What did you do today? 2018 version

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Went to the Social Security office this morning, DW and I signed up for our pensions and I signed up for Medicare. The pensions aren’t much but they should cover our Medicare premiums. This is my last month with an ACA policy. Finally :)
Yay!!! This is good news indeed. :D

Today I have a diabetic eye check-up with my ophthalmologist. Frank is driving me there in case my eyes get dilated. On the way home we'll go get lunch at a favorite restaurant.

This morning I was awakened by a spam phone call. Oh boy. Then I finished installing the Windows 10 update, which was a hum-dinger and took over an hour to download and install (at least for me) and then needed rebooting and so on.

So, I think that's enough for one day.... :D
Then I finished installing the Windows 10 update, which was a hum-dinger and took over an hour to download and install (at least for me) and then needed rebooting and so on.

I did the same yesterday and my Brother printer stopped working. Had to download an updated driver to get it going again.
I did the same yesterday and my Brother printer stopped working. Had to download an updated driver to get it going again.

Oh wow, I'll have to see if it did the same for my new Brother laser printer. Thanks for the heads up.

EDITED TO ADD: No problems with my (almost brand new) Brother B&W laser printer. I just bought it recently, though, after reading about it here on the ER Forum. It's great. Anyway, I am thinking that probably I got the driver update when I bought it.
I pay bills on a Windows computer and appreciate the heads up about how long the update install takes! Will budget for extra time this week before I can get into the finances.
I pay bills on a Windows computer and appreciate the heads up about how long the update install takes! Will budget for extra time this week before I can get into the finances.

Good idea. Who knows how long it will take. My guess is that it takes longer on some machines than on others.

I asked if it needed an update at around 3 AM. By 4:30 AM it had downloaded but was still installing with quite a bit left to go, so I went to bed and let it finish by itself.

Then this morning it was at the point where it had to be rebooted to complete the installation (which took more time,I guess about 10-20 minutes, because it had more of the installation to do also). This is with a 2 year old laptop with an SSD drive and 120 Mbps download speed on the internet.
M husband and I went for a walk, about 2 miles total to my sister’s house, we picked some of her grapefruits. Came back home and I made grapefruit juice, this should reduce my bp, my husband had orange juice instead.

But judging by her yard, I need to come and do a trim. It’s like a happy birthday gift for her. She’s turning 64 this weekend.
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I am sitting here enjoying a glass of wine and watching the last days of autum. The aspen were magnificent this year and this is the last of them.
i am sitting here enjoying a glass of wine and watching the last days of autum. The aspen were magnificent this year and this is the last of them.
I am sitting here enjoying a glass of wine and watching the last days of autumn. The aspen were magnificent this year and this is the last of them.
They are beautiful. The peaks in the background are the Maroon Bells near Aspen


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Went with DH to his cardiologist. Cardio is 77 (he always mentions his age) and has been seeing DH for about 30 years. When DH asked how long he planned to work he said he would if the hospital had a pension. Cardio also said he can’t really hear the high frequency heart sounds through his stethoscope.... Eek.(Fortunately DH had just seen his amazing PCP plus an aorta specialist who did tests and concluded DH’s enlarged aorta is nothing to worry about so DH feels pretty good about his heart health, but will probably get a different cardio one way or another by this time next year!)

Then we went to Menards for some minor house things and were very surprised that unlike Home Depot and Lowe’s, it offers no military or veteran’s discount. We splurged by buying the stuff there anyway.
Went with DH to his cardiologist. Cardio is 77 (he always mentions his age) and has been seeing DH for about 30 years. When DH asked how long he planned to work he said he would if the hospital had a pension. Cardio also said he can’t really hear the high frequency heart sounds through his stethoscope.... Eek.(Fortunately DH had just seen his amazing PCP plus an aorta specialist who did tests and concluded DH’s enlarged aorta is nothing to worry about so DH feels pretty good about his heart health, but will probably get a different cardio one way or another by this time next year!)
My internist/endocrinologist is the same age. I fear that one of these days I'm going to show up for a routine appointment and find the office locked and deserted. He's not that good and I should be looking for someone else but I have been going to this one for 20 years and we are used to each other by now.
Good idea. Who knows how long it will take. My guess is that it takes longer on some machines than on others.

I asked if it needed an update at around 3 AM. By 4:30 AM it had downloaded but was still installing with quite a bit left to go, so I went to bed and let it finish by itself.

Then this morning it was at the point where it had to be rebooted to complete the installation (which took more time,I guess about 10-20 minutes, because it had more of the installation to do also). This is with a 2 year old laptop with an SSD drive and 120 Mbps download speed on the internet.

I thought I might manually update this morning too but I saw this report that the auromatic update is being delayed after some people reported it was deleting personal files (https://www.engadget.com/2018/10/06/windows-10-october-update-delete-pulled/) so I guess I will wait until that’s resolved. I’ll probably go to pay bills in a time crunch in a week or so and have to wait while the auto update takes place!
Yesterday was a Springs day. Only in the 40s when we arrived but 102° is pretty warm after a while. Had leftovers for lunch and a nice walk around the neighborhood.

We had a group of 12 or so mule deer behind the house we watched for a least an hour. They're grouping up, getting ready to migrate to lower altitude for the winter. We only get does and immature bucks up here. The bucks we see will not come back to this area after the rut and migration. We watched a couple of the little bucks practice fighting for a while. Next year they'll be impressive.
Vacuumed and tidied up the airbnb studio, wandered downtown, saw a (Christian, we presume) Arab wedding complete with ululating.

Tomorrow an early train, (with a two hour interruption in Narbonne), to Perpignan.
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Arrived in Toulouse last night.........spent my 76th birthday wandering around today; very nice, we're going to like it here.

Went to the main train station and booked out & back tickets for Carcassonne...next Monday...impressed the staff with my Pidgin French. [emoji23]
Just noticed this post. Hope you had a Happy Birthday. Now, you're older than I[emoji1].
Just noticed this post. Hope you had a Happy Birthday. Now, you're older than I[emoji1].
Thanks. To quote the Kevin Costner character in Bull Durham...."I'm just happy to be here". :D
I thought I might manually update this morning too but I saw this report that the auromatic update is being delayed after some people reported it was deleting personal files (https://www.engadget.com/2018/10/06/windows-10-october-update-delete-pulled/) so I guess I will wait until that’s resolved. I’ll probably go to pay bills in a time crunch in a week or so and have to wait while the auto update takes place!

I read about that too. How infuriating, especially after spending hours to install it. I haven't noticed any missing files, but I'm not sure that I'd know. That really burns me up, especially when you consider how much a senior engineer for Microsoft probably earns in a year. $$$$ "Ensuring that an update has been thoroughly tested by my department before releasing it to the general public? Who'd have thought to do a thing like that? Besides, I'm not done with my latte." :duh:

Good thing that I backed up my own files the day before I did the update, including those in my "Documents" folder which is apparently where the deleted files were located. But who knows if the deleted files were actually limited to that folder as indicated in the article, given that Microsoft wasn't even aware of the existence of a file deletion problem in the first place. My backup "Documents" folder has the same number of files in it as exist in my present "Documents" folder. I haven't yet checked its thirteen subfolders.

As usual the update didn't seem to do much of anything positive that is at all obvious, except add stupid bells and whistles that few if any actually want or will ever use.

I just went and checked for updates, half wondering if it would want to uninstall that update. But no, it says I am up to date.
I hosted the potluck Thanksgiving dinner for the family...25 people from ages 2 to 80.

I took a tip from someone here and put a bunch of giveaway stuff on a table and managed to get rid of almost all of it.
Dogsat for a neighbor while my DW went clothes shopping.with a girlfriend. She came in the house with 2 bags full, and I asked he how much she spent. Well, the place was having some huge sale, and she ended up spending about $63 for $400 worth of clothes. Bless her!!!
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