Awakened late and feeling SO joyful that it is 2019! A new year, full of promise and potential and all that stuff.
Then, I got busy. I rebalanced my portfolio, using my new 110-age asset allocation plan that I am sliding into over the next three years. As always I did my computations very carefully, so it takes a while, especially to make sure I am using the correct numbers.
Then I doublechecked my RMD calculations for last year to make sure I was in compliance, figured out my 2018 spending as a percentage of my portfolio on 12/31/2017, and worked on my 2019 spending/financial spreadsheet.
I say "worked" but really I beat it to death mercilessly and it finally submitted and cried uncle.

OK, I can joke about it with forum members because a lot of you probably did the exact same thing.
I feel pretty good about getting so much done in one morning. Then we went out to eat lunch at our favorite restaurant. I thought of ordering an actual meal instead of the side salad or soup that I usually order (for weight loss reasons), but at the last minute I just ordered a small Caesar side salad with water to drink.
Right now it's kind of a rainy, yucky day. F is doing his laundry over here at my house (long story), and it is so nice to be all cozy and happy here inside my Dream Home and enjoying this new year together.