Windows XP Question/Problem..............


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 31, 2007
I have a friend of mine that has a Windows XP machine and everytime you double click on a folder, instead of displaying the contents of the folder, it opens a Search Screen. I have looked all over 'Folder Options' and Views to figure out which setting needs to be changed, but cannot find it.

Anyone know what this is?
Well it is on a friend's machine, but I wasn't smart enough to fix it. And I won't be able to try it until I go over there tomorrow.

But thanks for link, it's more complicated than I thought. - I was looking for a setting.
They did something to their context sensitive menus (or some software/malware did)..."open" is usually the default function, but they've either removed open and explore or moved 'search' to the top of the list.

I didnt look into it for more than 3 a google of "open folder search"...theres a buttload of pages. Maybe someone wrote a tool or theres a global setting.
Well, it worked! :) - I keyed in the short fix on my friends machine and it started working correctly immediately. He said it had been like this for 2 years. I could not tolerate for the evening that I was helping him organize his files.

A strange problem with a quirky fix.

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