What did you do today? 2017 version

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Gym day! We've only recently moved back up to three sets. Pretty sore but it was a beautiful day, blue skys, low 60s temp.

DW and I walked down to the trail to the floor of the caynon below our house. There's a petty steep part for 30-50 feet, depending on how you approach the trail. A little scary for your first time. She'd never been down to the caynon floor.

I pointed out where our house is from down below. Its almost a mile walk to get down there. You can't see it, but the surrounding rocks tell where it is. We saw a rock formation on the west rim that we've walked around from that side of the caynon rim, further cementing our visual map.

Our next adventure is to walk the circle around the canyon rim on the SJNF(west) side. DW is concerned about the distance, she really doesn't understand how much strength she has.
Attended future son in laws graduation from SUNY New Paltz, BS in Finance then took him DD and DW out for lunch. Beautiful weather for outdoor ceremony.
Cashier (male, twenty something) at my favorite day food restaurant made my day this morning. Ordered my usual senior diet Coke and he responded "you really don't look old enough to be a senior, you don't look more than 48 or 50." When I reassured him that I was well past 50, he continued with,"you take really good care of yourself." I could have stayed and talked to him all morning but other customers were waiting.
Spent the last couple days in Utah at Ford's Raptor assault school. They basically teach you to Rock climb, trail ride and do Baja desert racing in Ford Raptors (4x4s). It really teaches you about all the functions and capabilities of the Raptor. It was a blast!
I burned another slash pile yesterday. In the process the first day, I melted the coating on my new glasses from Costco. I have to go in for a followup on my new hearing aids, so I will find out what Costco has to say about these lenses. Unfortunately, one of the hearing aids seems to have a problem so I will have to deal with that too.
Got back home from the Galapagos, and will spend the next day or two just relaxing after all that activity. What an amazing place!


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Just got back from a week long cruise. Family reunion - children, spouses, their children. Finally met our grandson (lives abroad), and now everyone - children, spouses, grandchildren - all know each other. Doing this on a cruise was DW's idea, and among her best ideas ever. :)
Just got back from a week long cruise. Family reunion - children, spouses, their children. Finally met our grandson (lives abroad), and now everyone - children, spouses, grandchildren - all know each other. Doing this on a cruise was DW's idea, and among her best ideas ever. :)

Was it hard to get them to coordinate their schedules? I have the same plan for some type of trip at some point in the future (when everyone is potty-trained, even the adults :LOL:) and I think it will be hard to get everyone on the same calendar page. Did you pick the date or let the kids come up with it?

Braumeister, love your Galapagos photos! More?
Was it hard to get them to coordinate their schedules? I have the same plan for some type of trip at some point in the future (when everyone is potty-trained, even the adults :LOL:) and I think it will be hard to get everyone on the same calendar page. Did you pick the date or let the kids come up with it?
It could have been more difficult. They all made a real effort - they all wanted it to happen. (I paid for the whole thing, including their air travel, so that might have helped a bit. :))
Northwest and Braumeister - thanks for sharing your pictures... what a great inspiration for my future trip planning.

I went to dinner last night with my ex-office-husband. (He and I shared an office until they moved our department - at which point we had adjacent cubes.... over a decade of shared/close work space.) Had a nice meal and we talked through the ins/outs of retirement planning. He's in good shape - but needs to continue to work his plan before he can retire.

Today I walked the dog on the beach. Came home and negotiated a refund (I hope) for lifeguard training classes for my son and a friend... turns out there is no way to get a critical piece needed to work at the city pools. And so taking the lifeguard certification course will not result in being able to apply for the job. (Title 22 class isn't being offered by redcross and no one knows when it will be offered.) I also had a long talk with the local pool manager - he's frustrated because the city requires this missing class - and they have a shortage of lifeguards... he can't adequately staff the pool.
Dentist this morning for work (more) on old, failing teeth. Prepped two with old fillings for new crowns, discussed implant evaluation for two that need to come out. Left $2,700 poorer. I seriously can't wait for this to be over which will be by the end of the year (I hope). (But I'll have a hell of a smile and will be able to bite the skin off a live alligator):D
Yesterday we walked the caynon rim trail. DW was concerned about the distance and we should have been better prepared. Next time we will have more water and better navigation.

It ended up being a 4.5 mile loop that took us 2.5 hours. While the trail was easy-moderate it was tricky, with ankle twisting rocks throughout the walk.

We really didn't stop for any amount of time, as the lack of water(we only had a half litre) made us push a little harder.

Absolutely beautiful, along the caynon rim and later high marsh, looked like a moose would love(I fear moose). Then down though thick huge Ponderosa Pine with scrub Oak underneath.

Today was a much needed soak at The Springs. Beautiful day along the river, mid 60s, bright blue skys, feathery clouds and mineral water. The river was at 45°F and I took a couple of plunges after some time in 106° water.

We took a short walk to the mailbox and back it's just as perfect weather. Tomorrow is gym day hopefully a walk on the river in the afternoon.
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Dentist this morning for work (more) on old, failing teeth. Prepped two with old fillings for new crowns, discussed implant evaluation for two that need to come out. Left $2,700 poorer. I seriously can't wait for this to be over which will be by the end of the year (I hope). (But I'll have a hell of a smile and will be able to bite the skin off a live alligator):D
My husband has work done on 3 crowns this year. I need to step up my trading on my HSA preparing for future dental work.
We met some friends in Old Town Sacramento, went for a river boat cruise and a visit to the Crocker Art Museum.
Back to Hong Kong after a trip to New Zealand and discovered that instead of 1 NZ SIM card and 1 HK SIM card for my phone, I had 2 NZ SIM cards. :face palm:

I have no idea how or where I managed to switch my HK SIM card for an unknown additional NZ SIM card. Three (the local phone company) replaced it in a few minutes at no cost to me - nice service.
I'm learning some Tom Petty songs today...I've been asked to audition for a Tom Petty tribute band. I got a call from the keyboard player in one of my other bands that they are looking for a bass player. I'm a huge fan of Tom Petty, so this is a dream gig for me if I can get it. Although money isn't an issue, they are aiming for high paying corporate and casino gigs.
Cashier (male, twenty something) at my favorite day food restaurant made my day this morning. Ordered my usual senior diet Coke and he responded "you really don't look old enough to be a senior, you don't look more than 48 or 50." When I reassured him that I was well past 50, he continued with,"you take really good care of yourself." I could have stayed and talked to him all morning but other customers were waiting.

I had a similar experience picking up prescriptions this week - the pharmacy tech asked for my birthdate as usual to verify I was the right person and she said "I thought for sure I had picked up the wrong bag, you couldn't possibly be this age". Made my day! :dance:
I had a similar experience picking up prescriptions this week - the pharmacy tech asked for my birthdate as usual to verify I was the right person and she said "I thought for sure I had picked up the wrong bag, you couldn't possibly be this age". Made my day! :dance:

I NEVER have this issue. :( Maybe it has something to do with the shoulder length totally white hair and white beard....
I NEVER have this issue. :( Maybe it has something to do with the shoulder length totally white hair and white beard....

Me either. Lucky lucky MBAustin.

I am 60. I'm active - daily swim or run and walk for an hour. Do my own yard work. So last winter I'm out shoveling the driveway and apparently looking very feeble because one of my new neighbors came by and offered to help. Sad, but nice of her.
Gym day, then Outback for late lunch, minor grocery run. Service was great, gave the waitress a big tip. Same waitress as last time, also a big tip for great service and she remembered us from about a month ago.
Worked on the cabin and had some detail work left to do after the addition I added to the cabin. I had a 10x10 and now it is 10x16 and seems like a mansion. Lol
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