Your avatar, forum name and signature


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Name: Me, a name I call myself.
Signature: Perhaps the finest bit of investing advice I have ever seen on television.

Doe, a deer,

Name: a combination of calm and low key, with a bit of Norse trickster/shapeshifter.

Avatar: a fine and noble beast to whose utility I aspire. As Twain has it; "Observe the ass, for instance: his character is about perfect, he is the choicest spirit among all the humbler animals, yet see what ridicule has brought him to. Instead of feeling complimented when we are called an ass, we are left in doubt".
Name: Orchids are my favorite flower...but I always seem to kill them off (drats!).

Avatar: The photo was the only one in my folder and I don't even have an idea how it got there or when, but I managed to figure out how to download it.

Signature: Big animal lover here and believe in taking care of them.
We've done this in the past, but not in a while so I thought it might be interesting.
Thanks for starting this up-- wish I'd thought of it. Many times I've wanted a large-format directory of avatars so that I can see what the heck I'm looking at...

Avatar: The Tasmanian Devil surfing-- which is pretty much the way I feel when I go off the lip, down the elevator, and hit the bottom turn.

It's also a snarky comment about a shipmate from one of my submarines who earned the nickname from his facial resemblance upon being easily provoked by anyone into getting "spun up". Gumby, he's your classmate with the initials K. I.

Forum Name: Truncated version of my last name, given to me by my first XO. (Navy XOs hand out the lifelong call signs to aviators & some submariners.) He had a lot of special names for me, but this one is printable and even my spouse calls me by that name now. Wait'll my daughter realizes what's going to happen to her when she's commissioned...

Signature: I'm marketing the book (see my profile). Maybe someday I'll get past that and have to come up with a new witty & pithy quote.

... but that photo of Eva Habermann is one that I really do like.
Oh, yeah, that'd be fine by me too!
Avatar: Bugs Bunny. Need I explain? :cool:

Name: Freebird ("and this bird you cannot ooooooooo" from the Lynyrd Skynyrd song) Freebird was also my CB handle back in the summer of 79, a time to remember indeed. It is an atititude I have always had through life.
The "5825" refers to the year I was born (58) and my age (25) at my marriage to the most wonderful man I ever met. Two very defining years for me...existence and happiness.

Signature: A quote from Walt Disney, one of the most brilliant artistic and technological innovators of all time. He and his company hired some of the most creative people in the world. This is my most favorite quote of his... about having dreams and the courage to make it happen.
Forum Name: An uncreative nickname that no one calls me in real life, but could, and you are welcome to.

Avatar: The oldest picture I have of an Arnie ancestor, circa 1879.

Signature: Something that matches the way I've been thinking lately.

This thread prompted me to actually choose an avatar. Now If I could just get around to my "Hi, I am ..." post.
Avatar: None

Name: Would have used Rusty or RustyShackleford (reference to Dale Gribble in King of the Hill) but those were taken so I kept the Rust and added the last four letters while under the influence of watching a SpongeBob Squarepants episode -- a reference to Squidward.

Signature: none at present

BTW there is some very subtle adult humor in many Spongebob Squarepants episodes.
Amethyst: A beautiful gemstone that is my favorite color (purple).

Avatar: The prettiest amethyst-related picture I could find in Google Images. Sometimes I use other avatars, but always come back to Blondie. Come to think of it, I married a blond too (but not a blonde).

.sig: Often changes. At present, it is a FIRE-ish sentiment from the work of my favorite fantasy author, Robin Hobb.
Avatar: Changes periodically, but our DD...a 14½ yr old Sheltie.

Name: Long story, but when we first started sailboat racing, we tended to finish in the middle of the pack.

Sig: Also changes periodically, currently self-explanatory...
Avatar: The neighbor's cat.
Name: From the Right Said Fred song "I'm too sexy", where he says "I'm too sexy for my cat", edited to fit my situation. I do not feed or shelter the cat (he is not mine) so although we love each other, he thinks I'm cheap.
Avatar: Sunset view from our condo in Cozumel.

Name: What I'd rather be doing.

Signature: We are where we are largely due to our own decisions so no excuse for whining about it.
Name: That's really me. I use it on a lot of forums.

Avatar: none. I should do something about that.

Signature: A little about me and mine.

I realize I could be a lot more creative. I enjoy other people's avatars and signatures, particularly the Calvin and Hobbes. I'll have to work on that.
Name: Gotadimple -- cause I just got one

Avatar: A sculpture at the Olympic Sculpture Garden in downtown Seattle. But it changes

Sig: see name above
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