Which diet do you identify with?

Right now, Paleo would be the closest, but it's actually the Keto diet.

High in fats, proteins but with milk products allowed. Low in sugars and carbs.

Started 2 weeks ago when my clothes quit fitting and I saw a photo of myself at grandson's graduation and I thought I looked overweight. I'm 6' tall, weighed 206 when I started 2 weeks ago. I now weight 190. I eat as much as I want of the foods I can; any cheeses, meat, veggies but not root veggies, olive oil, coconut oil, etc.
More important is what you can't eat; grains and that includes corn, sugar or the larger fruits. Berries and such are o.k. as there's nowhere near the sugars in those as in say, an apple.

No calorie counting, eat as much as you like. My daily diet consists of;

coffee with real cream in the morning with a few blue berries and strawberries that have unsweetened heavy whipped cream in the morning. Eggs and bacon or sausage any style.

Anitpasti mid day consisting of cured and stuffed green olives (stuffed with cheeze, hot peppers, etc.), marinated mushrooms and artichoke hearts, cottage cheese, grape sized tomatoes, a couple different cheeses off the wheel and hard salami sliced thin.

Dinner I have beef, chicken, fish or pork, usually BBQ'd as I'm good at it. Also have a smoker. Green salad with oil/vinegar dressing, sauteed mushrooms in butter with a few onion slices in there too. Steamed veggie, usually broccoli or fresh green beans.

After maybe three or four days, my appetite really decreased on it's own. Now that my body wasn't craving sugars and carbs, I just wasn't as hungry as I used to be.

My goal is to get down to the low 170's, about 30 pounds of weight loss, then relax a very little on the starches. I plan to keep sugar cut out of my diet.
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I’m cosmically aligned with the DW diet.
I had never heard of a "flexitarian" diet. It sounds like a political leaning. "I'm not really a democrat or republican - more of a flexitarian, really."

I would have said "Omnivore," but "flexitarian" sounds more like us. Except it doesn't We don't eat fast food or a lot of meat. But we also eat candy, cookies, and ice cream.
To me the flexitarian sounds like 1) it was made up by some diet program entrepreneur 2) and is similar to the current version of the old USDA food pyramid. or maybe the Mediterranean diet, which is actually what DW and I follow.


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That’s sort of missing LCHF (low-carb high fat). Paleo doesn’t match because LCHF allows dairy. But LCHF avoids grains and limits starchy veggies and limited fruit in the strictest form. No processed foods. So I don’t see a match with the other options.

I agree! I think that what I eat is closer to a very mild version of LCHF than any of the options offered. But, I am not very strict.

I think my carbs are on the low side of a moderate carb diet. I read somewhere that a low carb diet is 20% carbs, moderate carb is 40%, and high carb is 60%; my diet has been 35%. So, whatever that is.

In the past 15 months I haven't been avoiding fat like I once did, especially if I am feeling overly hungry. My cholesterol (for which I take meds) and triglycerides have both dropped.

In the past 15 months I haven't really eaten fruits or veggies except for green salads or Caesar salads. I know, I know. I suppose this should have been detrimental to my health, but my doctor is enthusiastic about the results including lab tests. I do take a Centrum multivitamin each day.

I eat a low to low-moderate carb diet, with little to no processed food, sugar, or artificial sweeteners. I never drink alcoholic beverages or regular sodas, and no more than about one diet soda per month. No more than one cup of coffee in the morning (sob!).
I agree! I think that what I eat is closer to a very mild version of LCHF than any of the options offered. But, I am not very strict and so my carbs are on the borderline between LC and moderate. I don't avoid fat like I once did, especially if I am feeling overly hungry.

In the past year I haven't really eaten fruits or veggies except for salad. I know, I know. I suppose this should have been detrimental to my health, but my doctor is enthusiastic about the results including lab tests. I do take a Centrum multivitamin each day.

That’s great that your doctor is so thrilled with your results!
That’s great that your doctor is so thrilled with your results!

Thank you! I agree and TBH I was completely amazed. I suppose that some of the improvement was due to weight loss, but still. All my lab test results were well within allowable limits, except my A1C which was down to 6.3 and that's a huge improvement for me. And for the first time in 12 years, despite eating fat instead of a low fat diet, my triglycerides were within allowable limits instead of being so high.
I eat lean protein of all kinds, with fish, chicken and shellfish being more frequent than filet mignon or pork tenderloin. I eat non-fat plain Greek yogurt, eggs and a bit of cheese, but don’t drink milk often. I avoid starchy carbs most of the time (bread, pasta, potatoes and rice), but eat a lot of salads, green veggies and tons of fresh fruit of various types. I have some healthy fats but not much. I don’t eat much junk food or fast food, although I do love Chick-Fil-A’s grilled chicken nuggets with a fruit cup and Diet Lemonade. I used to drink a lot of wine but gained too much weight so have now cut back and only drink alcohol in limited amounts at social events.

This didn’t fit perfectly in any of the categories provided.
Low (not zero) on simple carbs omnivore.
Whole food low carb - (I avoid starchy veggies/sugar/flour/grains processed and fast food)

I consume, lots of lower carb veggies (1/2 to 3/4 of my plate), meat, fish, poultry, nuts, full fat dairy, eggs, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, small amounts of fruit (usually berries), water, coffee, and wine.
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Keto with IF.
Me: Lost 35lbs, afternoon hypoglycemia gone. Maintained for a year.
DH: Lost 60lbs, 20 to go. Health markers all better. Cardiologist says keep doing what you're doing.

The big secret is that it is really all about diet. Get rid of the sugar and processed food.
Exercise for fitness, not for weight loss.
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Keto with IF.
Me: Lost 35lbs, afternoon hypoglycemia gone. Maintained for a year.
DH: Lost 60lbs, 20 to go. Health markers all better. Cardiologist says keep doing what you're doing.

The big secret is that it is really all about diet. Get rid of the sugar and processed food.
Exercise for fitness, not for weight loss.

Well done! Congrats. :dance: (It should have been a slim dancing emogi.)
I used Atkins/Keto to get to my target weight, then switched to a more balanced diet with 2x/wk low fat meat, healthy veggies, etc. I’m also much more active than before because I now have the time to spend on myself. My HDL/LDL and Triglyceride numbers all show a HUGE improvement, and I’m down over 100 lbs.

I read this book:


...and, while I don’t fully agree with all the author’s conclusions, do believe much of the evidence he presents.
...The big secret is that it is really all about diet. Get rid of the sugar and processed food...
100% agree with this. If forced by circumstance to select a sub-optimal meal, always choose the food that is less processed. Learn to like non-sugary drinks like plain ice tea with a lemon (it took me about 30 days to do this). And, for me, precede meals with a large glass of water and eat slowly. I didn’t even know what “full” felt like - now I do.
I used Atkins/Keto to get to my target weight, then switched to a more balanced diet with 2x/wk low fat meat, healthy veggies, etc. I’m also much more active than before because I now have the time to spend on myself. My HDL/LDL and Triglyceride numbers all show a HUGE improvement, and I’m down over 100 lbs.

Wow! 100 lbs! Kudos! Losing that weight did more for your retirement than any amount of financial planning!
General well balanced diet of proteins, veggies/fruit, dairy with occasional sweets added in.
Basically, eat what I want and sounds good! Try to eat a larger meal at breakfast or mid day, and a much smaller evening meal.
I eat lean protein of all kinds, with fish, chicken and shellfish being more frequent than filet mignon or pork tenderloin. I eat non-fat plain Greek yogurt, eggs and a bit of cheese, but don’t drink milk often. I avoid starchy carbs most of the time (bread, pasta, potatoes and rice), but eat a lot of salads, green veggies and tons of fresh fruit of various types. I have some healthy fats but not much. I don’t eat much junk food or fast food, although I do love Chick-Fil-A’s grilled chicken nuggets with a fruit cup and Diet Lemonade. I used to drink a lot of wine but gained too much weight so have now cut back and only drink alcohol in limited amounts at social events.

This didn’t fit perfectly in any of the categories provided.

That fits my eating habits pretty well. Except I didn't give up any amount of wine or beer, I just increased my exercise routine to offset it.
I agree with many here that there are categories missing from the choices.

I'm basically LCHF, leaning strongly toward carnivore. Meat and cheese are my top categories. I go for the higher saturated fat content every time. Many people would say I'm killing myself wtih those choices, but everyone has to die sometime, and I want to go out with a smile.
Real food as close to the way it came out of the ground or off the animal as is reasonable in this day and age. Strongly reduce added sugar. Limit highly processed foods of all kinds including but not limited to processed carbs, fake foods (vegan cheese for example) and most sugary drinks (don't drink you calories).

+1, your diet sounds a lot like mine, Chuckanut. One of the keys to a long healthy life, IMO, is eating mostly real/whole foods, and avoiding all the highly processed junk (most of the time, anyway........it's okay to slip off the plan now and then for special occasions or whatever).
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