What is your pet peeve of the day?

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What is your pet peeve of the DAY

People driving with a blinker on after they turned already.
People who lean out of their lane as other's try to merge in.
People who tailgate.
People who pull out in front of you forcing you to brake.
People who hangout in the fast lane as cars go around them.
People who are so scared of driving a car that they drive under the speed limit.

People who claim to know it all, and lie to themselves and everyone around them to prove it.

Slackers who act like the world owe's them everything.

And people who voted for... nevermind.

Sounds like a really bad day! :eek:
For those who read my note above about giving away a tv, 3 days later and I still have it. At least 5 no shows who gave specific times when they would be here to pick it up but didn't make it. Only one let me know they had changed their mind since the tv wouldn't fit the space they thought it would. Will load it up on the truck tomorrow and take it to the landfill, marked the ad sold as not worth dealing with anymore.
Those are equally egregious, but the one I see all the time here on this forum that sets my teeth on edge is "tax differed investments". :rolleyes:

On another site, (and no, I didn't respond to it), someone stated that they "Work with two people whom chew".. (without the comma 'both of' before whom).......thought I was on the set of the Mrs Bucket TV show.
Will load it up on the truck tomorrow and take it to the landfill, marked the ad sold as not worth dealing with anymore.

That's amazing! DW takes stuff that we're going to take to Goodwill or throw out and gives it to her hairdresser, who either uses it or knows someone who will. Two weeks ago it was a TV with bad speakers, the hairdresser gave it to her son who was glad to have it.
For those who read my note above about giving away a tv, 3 days later and I still have it. At least 5 no shows who gave specific times when they would be here to pick it up but didn't make it. Only one let me know they had changed their mind since the tv wouldn't fit the space they thought it would. Will load it up on the truck tomorrow and take it to the landfill, marked the ad sold as not worth dealing with anymore.
I feel you pain! I had posted a free ad for an office desk, and a lady called. My poor wife took the call, and after answering questions about color, size,number of drawers, my DW finally said in exasperation, "Lady how much cheaper than free do you want it?".:facepalm:
My advise is to ignore posters whom make these grammatical errors. If not, your just going to effect you’re outlook and attitudes for the day. Bad advise all around, and its also going to bother those whom feel the urge to correct other's.

Regarding investment advise, I’d rather have after tax then tax-differed. Fewer taxes have to be payed down the road. Its better to pay those taxes now, anyway. Either way it doesn’t effect myself all that much. Just make sure each investment is in it’s proper account.
My advise is to ignore posters whom make these grammatical errors. If not, your just going to effect you’re outlook and attitudes for the day. Bad advise all around, and its also going to bother those whom feel the urge to correct other's.

Regarding investment advise, I’d rather have after tax then tax-differed. Fewer taxes have to be payed down the road. Its better to pay those taxes now, anyway. Either way it doesn’t effect myself all that much. Just make sure each investment is in it’s proper account.

And remember to plan a good withdrawl rate.
For those who read my note above about giving away a tv, 3 days later and I still have it. At least 5 no shows who gave specific times when they would be here to pick it up but didn't make it. Only one let me know they had changed their mind since the tv wouldn't fit the space they thought it would. Will load it up on the truck tomorrow and take it to the landfill, marked the ad sold as not worth dealing with anymore.

Here in Stepfordville you must recycle. I had to pay Best Buy, the closest authorized location, twenty bucks...
Try calling Habitat for Humanity local store. They would possibly pick it up and resell it in their store.
Amazon often uses a larger box than needed. Considering that this is their life-blood, I just can't understand that they are not more efficient in this regard. -ERD50

I recently ordered a case of salsa from Amazon. Done it before and it came in a perfectly fine cardboard case of 12. This time it came in three boxes (from Walmart) - quantities seven, four and one. Each bottle was individually hand-wrapped in either six feet of bubble wrap, or seriously 20 foot long strip of paper. Each box stuffed with tons more paper and bubble wrap. One had a strip of plastic wrapped around the obviously leaky lid with 'wrapped for leak protection' on it. Took me half an hour to unwrap and recycle all that stuff. Made no sense at all - they can't have made much of a profit on that sale.
My advise is to ignore posters whom make these grammatical errors. If not, your just going to effect you’re outlook and attitudes for the day. Bad advise all around, and its also going to bother those whom feel the urge to correct other's.
It's a mute point anyways. :LOL:
Mute point, LOL. THat used to drive me nuts when one of my bosses said that. I’ve learned to be amused by it and other eggcorns.

I always enjoy question marks at the end of statements?
On another site, (and no, I didn't respond to it), someone stated that they "Work with two people whom chew".. (without the comma 'both of' before whom).......thought I was on the set of the Mrs Bucket TV show.
People who say "I would of done it anyway." When did of replace have?
"Automatic" devices that make life worse. 3 examples:2) "Smart" car door locks: That lock the doors when the car starts moving, won't let me unlock them if the car is in drive, etc. How about if the doors just do what I ask when I hit the switch?
I rented a Renault Duster in Paris. It had a lock button on the dashboard. Pressing it for 5 seconds causes autolock to engage. Pressing for less causes unlock. Never figured out how to lock the doors when leaving the car.
For those who read my note above about giving away a tv, 3 days later and I still have it. At least 5 no shows who gave specific times when they would be here to pick it up but didn't make it. Only one let me know they had changed their mind since the tv wouldn't fit the space they thought it would. Will load it up on the truck tomorrow and take it to the landfill, marked the ad sold as not worth dealing with anymore.

Do you still have it? I can be there pretty soon :LOL:

Maybe change your ad to $100. Let them negotiate down to $25

If CL on the free tab doesn't work I have had some luck on Freecycle. Also put out on curb once. Gone before I could go inside & post on CL

edit: Forgot that Goodwill recycles E waste. Maybe call? They won't pickup but might be closer
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Amazon often uses a larger box than needed. Considering that this is their life-blood, I just can't understand that they are not more efficient in this regard.


On the packaging, they sent me a survey requesting feedback on their packaging. I was impressed and told them so but the packaging continues to be crazy. I bought a pair of windshield wiper blades. They shipped them separately on two boxes big enough for a dozen blades each.
Yep. Try finding Chicago-style deep dish pizza outside of Chicago. :(

The worst is the 'Sicilian' style pizza sold by a local pizza chain. I doubt if a Sicilian would recognize the stuff. It's all in the imagination of some marketing person.

And don't get me started on how Starbucks mis-labeled the 'latté'.
Put the tv back,up on Facebook this morning and someone messaged me, then picked it up in an hour. Seemed happy to have so glad it’s gone. I think the plan was to try and watch the Super Bowl this weekend, then try to sell it. Hopefully they will get a few bucks for it.
Foreign young people on Youtube who are speaking English with perfect American accents. Swedes, Germans, Spanish, Russians, everything. Not all of them, but a lot. It bugs me, for some reason. Too much globalization, maybe?
Or maybe they care enough to learn proper english?
Or they haven't learned any colloquialisms yet?
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