What is your pet peeve of the day?

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Can I have more than one pet peeve ? Hate it when drivers ride the left lane like they own the road; hate it when drivers stop way past the white line at an intersection (We have an intersection where it can be tight to make my left turn when they do this.); hate it when.... nevermind :facepalm:
Stores re-arranging their items.

This always bugs me as I learn a store, and can pick up what I need and get out, but they don't want that.

Worst was today, I go to Costco, a rare event as I'm trying to stay out of stores.
Well, they moved LOTS of stuff, especially in the pharmacy, moving in lots of snacks.
Do they think people buying vitamins, want to also buy candy :confused:

It caused me, and I heard other people complain, "oh it's been moved" , so we all have to walk ALL over the F.... store to find stuff.
Prolonging our possible exposure to Covid-19. :mad::mad::mad:
Stupid/hypocritical people.

On our walks we often pass by a house in the development here that has a sign in the front yard "Say NO to the gas line!" (A local gas line is being installed/enlarged for more capacity.)

Every house in this development is heated with natural gas. All the homes came with natural gas stoves and water heaters. I wonder where those people think their heat comes from in the winter?:facepalm:

I suppose that since "They've got theirs" everyone else can freeze their tukus off.
Stores re-arranging their items.

Took a marketing class a long time ago and learned that this is standard retail procedure. By forcing you to walk around to find your desired item, they hope you'll pass by something new that catches your fancy. Supermarkets are very prone to do this, and it obviously pays off for them. I don't really mind, since it's only a couple of minutes out of my day and I occasionally notice something new that becomes a favorite.
I made a few online principal payments to a rental mortgage from a checking account to the mortgage serviced by the same bank. It took 1 week for the payment to be sent, received, and posted to my mortgage account.

I then made 2 principal payments from a competitor bank to the mortgage account. It was executed, and posted to my mortgage account in 2 days.

The monthly mortgage payments are automatically deducted from my checking account with the same bank. Since I planned to pay the mortgage off on 8/1 with the auto payment on 8/3, I made the calculation of the proper amount due. We then went on our trip.

When going through the onslaught of 10 days of mail, a notice of nonpayment was given by the bank holding the mortgage. They never took the auto payment on 8/3! So I get on the phone to the mortgage customer service on Friday, but because of the "high volume of calls" they will return a call to me on Thursday next week, between 8-12, 10-2, or 12-4, my choice. WHAT!!!!!

So I call the Bank Customer Servive to find out why the auto payment wasn't made. After a 10 minute wait, they tell me they have no access to the mortgage side of things. So I ask them if they have access to my checking account, which they confirmed. Normally, I make two auto payments to two mortgages, so they confirm that one payment was made, the other was not. When asked why it wasn't taken out, they said they didn't have the access to that information.

On Saturday, I get my monthly statement, saying a $162.70 payment is due by 9/1. Why didn't you take it on 8/3? You could have issued a refund if there was an over payment.

I promptly paid the $162.70 with the competitor's bank online, with 17 days of interest.

We are doomed.

Following up on last week's peeve, The online payment was received yesterday, (Monday) according to my online mortgage account, but not applied to the loan. It was in a "suspended payment" place in my account. So I call the local branch and talk to the manager at the time, he transfer me to Customer service, who can't help me after 20 minutes of waiting. So she sends me to Consumer Finance customer service, and after 5 minutes of waiting, he sends me to the Mortgage Customer Service, (who wanted me to leave a call back number so they can call me in 5 days last Friday), and finally get to a real live person who explains that the automatic mortgage payment was $50 over the payoff number, and thereby rejected. And the recent payment that was in suspension, could not be applied to the loan because "payoff payments cannot be made in person over the phone or in online transactions". What a crock! She suggested I go to my branch and wire the payoff amount for overnight delivery for a $25 fee! WTF? I asked what the interest was per day and that I would make a snail mail payment. She said it was 2 cents a day! So I mailed my $27.31 check and just maybe I'll have it paid off after 25 days of BS.
Can I have more than one pet peeve ? Hate it when drivers ride the left lane like they own the road; hate it when drivers stop way past the white line at an intersection (We have an intersection where it can be tight to make my left turn when they do this.); hate it when.... nevermind :facepalm:

Here's a bike rider peeve. As I am now out riding my bike sometimes, like a good corona refugee, I've noticed bizarre behavior from some motorists. They are overly polite to the point of causing dangerous situations. Example: I am at a stop sign, and have stopped and am standing next to my bike. A car approaches from the left. The car does NOT have a stop sign. I wait for the car to pass, so I can then get back on the bike, and cross the road. What does the car do? Yep,he STOPS in the road and wants me to cross. I wave politely, and cross the road, muttering stuff under my breath. I guess he thought I was going to bolt out in front of him. Unbelievable.
Here's a bike rider peeve. As I am now out riding my bike sometimes, like a good corona refugee, I've noticed bizarre behavior from some motorists. They are overly polite to the point of causing dangerous situations. Example: I am at a stop sign, and have stopped and am standing next to my bike. A car approaches from the left. The car does NOT have a stop sign. I wait for the car to pass, so I can then get back on the bike, and cross the road. What does the car do? Yep,he STOPS in the road and wants me to cross. I wave politely, and cross the road, muttering stuff under my breath. I guess he thought I was going to bolt out in front of him. Unbelievable.

This is standard procedure on the very popular bike trail in our area. Drives me nuts. You stop on your bike, then the car stops, so you start to go, then the car starts to go, so you stop again...sheesh! Or on the four-way stops, the car gets there first, but then they wait for you to go and the whole start-stop-start thing plays out. Can't we just all obey traffic rules??

Or when you're on your bike in a left turn lane, not at an intesection at all, and the oncoming car stops and wants you to make your turn in front of them. I've seen drivers behind that car not realize why the car is stopped and impatiently start to charge around to pass in the left turn lane, heading right towards me. I posted this one before, but it so annoys me that it came out again.
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When I am faced with that situation on my bike, I wave the car through if they have the right of way. Usually solves the problem.
This is standard procedure on the very popular bike trail in our area. Drives me nuts. You stop on your bike, then the car stops, so you start to go, then the car starts to go, so you stop again...sheesh! Or on the four-way stops, the car gets there first, but then they wait for you to go and the whole start-stop-start thing plays out. Can't we just all obey traffic rules??

Or when you're on your bike in a left turn lane, not at an intesection at all, and the oncoming car stops and wants you to make your turn. I've seen drivers behind that car not realize why the car is stopped and impatiently start to charge around to pass in the left turn lane, heading right towards me. I posted this one before, but it so annoys me that it came out again.
At least they're not deliberately running you off the road, which happened to me more than once back when I was doing triathlons.
A car approaches from the left. The car does NOT have a stop sign.

Around here they do that for pedestrians with “don’t walk” signs and sometimes even cars at two-way stop signs. Drives me nuts. Sometimes I wonder if it’s all an insurance scam. But no; I’m sure they think they’re being polite but it just causes confusion and everyone would get through quicker if they’d just follow the rules of the road.
Posters who start with the statement "Not to bring politics into the discussion,..." then bring politics into the discussion.

Me, I hate bringing discussions into politics. :LOL:
Took a marketing class a long time ago and learned that this is standard retail procedure. By forcing you to walk around to find your desired item, they hope you'll pass by something new that catches your fancy. Supermarkets are very prone to do this, and it obviously pays off for them. I don't really mind, since it's only a couple of minutes out of my day and I occasionally notice something new that becomes a favorite.

While I understand the *why*, I still don't like it. Especially the likes of Costco that move stuff around and refuses to put aisle signs up. At least BJ's uses aisle signs.

Velveeta is one of those products that is moved around alot. If it's on the list, I automatically add 10 minutes to my estimated "in store time" because I know it won't be where it was the last time and not a single employee will know, either.
I know it won't be where it was the last time and not a single employee will know, either.

In Costco I long ago quit asking employees where things are. Much more effective to ask someone pushing their cart quickly -- they're likely an experienced Costco shopper and they have usually been able to point me to what I'm looking for.
Especially the likes of Costco that move stuff around and refuses to put aisle signs up. At least BJ's uses aisle signs.

Since it's obviously by design in Costco, I plan trips there to be longer, and less frequent. Once does not simply pop into costco, after all.

So, anytime I'm there I do a full trip down all the aisles to see what's new - yes I know I'm their bait and proof it's working. I skip the TV section, but other than that I figure I'm in for an hour when I go there. Good way to get some walking done on a rainy day too.
Since it's obviously by design in Costco, I plan trips there to be longer, and less frequent. Once does not simply pop into costco, after all.

So, anytime I'm there I do a full trip down all the aisles to see what's new - yes I know I'm their bait and proof it's working. I skip the TV section, but other than that I figure I'm in for an hour when I go there. Good way to get some walking done on a rainy day too.

I don't mind hanging around Costco a little longer than normal, but when there are 1,000 people aimlessly shopping looking for that "one item!" it makes the entire escapade tiring.
Since it's obviously by design in Costco, I plan trips there to be longer, and less frequent. Once does not simply pop into costco, after all.

So, anytime I'm there I do a full trip down all the aisles to see what's new - yes I know I'm their bait and proof it's working. I skip the TV section, but other than that I figure I'm in for an hour when I go there. Good way to get some walking done on a rainy day too.
I tend to leave my cart parked at Costco and run around finding the items on my list. Twice now, Costco has impounded my cart as abandoned just as I was getting ready to check out. The first time, I never did find it, the second time I got it just before it disappeared. Needless to say, it is infuriating after all that work to fill it. :mad:
I tend to leave my cart parked at Costco and run around finding the items on my list. Twice now, Costco has impounded my cart as abandoned just as I was getting ready to check out. The first time, I never did find it, the second time I got it just before it disappeared. Needless to say, it is infuriating after all that work to fill it. :mad:

They have to "impound" abandoned carts if they contain frozen or refrigerated items. Those can't be restocked once they reach room temp or thaw, respectively. People DO abandon carts for all sorts of reasons, so they can't know that you will come back (nor is it reasonable for them to wait to find out).
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Here's a bike rider peeve. As I am now out riding my bike sometimes, like a good corona refugee, I've noticed bizarre behavior from some motorists. They are overly polite to the point of causing dangerous situations. Example: I am at a stop sign, and have stopped and am standing next to my bike. A car approaches from the left. The car does NOT have a stop sign. I wait for the car to pass, so I can then get back on the bike, and cross the road. What does the car do? Yep,he STOPS in the road and wants me to cross. I wave politely, and cross the road, muttering stuff under my breath. I guess he thought I was going to bolt out in front of him. Unbelievable.

I've seen this too! I was actually just near an marked crosswalk, partially hiding behind bushes, well back from the road waiting for traffic to pass. A car stops. But in the other direction, the cars weren't stopping and he's looking and waving at me. I'm like, "What? Cross and be killed by the other car?" :facepalm:
I'll tell you something about Dollar Tree...I just ordered my third thing from them and it's the third time they told me it's ready for pickup and it wasn't there. Last time it never showed up.

Upon research, I found that the delivery notification is sent after a fixed time after it is scanned at the post office. However, the package may not yet have been put out to delivery.

Why is that even a thing? They might as well tell you it's delivered a minute after you order it!

And, I opened the compactor shoot door last night, really late when nobody's around so I didn't bother wearing a mask, and a gust of garbage shoot air hit me in the face and I inhaled some. So if I get the virus I'll know why.
Posters who start with the statement "Not to bring politics into the discussion,..." then bring politics into the discussion.

That's code speak for "you know exactly what I'm talking about" and doesn't fool anyone...
Traffic. It's back to the basic 'Indy 500' level here now, from 8 am to 9 pm, just like the old days pre-covid. I guess the covid thing must be over.
This is pretty minor but for a few years now, I've realized there's so much variety in recipes for the same food that it doesn't even matter whether you follow a recipe. You basically just have to make sure the food isn't dangerously undercooked, and that's is. Like, literally. There are even burned things that are supposed to be burned. Whatever you come up with will probably exist somewhere, by some name, or at the very least, your version won't be crazily different from an existing unusual version.

I'm about to make knishes now and I decided to look up a recipe even with this realization. I found a recipe that didn't require butter, so I was happy even though I figured I could leave it our anyway. I knew the black pepper was optional. I knew I could substitute whole wheat flour. I'm not even letting the dough sit in plastic wrap because I've tried skipping that step when making pasta and it's fine. I'm not measuring. If they're 75% thicker than typical knishes, fine. If I invent the pancake kinish, fine.

It's not like I'm such an experienced cook that I don't need recipes. It's just that it doesn't matter if it's different from anything else out there, and it probably won't be.
The workers fixing the fences around the terraces left this puddle of slurry, and they're gone. Now I have to decide whether to stick something out the window to absorb or spread it, or whether to climb out the window to do a better job, or to just leave it. The terrace door is barricaded.

...they're back doing something on the terrace above mine. I won't do anything.

...then they went down to mine and cleaned it nicely.


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