What did you do today? 2017 version

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Did my last "swim practice driving" for the season. Older son's high school swim team regular season is over. The drive has been a grind because it involves driving him to practice, then driving younger son home, then driving back through rush hour to pick him up after practice... I will not miss this.... Next year both boys will be in high school and I've informed younger son he *will* be on the swim team because I will not be driving back/forth/back/forth. I'll just bring my book and read during practice.

Had dinner with my sister. She's going through some tough times personally... and I want to be there for her.
We worked out lifting weights for 45 minutes today, next week the goal is to add another 15 minutes every session.

I got groceries as normal. It's DW'S 60th birthday, normally a card, cake and dinner.

We made plans for dinner and DW didn't know there's a lovely floral place at the grocery store. Spent a while with a nice lady who put together a piece DW loved.

We went to one of the best restaurants in town tonight for dinner, French Country cuisine. Perhaps not my favorite, but I liked the company.
I just had a house insulation done. It was cellulose blown-in insulation for walls and cellulose with fiberglass bats over it for the attic. The installation was only supposed to be 3 days but it was 3 days spread over a week. So yesterday it was finally done. There is now a thin layer of dust on every item in the entire house, also mouse poop tracked everywhere from the gross attic. Luckily I was smart enough to take up the area rugs prior to. It feels like I am camping in my own house.

Today starts the massive cleanup. So what am I doing? Posting on forums.

But there are some benefits, aside from the obvious one of not having to spend next winter in a breezy refrigerator covered with ice dams. When you have strangers in your house, and there were alot of them, you see it through their eyes. I have some ideas for DIY projects this summer that I would not otherwise have thought of. Also, I think some more things are going to be ejected when I go to dust them off and think "Why is this even still here?"
DW thinks I need a hearing aid. I know my hearing was damaged in my Air Force days, but I can understand any conversation without a lot of background noise. She had picked up this habit of speaking in a near whisper to me. I understand everyone but her. I ask her to just speak in a normal tone and I'll hear her fine, but she insists it's me. Can't win!
How annoying. Here's what I'd do if I was you: Go to Costco and get your hearing checked. If you don't need hearing aids, you'll have proof! And if you do, I have heard they have pretty good prices.
Worked in the garden this morning. Sang in a concert this afternoon. We performed Haydn's Creation; I sang the part of Uriel. Mowed the lawn when I got back home.
My oldest kid came back so that the oil of her car can be changed by my husband while she and I went to Costco for an eye exam. She lost all her contacts going through TSA. Afterwards we went for a nice lunch near the local burger join and I had a small pizza. It was a nice lunch and she discussed how she made certain decision with her business. Her business has been growing and she didn't have problem charging customer more. In the past, her business partner was too reluctant to charge more. Now she is in charge of business, she starts making these decision. She said it's the year to make or break it, meaning if it's not successful, it's time to fold the business and get a 9-5 job. I couldn't agree more.
So it sounds like they are progressing along nicely. I kept reminding her any big bonus she gets this year she should save it for retirement. Overall, a nice day out for the 3 of us.
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Our events for this weekend so far have been going to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the special Matisse/Dierbenkorn exhibit and tonight we attended the play Hershey Felder as Irving Berlin at the Berkeley Rep.
One of my bands had a gig yesterday...hauled gear and did sound check in the afternoon and then played to a packed house in the evening.
I haven't been able to hear in a noisy environment since my stints in the Air Force and Air National Guard many years ago. Recently, I have had trouble hearing even people with fairly low frequency voices. It was definitely time for me after putting it off for well over 40 years. :)

This might be too late but have you worked thru the VA about your hearing? If it's service connected you could get a monthly check and free hearing aids.
Put some tomato plants in the garden, even though I'm supposed to wait til after May 15. Drove the 1988 Trans Am around a bit, tested out a "hard to start when hot" situation, which appears to have fixed itself somehow. Yay.
I went into the office and cleared out most of my personal items and filled up the confidential bin with some old documents that I accumulated over the past 19 years. My last day in the office is Friday!
I went into the office and cleared out most of my personal items and filled up the confidential bin with some old documents that I accumulated over the past 19 years. My last day in the office is Friday!

How exciting!!! Congratulations. :D
I will be volunteering as a conductor on our local tourist railroad. We are having a Railfest and we will be using the 1914 Baldwin steam engine.
I invited my recently widowed neighbor and her grandson to ride with us.


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This might be too late but have you worked thru the VA about your hearing? If it's service connected you could get a monthly check and free hearing aids.

Thanks. :flowers: I do realize that I could quite likely qualify for a disability, but I just have an issue with going that route because what hearing loss I have has not really been a detriment to me. Now those who have to repeat themselves, sometimes more than once, for my benefit may disagree. :cool:
I do realize that I could quite likely qualify for a disability, but I just have an issue with going that route because what hearing loss I have has not really been a detriment to me.

FWIW, I have a VA disability rating but I used to be very reluctant to make use of it, thinking that limited resources should be made available to those more in need.

But I expressed that thought to a VA doc one time and was told that's not the case, at least in their opinion. The more people enrolled in their local system, the more funding they get, and they want as many as possible.

So now I go in once a year for a quick routine checkup, just to stay active in the system. Hearing aids are one of the biggest things they do at my local VA clinic. They were always encouraging me to get a screening, so I did that last year. Not bad enough to warrant hearing aids, but an interesting half an hour doing the test.
Worked in the garden this morning. Sang in a concert this afternoon. We performed Haydn's Creation; I sang the part of Uriel. Mowed the lawn when I got back home.

So jealous, haven't sung the whole thing in over 20 years. What a wonderful opening aria you have in the piece, too.
Today I celebrated my four year anniversary from leaving my "big" job. I have loved the last four years, so glad I left when I did.
We had an easy day. We went out to eat, my husband had a hair cut while I did some shopping. I bought tons of fruits. It's going to be a treat. I'm starting my process to lose 10-15 lbs before my holiday in Hawaii. It's hot enough here that I can just munch on just salad and fruits. No more heavy food. Great time to lose weight.
Cooked some sausage on the grill and had that for breakfast, read part of a model airplane magazine, then went for my normal not-a-gym-day 2 mile walk. While coming back and going past the pond I noticed two adult ducks standing very still, then saw about eight or so very small ducklings pecking around.

On my next walk I might take my camera with a telephoto lens on it.
I will be volunteering as a conductor on our local tourist railroad. We are having a Railfest and we will be using the 1914 Baldwin steam engine.
I invited my recently widowed neighbor and her grandson to ride with us.
Well, when I got to the Railfest, I was informed that along with the 3 steam trains, we were also giving 30 minute caboose rides in two cabooses coupled together, where people could ride in the cupola one way. As you can imagine, the logistics of running the train for 15 minutes, shifting the people, turning the seats around, running the train back to the depot etc
I did this from 9:30 to 11:30, met the lady and her grandson, took the steam train with them.
After they got off, I worked the cabooses from 1PM until 4:00. I am tired LOL
It is written into my marriage contract, that if I work on the train, I have to stop at a local Greek restaurant and pick up gyros for dinner, which I did.:D


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Just finished day 3 in my learning to meditate adventure. Using the app "Headspace" as my 'teacher'.

Enjoying it immensely.
Shredded most of the stuff in the plastic folder for 2007 Tax Year.
Added up my spending for April, which is something I look forward to doing every month. I know, that's kind of odd but for me it is fun and I feel like I can share that here since many forum members seem to like doing this sort of thing too. My projected spending for the year is down a little from what it was a month ago, so I am happy about that. I always make sure that what my spreadsheet says I spent, agrees with the balance left in my wallet, bank account, and credit card so that's part of the fun.

Seems like yesterday's thunderstorms are gone, and we have blue skies out there today.
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