Today I flew home to Iowa after three nights in Santa Monica with my Mom. We went to see the radio/podcasting group called The Satellite Sisters and we had an awesome time. When I got home I did just a bit of work for my pt job. I also did a load of travel laundry and put all my stuff away.
Now that I am not working, I avoid grocery shopping on weekends.
So many less people on Tuesdays. :)

Ahhhhh Tuesdays at the discount market. Went this morning at 7. The only other people there were shelf-stockers and a few grays. Maybe they were forum members. We should have a t-shirt or a secret sign.
Ahhhhh Tuesdays at the discount market. Went this morning at 7. The only other people there were shelf-stockers and a few grays. Maybe they were forum members. We should have a t-shirt or a secret sign.

7 am is too early for me.
Busy day today. DW and I both started the days with our annual physicals. Then minutes after we got home we got a call from the Subaru dealer saying our new Outback was ready to be inspected and picked up...after listening to all the mandatory pitch for the extras they try to sell everyone. First drive in it was to Costco for food shopping and ordering new glasses. Soon, time to open a nice bottle of Pinot Noir.
Yay, so glad you got your new Subaru Outback, Dashman!!! Hope you have a wonderful time driving about in it. :dance:

Today I had an emergency dental appointment due to insanely intense, worse-than-child-bearing tooth pain. It seemed to be coming from a tooth that was root canaled twice, extracted, and implant placed/started. How could this be? I was sure my dentist would think I was a lunatic.

But no! He did not. Instead, he decided to drill on the tooth next to that tooth, where he found a whole lot of cavity to work on under the crown, and that probably caused it. In two weeks he's going to do a root canal on that one too. Meanwhile, I feel so great because he gave me antibiotics and more pain meds and his cell phone number (..... belt and suspenders and a hot air balloon, so to speak....), so I don't have to go through that excruciating pain any more. It was wearing me down.

And on the way home, F bought me some cherry vanilla ice cream again. He said they were out of BlueBell so he bought me Haagen-Daz and I was able to compare. I found that I much prefer BlueBell, but also decided that any ice cream is nearly heaven.

Oh, BTW, young dreamers? If you happen to have bad teeth, be sure to find a good, young dentist and be sure to allow enough in your budget for huge dental bills later on. Last month, two dental implants. This month, a root canal. It just goes on and on.
Update: Last night I got an email that DS#3 was overdrawn on his account. No indication if it was the old one or the new account. So this morning I checked the account and an ATM withdrawal cleared the old account over the weekend, before the $$ were transferred to the new account. The bank charged a $3 ATM fee Monday night to the old account, then since it was a "pending closed" account, they slapped a $36 fee for being overdrawn :mad:.

Went to the bank first thing, again and the banker told me he saw the problem when he first logged in and reversed all charges. Then he told me that the policy of no ATM fees only applies to my accounts, not the household as it had been under the prior accounts (they don't offer that any more and the old account was grandfathered :facepalm:).
G*d, I hate big banks!!!:mad:
I'm sick with I think bronchitis infection. Minor. But recuperating at home. No badminton, no art class. I think some young guy at badminton class gave it to me. High fives after a game. My husband said the coach told him wet, sweaty palm is a good way to spread infection. Next time I shall just do elbows.
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