What Your Car Says About You

My TX backup gal is not here, so I am carrying the "load" so to speak. ;)

Sorry, Freebird. I've thought it over and just can't do it. The 'Stang looks GREAT. But the Monte has over 25 years worth of my hind end imprinted in the drivers seat. There is just no way your Mustang will reach that level of comfort in a reasonable amount of time.
That sounds similar to my LeMans. It has a Pontiac 350-4bbl, and the transmission has a shift kit in it, but it only has the tame stock 2.41:1 axle ratio. 0-60 isn't so hot, but it seems to catch its second wind above that. And even around 75-80 it'll still downshift if you punch it, although at those speeds, I don't know it should really be doing that! At least, I've never had any other cars with a 3-speed automatic that would downshift at 75-80.

I haven't tried to verify whether or not it gets floaty at 90, or what the top speed is, though. I want to live, thank you very much! :cool:

My car actually gets its best MPG between 65-70 mph. Like yours, it will downshift at those speeds when I punch it. My parents called that "passing gear" in the 76 they had when I was a kid. I call it fun!

I was in one of the most sparsely populated parts of eastern Montana when I checked high speed. Aside from my buddy on the Harley behind me, there wasn't anyone on the road for miles.
Silver Infiniti EX35 means I wanted a sports car but settled for this instead and I'm still calm & cool. :whistle:
Andre, the LeMans is awesome, too! Whew! Boy I love those cars!

A dear friend who passed away a few years ago was my best connection at local car shows, he could tell you all kinds of neat stuff about the cars as we looked at them and he'd owned one of about every one, it seemed. He was the only person who was able to produce a timing light to help my DH with our 1970 Caddy convertible.

Keim, he called the paint job on that Caddy a "50-50" in that it looked great at 50 feet and 50 mph.

Thanks for the pics, y'all. 73ss454 knows how much I love any excuse to check out your cars. Those boys can keep the newer models...way too boring! :) No one has ever stopped in the street to stare at a minivan or even an Infinity (sorry, BT).
Andre, the LeMans is awesome, too! Whew! Boy I love those cars!

A dear friend who passed away a few years ago was my best connection at local car shows, he could tell you all kinds of neat stuff about the cars as we looked at them and he'd owned one of about every one, it seemed. He was the only person who was able to produce a timing light to help my DH with our 1970 Caddy convertible.

Keim, he called the paint job on that Caddy a "50-50" in that it looked great at 50 feet and 50 mph.

Thanks for the pics, y'all. 73ss454 knows how much I love any excuse to check out your cars. Those boys can keep the newer models...way too boring! :) No one has ever stopped in the street to stare at a minivan or even an Infinity (sorry, BT).

I have a timing light, and a dwell meter, out in the garage somewhere. They are useless on newer cars, and I'm retired from the mechanic business anyway...
'99 Blue BMW 3 series - inoperable sunroof & windshield washer pump, dirty, numerous scratches and dings, the leather seats are starting to pull apart at the seams
"I bought the car I "deserved" after grad school and now I'm too cheap to replace it" :greetings10:


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I was going to ask if a Trekkie would really drive a Prius but... never mind.
I was going to ask if a Trekkie would really drive a Prius but... never mind.

That's funny....the carbon footprint to make a Prius is a LOT more than a Chevy Suburban, so marketing them as "green" is an oxymoron.........:LOL:
That's funny....the carbon footprint to make a Prius is a LOT more than a Chevy Suburban, so marketing them as "green" is an oxymoron.........:LOL:

Can you elaborate, Financedude? I'd think a suburban, being so much bigger, would have a large footprint when being constructed, not to mention over the course of its useful lifetime.
Which is Greener: the Prius or the Hummer?

The Belmont Club: Which is Greener: the Prius or the Hummer?

...As already noted, the Prius is partly driven by a battery which contains nickel. The nickel is mined and smelted at a plant in Sudbury, Ontario. This plant has caused so much environmental damage to the surrounding environment that NASA has used the ‘dead zone’ around the plant to test moon rovers. The area around the plant is devoid of any life for miles.
The plant is the source of all the nickel found in a Prius’ battery and Toyota purchases 1,000 tons annually. Dubbed the Superstack, the plague-factory has spread sulfur dioxide across northern Ontario, becoming every environmentalist’s nightmare.
“The acid rain around Sudbury was so bad it destroyed all the plants and the soil slid down off the hillside,” said Canadian Greenpeace energy-coordinator David Martin during an interview with Mail, a British-based newspaper.
All of this would be bad enough in and of itself; however, the journey to make a hybrid doesn’t end there. The nickel produced by this disastrous plant is shipped via massive container ship to the largest nickel refinery in Europe. From there, the nickel hops over to China to produce ‘nickel foam.’ From there, it goes to Japan. Finally, the completed batteries are shipped to the United States, finalizing the around-the-world trip required to produce a single Prius battery. Are these not sounding less and less like environmentally sound cars and more like a farce?
Wait, I haven’t even got to the best part yet. When you pool together all the combined energy it takes to drive and build a Toyota Prius, the flagship car of energy fanatics, it takes almost 50 percent more energy than a Hummer - the Prius’s arch nemesis.
Through a study by CNW Marketing called “Dust to Dust,” the total combined energy is taken from all the electrical, fuel, transportation, materials (metal, plastic, etc) and hundreds of other factors over the expected lifetime of a vehicle. The Prius costs an average of $3.25 per mile driven over a lifetime of 100,000 miles - the expected lifespan of the Hybrid.

here's another reference:

'Dust to dust' is dust: Prius uses less energy than Hummer'

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-9750840-1.html#ixzz0zj6nlSQl

I notice that this 2nd article focuses on cost/mile over expected lifetime. The other analysis takes a broader environmental perspective.

Anyway, the real reason to drive a Prius is that it is perceived to be green, which as we all know is much more important than being green. Only annoying oddballs care about reality, but almost everyone cares about his standing in the community. :)


Anyway, the real reason to drive a Prius is that it is perceived to be green..............

Right, unlike the Hummer drivers that don't give a second thought to perception or image.
No, you have it wrong. The real quote is:

Interesting, I remember this line from the 60's. When posting it I googled the terms and got nothing? Did anyone else hear it then?

I recall something like that:

"Reality is for those who can't handle drugs."
No, you have it wrong. The real quote is:

Interesting, I remember this line from the 60's. When posting it I googled the terms and got nothing? Did anyone else hear it then?

Sounds like a pretty complicated sentiment for the people I knew.

Outtasight man!

Where are the pork rinds?
No, you have it wrong. The real quote is:

Reality is an illusion created for people who can't handle drugs.

Interesting, I remember this line from the 60's. When posting it I googled the terms and got nothing? Did anyone else hear it then?

I found some of the better know sayings from back in the day. Anyone remember these?

"Reality is a crutch for people who can't handle drugs."

"Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope."
Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers

"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."
Hunter S. Thompson

"It's better to burn out than fade away."
Neil Young

"My advice to people today is as follows: If you take the game of life seriously, if you take your nervous system seriously, if you take your sense organs seriously, if you take the energy process seriously, you must turn on, tune in, and drop out. "
Timothy Leary

"Better living through chemistry."
Source: Dow Chemical advertisement
Sounds like a pretty complicated sentiment for the people I knew.

Outtasight man!

Where are the pork rinds?

Right arm!

Farm out!

Outta state!
Our used Prius is the most expensive car we've ever owned. In fact it cost more than the combined purchase price of any three of the previous cars we've owned. It also gets "only" 50-60 mpg in an era when most diesels and several gasoline engines are nearly as competitive.

We drive it because it's [-]an engineering geek's fantasy[/-] fun. It's also turned out to be an excellent car for a new driver who's heavy on the gas and brakes. And finally, after watching a succession of old Hondas and Fords crumble around the driver's seat, I'm looking forward to lower maintenance/repair bills.

It's also our own little gateway car to a plug-in hybrid or an electric vehicle, which will be powered from our photovoltaic array. Perhaps we'd even be able to convert this Prius to a plug-in, although that current expense is prohibitive at our annual gas costs of $1000-$1300. However it looks like a realistic used plug-in is still 3-5 years away.

Interesting, I remember this line from the 60's. When posting it I googled the terms and got nothing? Did anyone else hear it then?
If you remember reality then you weren't doing it right.

"I used to have a drug problem, but now I can afford it." -- David Lee Roth
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Orange '03 Honda Element. Means I'm cheap, non-conformist (color) and have to carry stuff sometimes...
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