Wow, it’s getting really scary in Texas - and everywhere else!

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Someone needs to tell Texas this is not a race they want to win. This is a case where bigger is not better.

As an aside, never been to Texas. On the bucket list, so let's get this virus cleaned up.
Not in Texas - but in a state that beats Texas on at least one metric....

Most deaths in one day - California - 105.

But Texas beats us by 53 in most new cases

(Worldometer data)

California Governor is supposed to announce rolling back some of the reopening tomorrow. I thought some of the reopening was happening too fast. I predict statewide restrictions on bars, indoor dining, gyms, and beaches. I'm hoping walking on the beach will still be allowed - but am not optimistic.... Making sure to get my beach dog walk in tomorrow, just in case.
I don't know what to think here is Colorado. Cases have gone from the 1xx to 2xx range in the last couple weeks, which isn't hugely alarming. Otoh, we seem to struggle to do more than 5000 tests a day. The governor just ordered all the bars closed, so may well be worse than the positives indicate.
Not in Texas, but close (Oklahoma). Another record day for cases. Based on what I've seen lately, we evidently don't believe in at least 2 of the 3 steps to control the virus. I'm not sure about the 3rd one (handwashing), but we probably don't do that either.
It doesn't. Somewhere in the past I posted a study showing the variability due to temperature. However, temperature is only a minor factor in terms of spread.

+1 Correct.

It is +100 degrees every day in Las Vegas but cases are rising...because we have 150,000 hotel rooms that the companies want to earn profit on.

Please do not come to Vegas. The WORST place is in a casino where people are NOT distancing at all.
This time the spike seems to be caused by the 20-40 year old group who are not as vulnerable.

Same here, and just about everywhere. Part of the blame can be on social behavior we see with the bars and alcohol. Those hormones need feeding! But much of it is simply because these are the people keeping us going, stocking shelves, flipping burgers, cutting meat, building houses, running machines, serving tables, etc.

I mentioned on the cabin fever thread that last week I finally got out in the real world, doing disaster relief. Part of that time a professional joined us. Young man. His skill was much appreciated, but I was not happy, as I saw him as a possible infection vector. The rest of us were 60+.

Disease is currently running heavily through the construction industry. Part is because many of the immigrants working the biz live together in tight housing. But part is the nature of the work, even outside.

Let me tell you about m---s and working outside, in the sun, with a dewpoint of 78 and a temperature of 92. The m*sk became soaked with sweat and stopped working, i.e., no air would come through. It had to come off, or risk passing out on the ladder. It is all fine when the theoretical experts or reporters talk about masks in their air-conditioned comfort (or doing the heavy lifting of holding a microphone), but let me tell you about the real world and burning calories in horrific heat, carrying 4x8 sheets of drywall and plywood. It isn't easy.

Don't get me wrong. I wear one as much as possible and want to see them worn in stores and other public areas. But I can see one case (construction) why the request to wear them is falling on deaf ears. I still wore mine as much as possible during this period, until it completely failed. The irony is that construction workers are m*sk wearing experts, but usually only in certain situations where dust, silica or other contaminants are present, such as a sawing station.

Oh, and social distancing 6' while lifting a heavy 4' piece is mathematically impossible. But I digress...
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The surge has caused delays in testing, with looming restrictions.

This affects me and DW since DW got a recent test on Saturday. She thinks she jumped the gun. I was out of town and she freaked at some symptoms and had nobody to bounce them off of. Her symptoms are gone now, and we await test results while isolating.

Doc thought the test would be back Mon or Tues. Nope. Not even today. Looks like we ran into the delay.

One reason I left the forum for a few months was because of the drone of whining over lack of tests. Now I come back and whine myself. :facepalm:
"with the recent increase in demand, results on average may take 1-2 days longer."
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Yes, I read recently that the testing labs are overwhelmed and thus causing major delays.
Recently read China locked down 400k people because of 18 people infected. IMHO that's how you control this thing. No fun but other options don't look better.
I think getting the economy rolling again is a much better option. Forcing people to do anything is a last resort & we're not there imo. If people can't be responsible towards others it's on them. If some won't be responsible, arrest those vs. punishing everyone.
I predict that Texas will blast past New Jersey tomorrow in total # of COVID cases.

Texas reported almost 8000 cases today (7970) and Florida had over 6500 and California over 6400. So theoretically Texas could even catch up to CA!

BTW the US had over 50,000 cases today. We keep breaking records!

Worldmeters Data.
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I think getting the economy rolling again is a much better option. Forcing people to do anything is a last resort & we're not there imo. If people can't be responsible towards others it's on them. If some won't be responsible, arrest those vs. punishing everyone.

So when we get to 100+k cases a day will you feel the same?
Between my wife and I, we have 8 friends or family who have COVID-19 and they have all been infected in June. One more will be tested tomorrow. Her husband is in the hospital with it. Only one has died so far.

I live 30 miles West of Fort Worth.
Just read a couple pages:
Gates shut down for months vs but the economy.

I have been hunkered down since the last week of January, recently made a Costco run to refill the freezer. I wore a mask in public for my fellow citizens protection and their peace of mind.

A pandemic is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide.
A vaccine is a year to possibly never away.

Worldwide pandemic - How do we reach herd immunity if a middle ground is not sought?
Between my wife and I, we have 8 friends or family who have COVID-19 and they have all been infected in June. One more will be tested tomorrow. Her husband is in the hospital with it. Only one has died so far.

I live 30 miles West of Fort Worth.

ED B--so sorry about your friends. I am about the same, 1 friend died, several others were very sick with Covid-19, 3 have never recovered after months, one friend just admitted to the hospital (she kept her grandchildren for her daughter to go to work). I keep hearing we have to get the economy going but I think we are doing it backward--the economy will not get going if the virus is raging out of control. We have to get the virus under control and once that happens the economy will come back. All those people who are taking the virus lightly and who do not wear a mask probably do not know many very sick people. Eventually everyone will know someone who has been very sick or died and then they will take it seriously but it may be too late.
Between my wife and I, we have 8 friends or family who have COVID-19 and they have all been infected in June. One more will be tested tomorrow. Her husband is in the hospital with it. Only one has died so far.

I live 30 miles West of Fort Worth.

Sorry about your friends, I understand Parker County only has about 125 "active" cases, so your county is faring much better than Tarrant and Dallas.
So when we get to 100+k cases a day will you feel the same?

Folks still don't get it. When this started we only had a few infected people in a couple areas, now millions are infected all over. I'm no rocket scientist but when millions are infected it's not a good starting point for the next wave of non-linear growth.

Good thing is the virus doesn't care. Non-believers will get sick and infect many others until they get it(mentally or physically).

ETA: I watched our neighbors become believers. They were oblivious to the dangers until one of his buddies was put on ventilation for 3 months. He did say his buddy might live.
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Now I read about colleges having Covid Parties. Kids with known virus come to the party and the other kids try to get it. They put money in a pot and the first one to contract the virus wins the pot.

We're doomed....
Now I read about colleges having Covid Parties. Kids with known virus come to the party and the other kids try to get it. They put money in a pot and the first one to contract the virus wins the pot.

We're doomed....

Wow, that is about the stupidest thing I have ever heard. The college students will be coming back to my town the first week of August and I dread it.
From Scott Gottlieb, MD link:

Positivity rate is a big concern:

Here is the story in case someone wants to know more.

I continue to be shocked by the rampant stupidity exhibited in the US in reaction to the virus.

Generally speaking there are a lot of stupid people everywhere. .COVID or non COVID..once in awhile when my DH gets particularly frustrated with someone he says to me "What did I expect there are only 10 smart people in the world." A slight exaggeration but not by much.
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