What was Your Workout Today?

Two mile walk this morning foot is feeling better so ran 1 mile also.. should be back to regular running workouts in a week.. I hope..
I've started a new resistance workout that I do every 3rd day. It is a push/pull circuit done three times and two minutes rest between circuits. It consists of: bench press, pullups, pushups, one arm rows, seated shoulder press, squats, and plank.
Today is a rest day for me. Early in the am I will meet by walking buddies for a 11 mile brisk walk. Training for a half-marathon at the end of Jan.
Usual 5k roundtrip walk to work today and going to do my chinup routine in the park on the way home.. haven't been running since Sunday or doing much else and starting to feel it...
mostly because the eating level hasn't declined..
... haven't been running since Sunday or doing much else and starting to feel it...
mostly because the eating level hasn't declined..

I know what you're talking about. Between the weather, a trip to China and a trip to the US, I haven't been able to get my usual 3-5 mile run 3-4x per week, in two weeks. And to top it off, both of those trips were full of farewell (for me) and holiday parties...the combination of little exercise (mile or two walks in the rain and 400m dashes for airplanes) has me really feeling it.

Ran 3 this morning foot is feeling better .. may ride the bike if I have time today...
6 hours in the field with shotgun, vest full of ammo and gear, and a 50# hound dog attached to my belt via his leash. This was on flat plains land at about 5,000 feet elevation, so while we covered many miles and were out there for a long time it simply was not as excruciating as lugging 30# of gear up steep inclines at 9,000 feet. I think I could keep doing what I did today until I am quite elderly, unlike the steep mountain stuff.

My legs ache this evening. The hunter gatherers must have been very trim. I drop weight when I am hunting and I don't seem to have any interest in food while I am in the field. All I ate until I got home for dinner was a granola bar, a small handful of peanuts and about 3 ounces of turkey jerky.

Hound dog got his first prey. A picture of the mighty hunter is hopefully below.


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The DW an I got out for a run together for the first time in weeks. When I started running 5 years ago, I couldn't keep up with her...nor run much more than a couple hundred meters, very, very slowly. But, she ran with me, supported me, hang back with me when we ran with DD. Now it is my turn. I seem to get faster, and her knees are beginning to give her grief, so she is slower. But, we love to enjoy this activity together when we can. So yesterday, I jogged with her most of the way but did a few fartleks, running a couple hundred meters faster, then run back to her position. I ended up covering 3 miles in 32 minutes. She covered 2.5 miles in the same time. All in all, it was very enjoyable...first run in two weeks for me due to back to back overseas trips for business and poor running weather, it was a beautiful day, and I got to run with my sweetheart.

After that, the real workout began. We prepped all day for the movers. We had pre-boxed a lot of things, but the movers need to carefully document what is in each box. We had only noted basic info, such as "DD's room", etc. So, they asked us to open each box and have it prepared so they could take a look and do the doc. So, I opened, and moved probably 60-70 boxes. After that, we went thru the storage, pantry, kitchen, freezer, reefer, etc, to remove all food (foodstuff cannot be shipped to the US, even if canned or dry), and to separate the items we no longer need from those we want to keep. Sis in law came and took 6 good sized boxes of food items, a friend came and collected two boxes, and I have 20 trash bags sitting in the apt entryway ready to take downstairs when garbage collection comes at 8am. I am sore.

On the one hand, I feel like we should have just let the movers do everything from the start. On the other hand, perhaps I should find a part-time job with a moving company, just a couple days a week, which would provide me with a good, full-body and core workout....naw, I'll putter in my garden instead...?

Ran 3 this morning will do cals and weights this afternoon. Foot is feeling better (new running shoes made a huge difference). Rode the bike yesterday but it is really cold here in the northeast. Will be back in Florida in 2 weeks once I am fully retired !!

Brewer: Great looking dog !
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Brewer: Great looking dog !

Thanks. He is a Plott hound, the state dog of North Carolina. A great family dog, enthusiastic hiker, and when he makes his "alarm" bark it sounds like there is a 100# German Shepherd on the other side of the door. I'd recommend the breed to anyone, especially if you get a rescue (like my buddy).
Ran 4 today .. Foot is near 100% now .. 40 degrees F and light drizzle out at 4:00 am.. Retirement dinner with friends from work tonight.. At least I burned the calories before I ate them ! 6 More days and I am done !!!
More father-daughter surfing! Chun's Reef on the North Shore.

We had some good rides, but I'm glad it was high tide. We'd get so far in over the reef that I'd worry about falling off the board.

It was raining so hard that it was just as wet above the wave as below it. But that certainly kept away the crowds, and we hardly ever had to back off a wave to let someone else have it.

Today's plain is Laniakea...
Ran 4 this morning... Feeling pretty good.. Looks like I will try for another brick this weekend. 3 more work days and I am retired..
Ran 4 this morning... Feeling pretty good.. Looks like I will try for another brick this weekend. 3 more work days and I am retired..

God the air must taste sweet to you right now... lol

4miles in the wind this morning.. got hit with spray off Lake Ontario as waves slammed into the breakwalls. Went slowish.. nursing a painful right hip still.
Plotting which races I might enter in the next 6 mos.. I figure if I'm not getting much faster, I might as well increase the volume at least.. ha
Had a fun workout this morning.. Ran 2 miles followed by calisthenics and strength (dumbells)... Very well rounded quick workout feels great !
P90X legs and back with ab ripper x

Mid day 2 mile walk about 3.8mph pace.
2 and a half hours of cutting, splitting and stacking firewood. I think I am set for pretty much the rest of winter.
I missed my workout on Wednesday due to a routine doctor's appointment that took most of the afternoon.

Then last night I knocked myself out grocery shopping. [-]Maybe[/-] I am getting old. :dead:

Went to the gym today and lifted weights again, plus did my stretching. I also rode the seated elliptical for fifteen minutes, slowly and at a low intensity to try to loosen up some tight calf muscles.
First workout since Sunday morning. A fellow forum member introduced me to "bricks" for triathlon training, bike rides followed by running. Up to August, I had been doing a run followed by a ride a couple times a month. That is actually backwards when considered from the triathlon training perspective...gotta do the ride first. One iteration is to do several "sets", essentially no rest in between.

Anyway, this morning, I did 3.5 miles spinbike + 1 mile treadmill run X 3, plus a mile walk to cool down. So, 10.5 miles on the bike, 3 miles running and the final cooldown mile. This was all at the hotel gym, its raining cats and dogs here in Tokyo, and is quite cold.

Tonight we fly the overnighter from Tokyo to SFO. This should help me sleep on the flight.

First workout since Sunday morning. A fellow forum member introduced me to "bricks" for triathlon training, bike rides followed by running. Up to August, I had been doing a run followed by a ride a couple times a month. That is actually backwards when considered from the triathlon training perspective...gotta do the ride first. One iteration is to do several "sets", essentially no rest in between.

Anyway, this morning, I did 3.5 miles spinbike + 1 mile treadmill run X 3, plus a mile walk to cool down. So, 10.5 miles on the bike, 3 miles running and the final cooldown mile. This was all at the hotel gym, its raining cats and dogs here in Tokyo, and is quite cold.

Tonight we fly the overnighter from Tokyo to SFO. This should help me sleep on the flight.


The bricks help mitigate the "wobbles" in the legs during the beginning of a triathlon run. I hope to start training for a tri again soon. I like the variety in exercise that triathlon training provides.

Now that your work duties are done, you'll have a lot of time for training and triathlons. Have fun!
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Ran 9 miles this morning .. Have not done that in a few years.. feels good just takes a long time.
I did 5 miles today. I have been running (Ha Ha !!) slow jogging, with only a few guys with walkers passing me...

I am using MapMyRun for the last couple weeks. 5 miles in 60 mins initially, now concentrating and doing 5 in 55 minutes. I lay off one day per week, but need to lay off more. I really do not wish to hurt myself.

I admire all those who can do the 1/2 or full marathons. Right now I can not be past the 5 mile marker, but am glad I am out there.
Ran 3 miles, followed by a one mile walk. Doing this secretly every other day getting back into running. DW is totally against running following her meniscus surgery, and thinks her dr's "no running" advice was meant for me as well. So I tell her I'm out for a walk.
Oh fudge, was doing dips as part of my shoulder/arm workout yesterday and injured myself. I only started doing dips recently, so my body is still adapting to that exercise. I had my legs crossed behind me for balance and somehow on one of the dips, it caused a strain to a tendon or calf muscle that is just below and kind of behind the knee. Hows that for weird? I've never had any sort of issue in that spot before and could hardly walk. When I came home I probably should have iced it, but I put on some icy hot and elevated it for the remainder of the night. Its somewhat better this morning, so hopefully this will work itself out soon. Except for a few ribcage pulls and shoulder tweaks, I've been relatively injury free since I started lifting weights 4 years ago. Nevertheless, I plan to continue with my 3X/week workouts and avoid anything that causes pain.
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Lifting and cals today.. Can't get out for a run due to Snow and Rain.. One more day of work to go and I am retired and I head south.. Can't wait to get out of this cold !!
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