cute fuzzy bunny
Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Just recently a very smart, but prickly regular made a nasty shot about another regular post about a stock. I have no idea what set the prickly guy off, but it certainly wasn't a political discussion cause neither participate.
I miss all the good stuff.
As far as not moderating that pot of boiling water...well...a lot of people say they'd like to see less excessive police presence in their neighborhood until their car gets stolen and their wallet lifted.
We used to have a totally unmoderated board many years ago. We had a never ending rash of trolls, clever spammers and salesmen blasting in and out of every thread on the board, with stuff ranging from thinly veiled sales pitches to 5 page off topic rants, said rants often repeated in various forms in dozens of different posts every day.
Maybe some folks like Clif can conduct themselves in a reasonable manner without supervision. I can think of a dozen off the top of my head who cant.
And like I said before...the real damage is from the people who quietly (or not so quietly) disappear and stop contributing. Or the ones that go off like roman candles and have to be tossed out by the bouncers.
I'm here to talk about early retirement, finance, investing, our lives and have some fun with people I've known for years. If I want to verbally bash someone in the face about what a nutball Sarah Palin is, I have a wide variety of places to pick from.