What was your COVID news for the day?

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Got a call yesterday that DF’s elderly care home is on shutdown as of tomorrow. Went in today to take care of a few things for him and make sure supplies were good. We have sitters that take care of him morning, noon and evening as he can no longer care for himself and is bed bound. If one of the sitters can’t work for some reason, I’ll be able to step in and just need to call ahead to the facility and follow their sanitizing protocol.

Otherwise I’ll be on the phone with sitters checking up on supplies, and talking with his hospice care team, and occasionally taking stuff over to deliver outside the facility.

There had already been strictly limited access as well as precaution used by workers, but I think this will protect the folks working there even better, which in turn protects the residents.
Picked up take-out dinner this evening. It was pretty clear that the restaurant folks were more afraid of catching something from us than we were of catching something from them. They insisted we pop the trunk so they could put the items in the way back rather than handing them to us. Well, except for the margaritas.
Picked up take-out dinner this evening. It was pretty clear that the restaurant folks were more afraid of catching something from us than we were of catching something from them. They insisted we pop the trunk so they could put the items in the way back rather than handing them to us. Well, except for the margaritas.

Nothing better than a cold frosty margarita to quench your thirst on your drive home. :confused:
As I've said here before - DW has instructions to double bag me and drag me to the curb on garbage pickup day.....(after I'm dead, that is.....don't want to give her ideas).

Might be out of garbage bags by then......
Earlier in the thread, we talked about ventilators, and what it took to build one. I still don't know about all the functions and features of a ventilator, and am not curious enough to find out, but just ran across an article that is of general interest.

It's about the failed attempt of the US government to let a contract to have small portable ventilators built for $3K instead of the then going price of $10K. This started back in 2007.

The contract was going well, until the small company that won the contract was bought out by a larger company, which appeared to sabotage the project. The project was botched.

See: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/t...of-ventilators-the-mission-failed/ar-BB11RHeI.
Picked up take-out dinner this evening. It was pretty clear that the restaurant folks were more afraid of catching something from us than we were of catching something from them.

I had the same experience when I picked up a pizza on Friday. They had boxes of rubber gloves at the front door for you to put on when you came in. I wasn't planning (and didn't) touch anything when I went in, but I thought it was interesting.

Grocery shopping is about the same. They no longer allow reusable bags from home, just in case I'm bringing COVID into the store or something.
Funerals are pretty stupid anyway. The person is dead, can't experience any of the event, and the people closest to that person have the extra headache and expense of putting all of this together, providing food for everyone, paying the workers who help, and then writing thank you notes for all of the flowers and such which are as dead as the person in a few days.

Yep, I'm with ya on that one. Funerals are depressing, and are anything but "celebrating life". People that never speak to you while you were alive suddenly show up expressing how much you'll be missed. No thanks. Stick me in the ground and be done with me.

I sincerely hope my family doesn't waste money on a fancy casket that will just be buried in the dirt. They know my wishes, but once I'm gone they'll do what they want. Throw me in a bag, toss me in the ground, and use that money to enjoy the rest of your lives.
I had the same experience when I picked up a pizza on Friday. They had boxes of rubber gloves at the front door for you to put on when you came in. I wasn't planning (and didn't) touch anything when I went in, but I thought it was interesting.

Grocery shopping is about the same. They no longer allow reusable bags from home, just in case I'm bringing COVID into the store or something.

When they start handing us face masks and hazmat suits we’ll know things are getting serious.
We attended a virtual dinner party with 3 college friends and their respective spouses through Zoom yesterday evening. Was very nice to socialize, albeit remotely. Thinking about signing up for a Zoom account and organizing a few more.

Rain finally let up so I was able to get a decent walk in today. Instacart delivered a large Costco order on Friday afternoon and we got a produce delivery on Saturday so we are set for food for a while.
John Prine is very ill with Covid :( One of my favorites since I was a young teenager in Chicago.
We attended a virtual dinner party with 3 college friends and their respective spouses through Zoom yesterday evening. Was very nice to socialize, albeit remotely.

We did the same last night with another couple. Went a lot better than I thought it would!
Yesterday it was announced that the lockdown may last 3 to 6 months. Today on our daily walk we ended up walking through the market street. Some shops such as bread and bakery stores were open with short lines outside. Long line at an ATM was surprising since all shops are asking or requiring contactless only.

At one of the main supermarkets there was a line, controlled by an employee and a police officer, which was moving quickly so we decided to do our weekly shop and by the time we walked up we were first in line but they were only allowing 1 person per household inside. DW went in while I sat on a wall and waited. She said it was fully stocked, including toilet paper (SHOCK).

That’s our weekly shop done now, always nice to be able to buy fresh fruit and veg. Also picked up fresh fish now that our Thursday open street market is not working so our regular fresh fish off the boats guy is not there.
Chatted with a cruising sheriff’s deputy as we crossed paths when walking my dogs on a local hiking trail. State (Utah) is under a Stay Home, Stay Safe directive. Had a nice conversation and expressed concern and best wishes to each other. For the record, I rarely interact with law enforcement.

If anyone had told me a month ago that soon there will be hoarding and shortages, the weighing of lives and economics, no haircuts, and a logarithmic increase in all manner of sufferings, I would have thought you were, well, way out there. Add to this that Mr. Blueskyk and I would spend an evening reviewing our advanced directives and discussing our preferences in various scenarios regarding ventilators.

And yet, here we are!
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John Prine is very ill with Covid :( One of my favorites since I was a young teenager in Chicago.

My DW mentioned that last night. Coincidentally, I had just watched a couple interviews of him the past few days.

He has had two bouts with cancer, and was a long time smoker. Sure hope he can pull through this at age 76, but it's serious - from wiki:

Fiona Whelan Prine revealed on March 19, 2020 that she had tested positive for the COVID-19 virus and had been quarantined in her home apart from Prine.[17]On March 29, 2020, Prine's family announced that had been hospitalized on March 26 after suddenly experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19.

He was intubated on the evening of March 28, and remains in critical condition.[18]


Not sure if this qualifies as "news" but it was interesting to me. I've not verified the numbers shown in this video but have no reason to suspect that any part of this is fake news. Regardless, the video presents some useful ideas in understanding how the numbers shake out.

On Edit:

I accessed the web page referred to in the video and found it quite useful. It's an animated graph that allows you to look at the data in several ways - linear, logarithmic, confirmed cases, deaths, country, etc. It appears the web site will continue to update the data periodically. Very interesting, take a look...


Several days ago (it seems like a month ago) I posted the information above. I've been following the data/chart regularly and the information is updated every day based on data available from Johns Hopkins University.

In digging around I found additional sources of information that are interesting to me and perhaps you'll find them useful too. The link below takes you to a page also published by Johns Hopkins. The interface allows you to sort by country and you can also drill in to find more localized information.

I have a appointment with a glaucoma specialist tomorrow. He's apparently very successful and it's hard to get an appointment to see him. I was going to call and cancel this morning but his office called me first. The young woman sounded relieved that I was going to cancel. They'll reschedule someday.
I have a appointment with a glaucoma specialist tomorrow. He's apparently very successful and it's hard to get an appointment to see him. I was going to call and cancel this morning but his office called me first. The young woman sounded relieved that I was going to cancel. They'll reschedule someday.

I got a call from my podiatrist a few days ago confirming my bunion pre-op and surgery. I told them that I want to postpone. They wanted to pin down a date. I said no - I'll get back to them when I'm ready.

Another Dr call - DW's gyn called confirming her appt next January. And that the office wanted to know if she had exposure to coronavirus or had traveled to a hotspot.
Local hospital just called, (as I knew they would), to cancel a (kidney stone check) ultrasound for April....lady said "You don't want to be down here right now"...I concurred, and told her to stay safe.
Call from the dentist about my appointment for a routine cleaning in a couple of weeks. The state of Ohio has cancelled all such appointments for the month of April, so I'll go on a waiting list for some future date.
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