What did you do today? 2018 version

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Forgot to say, our departure has been delayed till tomorrow.

Last night, we realized we were not ready with packing all the stuff to take on the trip. And then, there were a few things that needed fixing at the last minute, like the CO detector that I did not know had already expired until I installed batteries in it.

Since we have time, another day does not matter. As long as we make it to Fairbanks to join in the Midnight Sun Run at the summer solstice, it will be fine.
Yes, it is both humid and warm. Also I have been hearing thunder nearby, and it seems like it could rain any second.

I don't mind humidity, though. I guess I got used to it in Hawaii. To me the weather outside feels pleasant, though warm, right now.
We had thunderstorms yesterday, most of the day. Wonderful, with an easy all day rain. It was cooler, in the 50's.

Today we took the dogs downtown to the riverwalk. It was hot! Over 80° F and with yesterday's rain, the humidity must have been 15%! Our dog's didn't like it, nor did we! The This is the hottest day of this year and it's just intolerable[emoji23] .

I suggested they needed water, when we walked down to the river, our two little housemut's dove into the water. They were very overheated.
My friend and I got the hull and supports sanded, fitted and assembled and wired together today. Tomorrow is tighten all members and start the epoxy work. Here's progress (view from the stern end):


This is a lot like work!
^Looks awesome!

Thanks! I woke up with some new muscles I didn't know I had this morning and I m slow moving (LOL)! This will be a long week as the class leader said we should be expecting 10 hour days for the rest of the week! We do break for lunch for an hour each day though.

It's all worth it to be up here in the Upper Peninsula for the week and a half in nice cool weather. It's been in the humid high 90's in Texas this week.
How are you going to get that boat home? Did you bring a trailer?

No trailer.

Chrysler Town and Country van with home-built roof rack extensions is the vehicle. The beam is 56" and the rack on the car is 35". Plus, it will be strapped front and rear. We will wrap the finished (except for paint) boat in contractor wrap (shrinkwrap) and make a "cocoon" out of it.

The boat will be weighing in a slightly over 100 pounds. The sail kit will be installed back home.
Got to bed last night at 3:00 AM. That's OK, because I have been sleeping until 10 AM lately. Normally this works out very nicely.

Then at 7:11 AM my phone rang. Didn't get to it in time, but it was the SS office in Chicago that is handling my switch from spousal SS to my own. No message. I was concerned, but calling back only resulted in a recording saying that number is the SS office. Decided I was too exhausted to stay up, so I took my phone with me and went back to bed around 7:45 AM.

Then at 9:40 AM the doorbell rang. Threw on clothes and answered the door, only to find out that it was Jehovah's Witnesses. :banghead: I think my exhausted face and rumpled clothes scared them; they quickly gave me a pamphlet and made a hasty retreat.

I think it is going to be one of those days.... We have 100% chance of rain today, so my guess is that if/when I try to take a nap this afternoon, the thunder will start booming too loudly for sleep to be possible.
Last week I had 3 leaf-spewing, limb-dropping, mostly-dead trees cut to the ground. It was inside a fenced-in back yard and I didn't want to dismantle the fence to let bucket trucks in, so I had the kind of tree cutters that climb to the top of the tree and gradually chop off branches with a chain saw, working from top to bottom. It was fascinating to watch. All of the trees were in various stages of decay so the cutter, with spikes on and the chainsaw on a bandolier, had to test each of the upper branches before using it as a foothold.

Today I have a hoard of workers jack-hammering my basement and digging up the front yard to create a French-drain pumped underground to a dry-well. Every time they take a break it is such a relief!

This is the unglamorous version of "Blow That Dough". Next - probably a new heating system. The theme is Make Winter Better.
Last week I had 3 leaf-spewing, limb-dropping, mostly-dead trees cut to the ground. It was inside a fenced-in back yard and I didn't want to dismantle the fence to let bucket trucks in, so I had the kind of tree cutters that climb to the top of the tree and gradually chop off branches with a chain saw, working from top to bottom. It was fascinating to watch. All of the trees were in various stages of decay so the cutter, with spikes on and the chainsaw on a bandolier, had to test each of the upper branches before using it as a foothold.

Today I have a hoard of workers jack-hammering my basement and digging up the front yard to create a French-drain pumped underground to a dry-well. Every time they take a break it is such a relief!

This is the unglamorous version of "Blow That Dough". Next - probably a new heating system. The theme is Make Winter Better.

Not glamorous, but money well spent. It will no doubt make your winter better, and all the other seasons also.
It seems like I only post on this topic when I have a day full of errands and chores. I'll try to post something fun next time, but today was a full day of errands and chores :LOL:

I built a small 6' x 8' ground level deck in my parent's back yard. Their well pump has an outside extension for the garden hose 60 feet from their house and the deck allows them to use the garden hose on a dry platform instead of wet ground or mud.

I replaced 2 sheets of damaged drywall in my GF's mother's garage.

Went to Costco, grocery, and beer store.

Then I replaced riding mower belt and cut the lawn.

Barbequed supper for GF and myself and then we sat on the deck and relaxed for a couple hours enjoying some cold beer.
Last post about the deck reminded me of when my parents lived in Evergreen, Colorado. We had a deck over a spring on our lot. Nice place to sit. I watched the Washington Capitals hockey team win the Stanley Cup. Glad the US won although that part was a done deal. It’s the last nite having our grand kids after a week of church day camp. Grabbed pizza from Whole Foods. Watched them swim in the pool tonight (hey they got to skip the bath), and read books before bed. I thank my lucky stars for the moments we have. Life is good!
Gym day, then lunch with DW at a Logan's steakhouse place with a 25% off coupon. We don't go there often. Although the food and service are fine, we find it a bit noisy for our tastes and DW hates the peanut shells on the floor since that offends her sense of tidiness and civilization. Being male, this troubles me not a bit and I can readily revert to piggish behavior and enthusiastically toss peanut shells with abandon.:D
Final full day at the Great Lakes Boat Building facility. We have epoxied on the side rails and other inside parts. tomorrow, we install the seats and a few other underside parts then load the boat for moving it to Texas where 80 more hours of finish and wood work remain.



We are tired!:D
Voted in the primary. Nevada has a very accommodating early voting system.
I am about 40% of the way to Fairbanks. Could not drive very fast with a motorhome pulling a car.

And will slow down even more in the days ahead for sightseeing, as I am in new territories now.
I am about 40% of the way to Fairbanks. Could not drive very fast with a motorhome pulling a car.

And will slow down even more in the days ahead for sightseeing, as I am in new territories now.

Put up some pictures, if you have a chance and the bandwidth.:)
Final full day at the Great Lakes Boat Building facility. We have epoxied on the side rails and other inside parts. tomorrow, we install the seats and a few other underside parts then load the boat for moving it to Texas where 80 more hours of finish and wood work remain.

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We are tired!:D

Beautiful wood!
NW-Bound >>> I had to chuckle a little when you said 40% of the way to Alaska. LOL It seems we always use percent even when we talk about others things then money as well.

I hope you can add a few pictures from time to time. Have a great trip.
I shoveled and spread ten cubic yards of shredded hardwood mulch yesterday and the day before. Dang that was a lot of mulch!

And I still have more area that could use some mulch.

I did the same thing last week - 10 yards in 2 days. Ran short so I bought 19 bags to finish up. Every year I say I’ll never do that again.
Flew an Angel Flight mission to Palm Springs. One reason was to spend some time with my son, who lives there. It was 107 when we took off to take the patient to San Bernadino.
Had a great visit with my son, far ranging discussions about family and finances.
Getting ready to have a bite of ice cream before bed. Just pooped from a very fun weekend. DW and I had dinner with a friend on Friday night before the friend leaves town for the summer. Last night and this afternoon I had two performances with my choral group singing music from the early 16th century. Add to that our weekly "atheist outreach" at church (we sing in the choir there, as non-believers, but lovers of (most) church music). I was thoroughly fried when we got home this evening and was more than happy to let DW fix dinner for a change.

Biggest bonus was having DD#1 and SIL attend this afternoon's performance. It is really nice to get a little payback after all those years of attending band concerts as a parent.:)
Painted the kitchen, flooring guy arrives tomorrow.
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