Wrapped around their paws


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 7, 2013
We have 3 dogs.. 2 rescue mutts and a grumpy Corgi. Here’s the ritual feeding routine.

Mornings-Each gets fed ½ daily ration first thing after a quick trip in and out the doggy door.

Evenings- here’s what we have been trained to provide:facepalm::

The other ½ ration, topped by tablespoon or more of vanilla yogurt.
We read somewhere long ago that it helped their coat or kept them from licking their paws. Who cares, the initial intent died quickly but we were trapped into nightly yogurt. We buy cheapest available.

Somewhere along the line we sprinkled a little of the cats dry Friskies on top of the Science Diet (marketing term for more $$$). I think that was when mutt #3 went on a ‘picky hunger strike’ for a few days and, again, we are now trapped into nightly Friskies sprinkles.

After dinner, they get either a treat or we have several kong-type rubber toys that have holes in them to hide treats and we might put a spoonful or two of peanut butter (bought for $2 a the local Dollar Store). Our intent was to provide ‘stimulation’ for our oldest blind rescue. Once again we are trapped into the treat/peanut butter cycle..

In the summer time we provide ice water for them after the morning walk.

We don’t have kids (as you can probably guess), but I empathize with those with young kids or grandkids. I was a salesman all my working life and I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that the best salespeople in the world are young children… followed closely by dogs.

Who's got your wrapped around their fingers or paws?
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LOL, amazing how furry friends rule us. We made the mistake of feeding our dogs in the morning. They started waking us earlier and earlier. Got to the point it was 2AM and wouldn't leave us alone. Screw it, no more food in the morning. Took about a week before they gave up.

I thought it was cute that the cat liked sipping milk from my cereal bowl. She did the same thing as the dogs. She looked forward to sipping earlier and earlier. No more of that!!! No food in the morning for my friends! I want to sleep.
DW's grandnieces and new grandnephew. She won't buy clothes or toys for herself but there better be room in the budget for them!:LOL:

Her nephew once commented that his older daughter, now eight, was six years old before he bought a winter coat for her.
Great idea for a thread, Tailgate.

3 cats here and I am completely besotted with them. The 7 year-old blind kitty has only ever liked eating small portions of food at a time. My original plan was 2 or 3 set mealtimes a day but she just wouldn't comply. The fact that I am home much of the time doesn't help any. All she has to do is amble over to the kitchen, look up at me with those cute, cloudy blind eyes, do a slight Stevie Wonder head-sway and meow at me and - it's all over. The fridge door is open and a small morsel of food is in her dish. Surprisingly, she is quite svelte and not overweight.

The nice thing about pets as opposed to kids is that you can spoil them a bit without the fear that they'll grow up to go on Jerry Springer and shame the whole family :LOL:

When she first arrived here, she didn't know where her feeding area was, being blind, so I served food to her wherever she happened to be. She now knows her way around the place like a pro.

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