What Kind of Moth is This?

Qs Laptop

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 11, 2018
I saw this bug on one of our deck chairs. I took a photo of it with my Pixel phone used its Google Lens feature. (Google Lens examines your photo and does an image search and attempts to tell you what you've just taken a picture of.)

The thing was about 2 inches long.

Google Lens says it's a lepidoptera, which I guess is the generic biological name for a moth.

Anybody know the specific name of this moth?


That's a cicada. We are nearing the end of a huge, well-publicized brood of 17-year cicadas.

Is this the first one you've seen all year?
OMG, it's the death head moth! Watch out for Buffalo Bill.
That may be a cicada, but not the 17-year kind we had around here earlier this summer (Brood X).


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